A wall makes sense to me....

They didn't catch them because of the wall. They went right over it. Over 100 people.

They caught them with technology. Which is what a smarter, more effective, and more efficient approach to border security would look like.

The wall slowed them down. Stop being foolish.
A wall/barrier/fence isn't 100% effective. But it is better than just nothing but wide open land. So there are parts of the border where some sort of barrier would prevent such easy access of just coming across. It would have to be combined with other technology to monitor any breaches. Or tunnels or ladders to go under or over it.

To say a wall isn't better than just leaving the land open if you want the border secured is nonsense. A wall itself without it constantly being monitorrd would also not be as effective as needed. So a wall by itself is not going to be effective, but it should be a part of overall border security.

I mean are there cheaper things. I suppose you could put land mines, claymores or other explosives out there, but that isn't what we should do nor would any politician dare propose such a thing.
They didn't catch them because of the wall. They went right over it. Over 100 people.

They caught them with technology. Which is what a smarter, more effective, and more efficient approach to border security would look like.

You fool!

The wall assists as part of an overall strategy. Yes you can find a ladder, yes you can tunnel, but it beats walking right in.

I suggest you latte sucking liberals listen to the professionals rather than your stupid ass college professors about border security.

From the video/article:
“I've seen six different presidents at the time that I've been with the Border Patrol and this is the worst crisis that I've seen," he said.”

“Despite some lapses in the wall, Grijalva believes they still work.”

"Operationally I can tell that you without a physical barrier at border patrol we have a very tough time succeeding," he said.
The walls don’t work argument is the dumbest talking point yet. It would mean that all the wall built after democrat and republican approval was done for no reason.

Today’s issue is even more easy to resolve. People keep coming because they think that they can get approval to stay here. The catch and release policy was a horrible idea.

Make it known the laws of the USA. Take away the myth that they can just get asylum
Duh.... they caught them. #wallswork
The goal is to get in to the United States. Immigrants often wait for Border Patrol once in the US. The problem that needs to be addressed is why they come here. Either the US needs to make it less profitable to come illegally to our country or make it easier for those who enter to work legally and above board. The other option is to somehow help the countries they come from build better more stable economies. Regardless of a wall or other border security measures the US employs there will always be ways around it and people who make their living devising ways for immigrants to enter our country.
Duh.... they caught them. #wallswork

Catch and release and asylum are two huge factors. But like everything else, the libs will fight to ensure that both continue. They want open borders and they want power. The two go hand and hand.
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January has been crazy. My aunt unexpectedly passed away and I’m the executor of her estate, which is a f-bomb disaster. Lots of doctor’s appointments for my little girl to try to get her kidney issues normalized and still billing 200 hrs.
Well damn. I hope things normalize for you soon especially for your little girl. We thought you had just abandoned us.
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however; I was doing a google search trying to find info on what the folks who work on the boarder patrolling the area are saying, or asking for.

I can’t find anything other than private land owners saying they don’t want to lose their land, I saw a mayor who didn’t want to see a tacky wall in their backyard, and a few news organizations who are on the left.

I can’t for the life of me find an article or interview where the leaders of the boarder patrol agency talking about what they need.

Has anyone seen or read anything from their view point?

The problem is, Trump doesn't want a border wall, he just wants to be able to say he fulfilled his promise. For a business guy, I would have hoped he would handle this situation like a business. He needs a business case where he outlines where he plans to build the wall, why he needs a wall there, and how much it's going to cost. Trump is handling this like a little kid. You don't ask for the money without knowing the specifics of what you want. I was hoping that Trump was going to run the government more like a business, but I see he has a dictator approach.
So being able to walk right in sounds better to you?

Spending billions on something that is at most an inconvenience and just moves the problem underground or to the ocean is a great idea? Not to mention all the lawsuits from ranchers. The stupid thing won't be anywhere near complete for decades. Honestly it will be a monument to stupidity.
As for the Israeli wall it the geography and scope isn't even close to what Trump is proposing.
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The cartels tunnel rats dig about a 100 feet down. Not sure a wall will stop an adaptable enemy or heck even slow them down.

Yeah...there will still be other ways to get across the border. But I believe it’s estimated to be over 20,000 a month crossing now. Forcing that amount of people to redirect the way they cross I THINK would sevearly deminish that number.

And if you look at with bipartisan and take any emotions out of it, I would think the opinions of the border patrol agents would be the best, they are the subject matter experts.

Someone mentioned a business plan earlier as well. I agree, I’d like to see the map of the areas where people are crossing in large numbers, cost of wall in those areas, and future expectations after wall is built.

