Aaron White article

Great article! Thanks for sharing.

White will go down as one of my all time favorite Hawks, behind only BJ Armstrong. I love his attitude.
What a great article on Aaron. He is truly a great role model and inspiration to all. Can't help but love that kid and so glad he's a Hawkeye! You do us proud Aaron!!
it's easy to cheer for kids like that and this team is full of them. go out in style tomorrow, men. there are a lot of people pulling for you on the court and in your lives after you leave here. Thanks for becoming hawkeyes.
All three seniors have been great teammates on and off the court. They have been good citizens and done all they could to become better players. Whitey and Gabe have exceeded almost everyone's expectations as players.
Agreed, really neat article about AW. makes you appreciate him even more to learn a little about him personally and his inner drive, intelligence and faith. He will be a success in the future.

And you mention Gabe too. Very nice young man and no matter who you are, you have to be touched just a little to know that his mother and two siblings are in US for first time this weekend for his last game in CHA. I'm pretty sure I could not have done that when I was 18-22 years old
Twindman, you beat me to the punch, this is a great article. After reading the article this morning I have nothing but respect for Aaron. He is a hard working, dedicated and a religious young man. I am proud he is a Hawkeye.

Interesting to read how his girl friend and family try to keep him off twitter when he has an off game. Shame on those who berate this young man, ever! Good for Aaron, his girlfriend is smart and good looking - a lethal combination.

Hoping he goes out in style tomorrow. Great to read about the bond he and Gabe have developed.
That one article took up nearly all the first three pages of the sports section today. Hard to believe Randy Peterson allowed that. Great article.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
What a great article on a great young man and Hawkeye

White will be missed. He's really helped Fran turn this mess around. I hope he can lead this team into making some REAL noise in the NCAA's. God bless him and his soon to be young wife. Lucky young man.
Originally posted by kellerm:
That one article took up nearly all the first three pages of the sports section today. Hard to believe Randy Peterson allowed that. Great article.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
LOL, Yeah ole Randy gets the pages, many stories seem to be about nothing
You cannot help but cheer for a kid like that. In my mind White has been important to Fran in his efforts to turn around Iowa basketball as Lester was to Olson. He might not be an All-American like Ronnie, but his value to the team cannot be overstated. Thank you Aaron White.
Re: What a great article on a great young man and Hawkeye

Originally posted by StormHawk42:
Check out this one on Olaseni. Damn, gonna miss him too.
Thanks for that. Its nice to know that these guys really are a family as a team and have each other's backs. Gabe has been a great Hawkeye, going to miss him too. The irony of Fran's first real class is that White and Olaseni had very little accolades coming in and have been great whereas Oglesby was a top 125(?) player and has underachieved.