America is not morally superior to Russia..

I'm pretty sure there have been a lot more than 47 armed conflicts not started by the US since 1945.

Would like to see that list on how we got to 201 and the rest of the world is only at 47.
What difference does that make? You live in the country that is the world's biggest terrorist.
Can any of you imagine the splitting of spleens that would have occurred if Barack Obama had said what Trump did?
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You know the GOP has gone "full retard" when Trump supporters are now arguing that the US is a greater threat to world peace than Russia. And STILL claiming to be the "real" patriots. SMH.
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Can any of you imagine the splitting of spleens that would have occurred if Barack Obama had said what Trump did?

Didn't Obama push the Red Reset Button, through Hillary? Why did he love Putin?
You know the GOP has gone "full retard" when Trump supporters are now arguing that the US is a greater threat to world peace than Russia. And STILL claiming to be the "real" patriots. SMH.

We should have a ceremonial lowering of the flag lapel pins...
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You know the GOP has gone "full retard" when Trump supporters are now arguing that the US is a greater threat to world peace than Russia. And STILL claiming to be the "real" patriots. SMH.
US - really the biggest threat?

The US was the overwhelming choice (24% of respondents) for the country that represents the greatest threat to peace in the world today. This was followed by Pakistan (8%), China (6%), North Korea, Israel and Iran (5%). Respondents in Russia (54%), China (49%) and Bosnia (49%) were the most fearful of the US as a threat.

2014 Gallup Poll
US - really the biggest threat?

The US was the overwhelming choice (24% of respondents) for the country that represents the greatest threat to peace in the world today. This was followed by Pakistan (8%), China (6%), North Korea, Israel and Iran (5%). Respondents in Russia (54%), China (49%) and Bosnia (49%) were the most fearful of the US as a threat.

2014 Gallup Poll

That's great, the GOP's opinion of the US now matches that of 24% of the world.
US - really the biggest threat?

The US was the overwhelming choice (24% of respondents) for the country that represents the greatest threat to peace in the world today. This was followed by Pakistan (8%), China (6%), North Korea, Israel and Iran (5%). Respondents in Russia (54%), China (49%) and Bosnia (49%) were the most fearful of the US as a threat.

2014 Gallup Poll

Isn't it odd that people from most of those countries - and others all over the world - fight to come here? Have you investigated moving to Russia...Pakistan...North Korea? Feel free.
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Isn't it odd that people from most of those countries - and others all over the world - fight to come here? Have you investigated moving to Russia...Pakistan...North Korea? Feel free.
Or I can fight an make a difference here. It is tools like you who are fighting for us to become like them. Maybe you should just move to your socialist paradise.
Or I can fight an make a difference here. It is tools like you who are fighting for us to become like them. Maybe you should just move to your socialist paradise.

Or...or...I can stay here and try to get hypocrites like you to leave. Addition by subtraction. You're the ones saying we are like them, dumbass. And those immoral similarities are due to
Or...or...I can stay here and try to get hypocrites like you to leave. Addition by subtraction. You're the ones saying we are like them, dumbass. And those immoral similarities are due to

Gallup is an American polling company, is it not? Why get mad at me? What country has bombed / invaded more than the U.S. the past 8 years?

Gallup is an American polling company, is it not? Why get mad at me? What country has bombed / invaded more than the U.S. the past 8 years?

Beats me, I'm opposed to that crap. And I'm sorry you feel the need for an enema...but it might clear your thinking since your brain appears to be located securely in your hindquarters.
Beats me, I'm opposed to that crap. And I'm sorry you feel the need for an enema...but it might clear your thinking since your brain appears to be located securely in your hindquarters.
No. you're a douchebag Trotskyite. Nor, are you opposed to it as your guy was busy blowing up 7 countries in 8 years. You know the answer. You're the intelligent, resourceful one. They're coming over here because we're bombing everywhere else.
No. you're a douchebag Trotskyite. Nor, are you opposed to it as your guy was busy blowing up 7 countries in 8 years. You know the answer. You're the intelligent, resourceful one. They're coming over here because we're bombing everywhere else.

I've been saying that for years. Many years. And before it was "my guy" it was "his guy" and "her guy" and "YOUR guy". So drop the moral superiority here. Or are you going to claim you've never voted for a major party candidate?
I've been saying that for years. Many years. And before it was "my guy" it was "his guy" and "her guy" and "YOUR guy". So drop the moral superiority here. Or are you going to claim you've never voted for a major party candidate?
Ok. So, you don't want to answer.
Man, you are one f'd up person.
The past 40 years have seen the United States become home to more prisoners than any other country in the world. Yet despite this dramatic boom in incarceration rates, a new report finds that the deterrent effect of tough-on-crime policies remain “highly uncertain.”

