Absolutely Embarrassing

These are the sorts of losses that are very difficult to overcome to get into the tournament. just a boat anchor on the metrics. Could be a long winter, and I'm usually not one to react to individual games. But this is not losing to a bad Georgia Tech team, which at least has some P5 quality athletes. This is one of the worst teams in all of Division I and Iowa lost to them. At home.
This loss won’t matter as there are many more to come. Might slip into the NIT but NO ONE CARES ABOUT THE NIT. If we can’t get better talent, just fold the program. It’s ridiculous.
My interest in basketball is dropping fast, just like football has done

In Football, at least we get to see if Labas is the total bust at QB that he has to be to not see the field on the 130th ranked offense out of 131 teams in ncaa football.

I think the deck is stacked against Fran at Iowa, so being a little bit better than mediocre among our peer B1G teams is good but not great coaching.
I didn't watch... I can only assume that the refs screwed Iowa over yet again? Paging Franismydaddy for confirmation.

It's almost like the Hawks really did need those schollies to improve the team that Fran decided to pocket instead. Weird
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Eastern Illinois' (3) wins prior to today:

Saint Mary-Of-The-Woods College (NAIA)
Blackburn (D3)
IUPUI (3-10 on the year)

Eastern Illinois lost to Alabama State, who is 1-10 thus far.
IUPUI is ranked 363 out of 363 in the Kenpoms. Holy good God this keeps looking worse and worse.

Chewing out a team for not playing defense is grounds for being removed from the arena by security?

There has to be more to this story.
I chew on Fran for consistently coaching to poor defense
  • penalizes a player for aggressive defense ( 2 foul tenet)
  • poor interior defense
  • small lineups that can’t play interior D
  • small lineups that can only get outside shots
Richmond last year was only 12 games ago
Wisconsin only 2 games ago.

this agin is the definition of insanity
We have the talent to play defense, and have done it well at points this season.

Our D today was worthy of Fran's chair slam in East Lansing. Embarrassing and unacceptable.

This is Christmas Covid.... Next to medium Covid it is one of the worst variants that could hit a team.
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Reactions: CookyMonster
Eastern Illinois' (3) wins prior to today:

Saint Mary-Of-The-Woods College (NAIA)
Blackburn (D3)
IUPUI (3-10 on the year)

Eastern Illinois lost to Alabama State, who is 1-10 thus far.
FIFY: Saint Mary-Of-The-Woods College of the Blind
Eastern Illinois' (3) wins prior to today:

Saint Mary-Of-The-Woods College (NAIA)
Blackburn (D3)
IUPUI (3-10 on the year)

Eastern Illinois lost to Alabama State, who is 1-10 thus far.
Eastern Illinois lost to Alabama State, who is 1-10 thus far.

I am still trying to wrap my head around this statement - serious question did Lick EVER have a loss this horrible? (and yes, asking for a friend) :rolleyes: