Alito spoke with Trump before president-elect asked Supreme Court to delay his sentencing

From what I heard Trump called Alito. There's nothing like getting your hand-picked MAGA justices in line before they decide tomorrow on Trump's sentencing issue. So much for the SC acting independently.
Ethics are not a problem here….neither man has them. And neither man’s offices are bound by ethics, either.
Also wtf is SCOTUS doing making an emergency ruling like this? They tooks the better part of a year making rulings when dragging them out suited Trump. Now suddenly they can make rulings in just a few days when it benefits Trump? This is why trust in the court is at an all time low.
Remember when Rs pitched an endless fit when Obama's AG met with Bill Clinton on a tarmac?
Yes, why yes I do.
The corruption reaches from local election offices to the epicenter of “justice”, the Supreme Court. What an epic failure of an entire of one of the three legs of US governance. A case study in influence buying at the highest level hiding in plain sight. This shit will take decades to cleanse of the trash embedded there.
MFers don’t even bother to hide it anymore, rather they relish ramming it down the throats of the citizenry…
Many of whom openly cheer for mean spirited pay back for imagined slights that will result in their loss of finances and social nets.
Let it burn, bitches. Let it burn.
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Our system of government is beyond corrupt now and the Democrats aren’t even trying to fight. It’s over. What we know and love in America is about to be finished…as predicted. It’s sooooo hard not to be infuriated with Trump voters and those who didn’t vote at all.
Democracy only works if the vast majority want to make it work. We're past that point now.
Our system of government is beyond corrupt now and the Democrats aren’t even trying to fight. It’s over. What we know and love in America is about to be finished…as predicted. It’s sooooo hard not to be infuriated with Trump voters and those who didn’t vote at all.
That's a little extreme thinking imo.
Our system of government is beyond corrupt now and the Democrats aren’t even trying to fight. It’s over. What we know and love in America is about to be finished…as predicted. It’s sooooo hard not to be infuriated with Trump voters and those who didn’t vote at all.
Keep the faith. There are many groups of legal eagles with money that are ready to file lawsuits on all kinds of this crap. The aclu and other organizations will try to stop illegal crap. Sometimes the aclu comes down on weird sides of a legal matter but it is to protect certain groups. The never trumpers and other groups along with Dem legal groups will keep fighting.

We need to be ready to go picket and scream at Repub congress people about various crap they try to pull.

In trump's first term there were a lot of large groups that protested in front of congress people about the attack on the affordable care act and thank god Sen John McCain had the guts to point that thumb down.
It’s not like Alito could just write a letter of recommendation for this guy. Trump certainly couldn’t put his questions in writing.

The best way to handle this was an off the record phone call the day before Trump filed.
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I hope he's wrong but it's hard not to think he's right when the President-elect makes a phone call to a Supreme Court Justice hours before that same Justice is set to rule on a case that the President-elect is a defendant in and it barely makes a mention in the news cycle.
I want to be wrong but I am listening to them. They aren’t fooling me. I know what they want to do.
Our system of government is beyond corrupt now and the Democrats aren’t even trying to fight. It’s over. What we know and love in America is about to be finished…as predicted. It’s sooooo hard not to be infuriated with Trump voters and those who didn’t vote at all.
I conceded this a long time ago.

And FTR, Democrats aren’t exactly innocent. They benefit plenty from this farce of a system.
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