Amber alert

Four in the morning and my phone starts making that sound that they do on tv for the warning system. It's an amber alert. I mean I get it, but wouldn't a text suffice, as opposed to this foghorn waking me up? I mean if I'm awake, I'll know I've received a text. If I'm sleeping it's not like I can do anything, so isn't the sole purpose to wake me up? This happen to anyone else or is just my provider, T mobile?
Just a little info. Heard the same warning this morning. scared the hell out of me, have an i phone 4s. , Knew their was no bad weather in the area. My wife who was awake looked at the amber alert and noticed it was from jefferson, where we lived 2004=2012. She sent a text to our daughter who lives in tokyo, graduated 2010 about it. Turned out it was a friend of hers from high school. Really is a small world. Was taking my wife from iowa city to o'hare when my daughter texted kids wre al right.
Just a little info. Heard the same warning this morning. scared the hell out of me, have an i phone 4s. , Knew their was no bad weather in the area. My wife who was awake looked at the amber alert and noticed it was from jefferson, where we lived 2004=2012. She sent a text to our daughter who lives in tokyo, graduated 2010 about it. Turned out it was a friend of hers from high school. Really is a small world. Was taking my wife from iowa city to o'hare when my daughter texted kids wre al right.

Who the F cares?

I think that is literally the stupidest story that anyone has ever posted on this site.