All in The Family/Jeffersons Live

yeah they almost acted like they didn't rehearse it emough. Like a bad Saturday night live sketch. Woody was totally not right for that but tomei did fairly good. They needed a bald older white guy who was rotund like a George costanza

Larry David. He’s not rotund but he could play the part of an old grumpy white guy.
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It was great, the actors did a really good job. Really hard to believe they were touching on the same issues as today over 45 years ago. All in the family feels like it was ahead of it's time for a TV show.
New HROT rule proposal - If the original thread is NOT on Page 1, Pepsi should not be declared UNLESS the original post is more than a day old.

If it falls off Page 1 in less than 24 hours, that means it had a crappy headline or crappy body copy. A second thread with a better/more engaging headline is actually an improvement and can lead to better discussion.

Can I get a second for this motion?
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Larry David. He’s not rotund but he could play the part of an old grumpy white guy.
A Jewish Archie Bunker would have been hilarious.

I thought Woody did a good job of imitating Carrol O'Connor's mannerisms and speech patterns, but those character beats were SO iconic, and so much because of O'Connor's mastery of the Archie Bunker character, that it was inevitable it would feel odd. I think Woody did an admirable job in an impossible situation, if that makes sense.
It was great, the actors did a really good job. Really hard to believe they were touching on the same issues as today over 45 years ago. All in the family feels like it was ahead of it's time for a TV show.
Or, American society is slipping backward.

That would be my vote.

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