Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez-Cortez

I'm sorry... I was watching football. I missed this trainwreck.
That is your loss Trad. She is no dummy. She has a different viewpoint on the function of government but that doesn't mean it is wrong....and it may mean more on what government looks like in the future. I would expect your to believe she is a "trainwreck"....but that is about all you got any way.
she is like Trump in that her base is very loyal but once the public funds about the costs of her programs, it will turn off the voters her cause needs
She gets a lot of dumb attention. Conservatives and liberals. Dumb attention. She's just something to bicker over.

Of course the liberal "it girl" is going to attract some dumb conservative attention. (of course the inverse would be true, too)

And of course the media -- either side -- will capitalize on it... which will only help to generate more dumb attention.
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She gets a lot of dumb attention. Conservatives and liberals. Dumb attention. She's just something to bicker over.

Of course the liberal "it girl" is going to attract some dumb conservative attention. (of course the inverse would be true, too)

And of course the media -- either side -- will capitalize on it... which will only help to generate more dumb attention.
Solid. Good. Now figure out how to type an em dash.
Another few things-
Most Americans approve the new NAFTA
the USA left NATO? Disingenuous. Trump wants NATO countries to pay up, Americans approve.
Vet, not ban Muslims. Kick out Muslims who enter illegally
Southern border, but ibgry what you're talking about.
Americans approve. Let others pay their fair share and we can talk.
See previous post
It wasn't just vetting muslims. He wanted to ban muslims from coming to the US. I know it seems crazy, but that is what he called for.
We conservatives have been told that she is insignificant so why is she on 60 minutes. I keep hearing she is young, so we should listen to her?

Her ideas, if implemented, will lead to a huge divide. Other people's money only lasts so long.
What policies of Trump was everyone saying they hated while calling him an Orange turd? Same goes for Boehner for that matter? All of those people hate men, you're saying?
Probably latent homophobia. They hate sissy men who cry and wear to much make up.
Interview on 60 Minutes tonight. Contrary to the knee jerk reaction from the right that wil inevitably occur, it wasn’t a puff piece and they hit her pretty hard on her stance in some issues.

All in all she came off as intelligent, well-versed in the issues, and believable. I understand why the right is scared to death of her.
I didn't see the 60 Minutes piece, but I'd bet dollars to donuts that CBS gave her the questions well in advance of the interview, giving her (and her team) plenty of time to construct cogent answers.
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The right wing media strikes back with some hard hitting journalism.

I didn't see the 60 Minutes piece, but I'd bet dollars to donuts that CBS gave her the questions well in advance of the interview, giving her (and her team) plenty of time to construct cogent answers.

Not only that, but I'd guess they also told her when they'd push back, allowing her to give short answers first and then discuss further after Cooper pressed her.

Frankly, if any politician were to agree to that type of interview, I'd expect they'd ask for the topics in advance to at least have answers ready. But in this case where you have a new darling from the left, you know for sure the left-leaning press set it all up from the start.
She gets a lot of dumb attention. Conservatives and liberals. Dumb attention. She's just something to bicker over.

Of course the liberal "it girl" is going to attract some dumb conservative attention. (of course the inverse would be true, too)

And of course the media -- either side -- will capitalize on it... which will only help to generate more dumb attention.
Totally agree. I have intentionally paid almost no attention to her, given that she is merely a freshman member of Congress from a district other than my own who hasn't done anything yet. I might start paying attention once she develops a track record in the House. In the meantime, all the attention given to her by both sides is silly.
Not only that, but I'd guess they also told her when they'd push back, allowing her to give short answers first and then discuss further after Cooper pressed her.

Frankly, if any politician were to agree to that type of interview, I'd expect they'd ask for the topics in advance to at least have answers ready. But in this case where you have a new darling from the left, you know for sure the left-leaning press set it all up from the start.

I like how you guys hate the mainstream media because of stuff you conjecture they have done on no evidence.

All part of our post-fact era.
So if I say she's unlikable I hate women?

There are posts on here stating that she is good since she is not an ugly old white guy. Wendy is against that I am certain.

What is funny is that people think that everyone is treated only on what level of intelligence and abilities.
I love this girl.

And I love Bernie. (Sure, his people harass women too, but they own it.)

SOCIALISM BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!! No work and lots of free shit.

I can't believe I started working at age 12. What a wasted life!!! :mad::mad::mad::mad:
I like how you guys hate the mainstream media because of stuff you conjecture they have done on no evidence.

