When it first started we heard about the death spiral that might hit ACA and make it too expensive. That has been dismissed as untrue by the Obama administration and the kool aid drinkers on the board here, because as every one knows the plan is now wildly successful. I feel we may start to see that become more of a reality soon. Problem 1) This year only about 10 million people will be participating in ACA(The administration predicted in excess of 20 million) Almost all the people in the plan are there because they cannot get insurance any where else. The people who are healthy(and are needed to keep the premiums down) are not signing up.Problem 2) The vaunted non profit heath coops that the Obama administration helped set up to compete with those damn insurance companies are dropping like flies(so far 10 of 23 have died and more on the way.) As those leave the scene there will be less competition and existing plans will have larger premiums, more compressed user networks and higher deductibles. There by making then unaffordable or unattractive to current users The secret is this what BHO aticipated all along because their answer will be universal coverage with a single payer I hope a Republican wins in 2016 but some of me hopes it does not because domestically and internationally this administration is leaving so many problems are going to explode there will not be a lot of good answers
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