You can then evaluate over a 3 to 5 year period to see if it’s doing its job, if it is, we keep it, if not, then we knock it down.

But I feel the only reason we aren’t building is because of polictical reasons, which is a shame imo.
Spending billions on something that is at most an inconvenience and just moves the problem underground or to the ocean is a great idea? Not to mention all the lawsuits from ranchers. The stupid thing won't be anywhere near complete for decades. Honestly it will be a monument to stupidity.
As for the Israeli wall it the geography and scope isn't even close to what Trump is proposing.

The border patrol chief and other high level personnel are advocating for more wall. They are the professionals. They are the experts. What is your background?

As for the ranchers, things like this are always an issue for government projects. Eminent domain is nothing new.
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The border patrol chief and other high level personnel are advocating for more wall. They are the professionals. They are the experts. What is your background?
As for the ranchers, things like this are always an issue for government projects. Eminent domain is nothing new.

I'm not a complete moron who falls for catchy slogans. Just a partial moron.

Wow a government program asking for more money? How about we have studies and gain input from all parties. Instead of just going with a gut feeling that sounds true. Engineers, environmental studies, ranchers, DEA, ICE, border enforcement, coast guard, all reasonable educated parties. Before we start throwing money at something that may not work.
I'm not a complete moron who falls for catchy slogans. Just a partial moron.

Wow a government program asking for more money? How about we have studies and gain input from all parties. Instead of just going with a gut feeling that sounds true. Engineers, environmental studies, ranchers, DEA, ICE, border enforcement, coast guard, all reasonable educated parties. Before we start throwing money at something that may not work.

LOL. To think only a few weeks ago you liberals were hammering Trump for not listening and taking the advice of generals in regards to Syria.
LOL. To think only a few weeks ago you liberals were hammering Trump for not listening and taking the advice of generals in regards to Syria.

You liberals. I'm about as Indy as it comes GOP Iowa state delegate 92 & 96. Don't paint with a board brush. I don't think everything Trump does is terrible corporate rates needed to come down some. Jail reform legislation was a nice start. Talking to North Korea isn't a bad thing. I complain about the stupid things. Paying for tax cuts with more borrowing. The amount of unqualified people in the executive branch. Family members getting high level intelligence. His personal disdain of the legislative process. Acting like Taylor Swift on Twitter. The conflicts in interest with his business dealings.
You liberals. I'm about as Indy as it comes GOP Iowa state delegate 92 & 96. Don't paint with a board brush. I don't think everything Trump does is terrible corporate rates needed to come down some. Jail reform legislation was a nice start. Talking to North Korea isn't a bad thing. I complain about the stupid things. Paying for tax cuts with more borrowing. The amount of unqualified people in the executive branch. Family members getting high level intelligence. His personal disdain of the legislative process. Acting like Taylor Swift on Twitter. The conflicts in interest with his business dealings.

The amount of turnover on his staff and his Twitter obsession is ridiculous.
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The border patrol chief and other high level personnel are advocating for more wall. They are the professionals. They are the experts. What is your background?

As for the ranchers, things like this are always an issue for government projects. Eminent domain is nothing new.

So you are all about listening to the experts, huh? What is your stance on climate change? Since the experts in that field have reached a near-unanimous consensus that climate change is real and man-made, I presume you also believe that climate change is real and man-made, and that we must take immediate steps to combat it before it is too late?
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So you are all about listening to the experts, huh? What is your stance on climate change? Since the experts in that field have reached a near-unanimous consensus that climate change is real and man-made, I presume you also believe that climate change is real and man-made, and that we must take immediate steps to combat it before it is too late?

No his gut tells him it's junk science.
The problem is, Trump doesn't want a border wall, he just wants to be able to say he fulfilled his promise. For a business guy, I would have hoped he would handle this situation like a business. He needs a business case where he outlines where he plans to build the wall, why he needs a wall there, and how much it's going to cost. Trump is handling this like a little kid. You don't ask for the money without knowing the specifics of what you want. I was hoping that Trump was going to run the government more like a business, but I see he has a dictator approach.

Trump was not a businessman, he was and still is a con artist.

The wall is useless except that it fulfills a racist campaign promise but more importantly, it provided billions of dollars for contractor friends to steal from the government.

Trump handling something like a kid should no longer be a surprise. Most of his public behavior is childlike.
So you are all about listening to the experts, huh? What is your stance on climate change? Since the experts in that field have reached a near-unanimous consensus that climate change is real and man-made, I presume you also believe that climate change is real and man-made, and that we must take immediate steps to combat it before it is too late?

No, their ignorance allows them to pick and choose.