All part of our post-fact era.

I get why you think this. I really do.

Maybe read the piece about the NY Times editor who said she was sick of the anti-Republican biases to get an idea of how this stuff actually does happen.
Trump was being called names before he stated one stance. You know...part of the "Clown Bus". But yeah...let's make sure you have all of AOC's insane policies down before you call her a crazy idiot that can't answer questions about her own positions.
Birther BS
Cheating contractors
Using foundation as personal piggy bank
Trump U
"Nobody knows more than me about...(insert literally ANY topic)"

Keep slurping up the Trump sewage.

We conservatives have been told that she is insignificant so why is she on 60 minutes. I keep hearing she is young, so we should listen to her?

Her ideas, if implemented, will lead to a huge divide. Other people's money only lasts so long.

Anderson Cooper: "How are you going to pay for all of this?"

AOC: "No one asks how we're going to pay for the Space Force. No one asked how we paid for a $2 trillion tax cut. We only ask how we pay for it on issues of housing, healthcare and education."

The only thing I don't like about her...she didn't call Trump an MFer.
I get why you think this. I really do.

Maybe read the piece about the NY Times editor who said she was sick of the anti-Republican biases to get an idea of how this stuff actually does happen.

How do you make the leap from a former editor at the NYT claiming the paper has become excessively anti-Trump, to CBS is going to basically script an interview with any Democratic politician? You can't use evidence of bias as license to reject everything from any mainstream media outlet and project the worst possible behavior from every mainstream journalist.
Anderson Cooper: "How are you going to pay for all of this?"

AOC: "No one asks how we're going to pay for the Space Force. No one asked how we paid for a $2 trillion tax cut. We only ask how we pay for it on issues of housing, healthcare and education."

The only thing I don't like about her...she didn't call Trump an MFer.

I'm confused as to why you're ok with her answer? The only reason I can come up with is you agree with her that nobody (Ds nor Rs) seem to care about how we're going to pay for things. So therefore, her own financial-disaster of a plan is somehow ok? If she's truly some new breed of politician, I'd like to see her actually adopt real leadership instead of saying "well, you know, nobody else leads well, so here I am doing it poorly too!"
How do you make the leap from a former editor at the NYT claiming the paper has become excessively anti-Trump, to CBS is going to basically script an interview with any Democratic politician? You can't use evidence of bias as license to reject everything from any mainstream media outlet and project the worst possible behavior from every mainstream journalist.

You posted that I had no evidence of any bias. I'm pretty sure you can scroll up and read exactly that quote, but in case you don't have the energy. I made your original words the same color in case that helps to spot it.

I like how you guys hate the mainstream media because of stuff you conjecture they have done on no evidence.

All part of our post-fact era.
You posted that I had no evidence of any bias. I'm pretty sure you can scroll up and read exactly that quote, but in case you don't have the energy. I made your original words the same color in case that helps to spot it.

I did not say you have no evidence of bias. I said you have no evidence regarding your "guess" about the 60 Minutes interview:

"Not only that, but I'd guess they also told her when they'd push back, allowing her to give short answers first and then discuss further after Cooper pressed her."

There is no evidence for this. You simply act as if because you can find evidence of bias in the media you have license to propose bad behavior -- and very specific bad behavior -- regarding anything that suits you.
I'm confused as to why you're ok with her answer? The only reason I can come up with is you agree with her that nobody (Ds nor Rs) seem to care about how we're going to pay for things. So therefore, her own financial-disaster of a plan is somehow ok? If she's truly some new breed of politician, I'd like to see her actually adopt real leadership instead of saying "well, you know, nobody else leads well, so here I am doing it poorly too!"

So tax cuts for the rich and stock buy backs good... housing, healthcare and education bad. That pretty much sums up the difference between left and right. There is much more than that but that's a great example.
I did not say you have no evidence of bias. I said you have no evidence regarding your "guess" about the 60 Minutes interview:

"Not only that, but I'd guess they also told her when they'd push back, allowing her to give short answers first and then discuss further after Cooper pressed her."

There is no evidence for this. You simply act as if because you can find evidence of bias in the media you have license to propose bad behavior -- and very specific bad behavior -- regarding anything that suits you.

That's fair and I'd expect NOTHING LESS OF YOU, honestly... Which brings us right back to where we were at the beginning of this exchange. I can understand why you feel that way - after all, nobody from the left wants to admit it. I'm done giving the mainstream media the benefit of the doubt because my eyes are open to the bias.