I posted his injury stuff on the page after I noticed that he had made everything public on social media….figured it was safe to do at that point. Yes, he was injured this year.
Tbh all the stuff with the shirts confuses me as well and I honestly have no idea If anything changed with last year’s shirt situation following the changes made by the NCAA in redshirt rules (not to toot my own horn, but I got 2000 people to sign that petition I wrote to change those rules last year before I turned it in… one month later, the rules were changed. 😎)… I don’t know if it’s a medical or regular shirt he used this year… I try to ask him as few questions about stuff like that as possible because he doesn’t need the additional stress. I just know he wants to heal up for next year because he is hellbent on making a push for bringing home hardware next year… and he feels as if he gives himself the best chance to accomplish this if he were to get surgery on something that he was injured last summer at WTT. He tried his best to recover from it this season, but his body did not cooperate, so he officially decided to use a shirt and get fixed up to go all or nothing next season. I love where his head is at with it. He’s grown a lot mentally since coming to Iowa, that’s for sure.
There is a narrative that certain people like to push in regards to how or why Iowa wrestlers get injured more than guys from other schools… I’m not saying that I think this claim is true at all, for I feel it is exaggerated by many wrestling fans who state this… just saying that a person would have to be blindfolded to not notice these claims. It’s common to see someone question the training regimen at Iowa and the effects on an athlete’s body… I have no opinion regarding this, for who in the world am I to say that guys get injured at Iowa because they train too hard when I’ve never stepped foot in that room myself? I personally think people go overboard with that… I think there has been a lot of bad luck with Iowa wrestlers and injuries. and in Brennan’s case, I can say with 100% certainty that he didn’t get injured due to ANYTHING that had to do with the way they are trained at Iowa. In fact, Brennan got injured from a situation that I feel Iowa wrestlers experience moreso than other guys, yet it’s conveniently never mentioned… and that’s the higher than average amount of cheapshots that Iowa wrestlers take from opponents in comparison to other guys… presumably because they are Hawkeyes and some opponents genuinely hate them on a personal level because of it. Call me crazy, but it does happen… and Brennan is proof of it. He got injured at WTT last summer because of this guy who is actually a World Champ in Jiu Jitsu who wrestles at Little Rock IMO, INTENTIONALLY tried hurting him (and succeeded)… This kid straight-up tried ripping Brennan’s arm out of his socket… had an overhook and made it blatantly obvious that he was trying to hurt him. That final “wrench” he clamped in was unnecessary and hurt him. None of us 4 brothers have EVER had someone pull something as dirty as what this dude pulled on him. And as a world champ jiu jitsu guy as well as D1 wrestler, NOBODY can convince me that this dirtball didn’t do it on purpose. He knew EXACTLY what he was doing and mission accomplished… he hurt him. Hurt him bad. However, if winning the match was part of his mission, he failed that one… because Brennan ended up still beating him by a couple points and proceeded to win 4-5 more matches to place 3rd AFTER that dude hurt him. I don’t think anyone realized the extent of the injury until they got back to Iowa and got it X-rayed because he did so well after it was injured.
Anyways, this is a Hawkeye injury that 100% FOR SURE was NOT due to overtraining, but from taking a cheapshot from an opponent. And given the fact that the Iowa team can’t even shake hands with certain squads without someone starting a fight with them after a meet, it wouldn’t surprise me at all if Brennan was one of multiple Hawkeyes who have suffered an injury at the hands of an opponent who cheapshotted them a bit more blatantly than they would someone else who wasn’t wearing a Hawkeye singlet. These things never get factored in to these discussions. People want to give Iowa wrestlers the reputation they do of being “chippy,” but they never acknowledge how much more BS the common Iowa wrestler has to put up with compared to guys from other schools, simply because they are from Iowa.