Already got banned by BWI.

I have done plenty to earn my spot there. None of it related to this thread or this message board. Your special kind of reaction indicates that when I get there that you will have a special section with the other deniers. You know the kind of people that even prisoners can't stand, the people that either molested children, allowed it to o on, covered it up or denied that facts in the case where it occurred. Feel free to find any inaccuracies in my posts and list them, heck I think I even used Joe P

That doesn't look good for you. If he is all that and he is owning you in this thread well that makes you... hell not sure there are words for that

Enjoy the heat from Gehenna.
Lasch isn't on campus, huh? Keep telling yourself that, maybe it'll make it true.
How is it you find yourself with a screen name representing one of the worst scum bag, cheating Universities, while defending the pedophile enablers from another Universitiy? Just unlucky, I guess?

Nothing happened there idiot, by the "victim's" own admission. Now go shit.
Nothing PennLive clown.
LMFAO @ you, pedo boy! All those victims of sexual assault could have been saved from the Tickler, if only Joe/Spanier/Curly/Shultz had a shred or human decency. They are convicts or rotting in Hell.
I wouldn't be surprised to learn that Dean Cheat was didling the retards he greased through AFAM.
The ol "liar liar pants on fire" defense. Exhibited to the nth degree in this thread.

They will break out the "I know you are but what am i?" When that fails it is the "I am rubber, you are glue" response. You are welcome for saving him the effort.
Well you are a known liar.
How is Jerry's appeal coming along? About the same speed as the Paterno Family lawsuit? I cannot wait until they get Mike McQuery on the stand! They are going to rip him to shreds! When does the trial start?
How is Jerry's appeal coming along? About the same speed as the Paterno Family lawsuit? I cannot wait until they get Mike McQuery on the stand! They are going to rip him to shreds! When does the trial start?

When will you start telling the truth, PennLive idiot?