The report, published Wednesday by the National Research Council, describes the rise of incarceration in America as “historically unprecedented and internationally unique.” It found that from 1973 to 2009, the prison population grew from about 200,000 to approximately 2.2 million. With this spike, the U.S. now holds close to a quarter of the world’s prisoners, even though it accounts for just 5 percent of the global population.
Man, you are one f'd up person.

US spending three times more on prisons than schools: Federal report

07 JUL 2016 AT 18:21 ET


Man in prison (Shutterstock)

U.S. state and local spending on prisons and jails grew at three times the rate of spending on schools over the last 33 years as the number of Americans behind bars ballooned under a spate of harsh sentencing laws, a government report released Thursday said.

U.S. Secretary of Education John King said the report’s stark numbers should make state and local governments reevaluate their spending priorities and channel more money toward education.

Between 1979 and 2012, state and local government expenditures grew by 107 percent to $534 billion from $258 billion for elementary and secondary education, while corrections spending rose by 324 percent to $71 billion from $17 billion, the U.S. Department of Education report found.

In that same period, the population of state and local corrections facilities surged more than four-fold to nearly 2.1 million from around 467,000, more than seven times the growth rate of the U.S. population overall. The prison population shot up following the widespread adoption of mandatory minimum sentence laws in the 1990s.
Who incarcerates more than the U.S.?

No one as a percentage of population. Does "our prison system IS a total disaster" escape you somehow? You ready to invest in a 21st century prison system that models one like Norway's? You ready to put your money where your rather large mouth is?
Answer what? You asked no question. You simply built a strawman and claimed moral superiority over your own creation. I'll ask a question - have you ever voted for a major party candidate?
What country has bombed / invaded more than the U.S. the past 8 years? I asked that. You said beats me. You know it, Smart guy. Answer it. Quid pro quo.
No one as a percentage of population. Does "our prison system IS a total disaster" escape you somehow? You ready to invest in a 21st century prison system that models one like Norway's? You ready to put your money where your rather large mouth is?
I'm willing to NOT have the system you espouse that makes criminals of free citizens> But, your girl Hill and Bill passed the racist, mandatory minimums that overwhelmingly jails people of color. The prison industrial complex were the big donors to the Clintons. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it.
I'm willing to NOT have the system you espouse that makes criminals of free citizens> But, your girl Hill and Bill passed the racist, mandatory minimums that overwhelmingly jails people of color. The prison industrial complex were the big donors to the Clintons. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it.

WTF are you talking about? Those were passed by Congress you f'n dope - take a civics class. And over MY objections. Have you ever voted for a major party candidate? Quit dodging the question. And stick that up your pipe.

Are you ready to spend the money to modernize the prison system...yes or no?
WTF are you talking about? Those were passed by Congress you f'n dope - take a civics class. And over MY objections. Have you ever voted for a major party candidate? Quit dodging the question. And stick that up your pipe.

Are you ready to spend the money to modernize the prison system...yes or no?
They weren't signed into law and pushed by the Clintons? Or, do laws just go into effect by Congressional decree now? You reek of douchebaggery.

I wasn't dodging your question. I was waiting for you to answer mine. I asked you twice so far and I'm still waiting.
They weren't signed into law and pushed by the Clintons? Or, do laws just go into effect by Congressional decree now? You reek of douchebaggery.

I wasn't dodging your question. I was waiting for you to answer mine. I asked you twice so far and I'm still waiting.

Do you understand what "passed" means? So who passed the mandatory sentencing laws?

As for who bombed the most countries, I honestly have no idea. I would suspect it's the US...but I also suspect that's likely true for any 8 year time period you wish to carve out going back decades. So have you ever voted for a major party candidate?
Do you understand what "passed" means? So who passed the mandatory sentencing laws?

As for who bombed the most countries, I honestly have no idea. I would suspect it's the US...but I also suspect that's likely true for any 8 year time period you wish to carve out going back decades. So have you ever voted for a major party candidate?
Asked and answered...Clinton. Should I type slower?

You're resourceful. I want to see you post it. You're damn right it was Obama. That's the whole crux of this thread. So, you rip me for pointing it out. Tool.

I've NEVER voted for a major candidate.
Asked and answered...Clinton. Should I type slower?

You're resourceful. I want to see you post it. You're damn right it was Obama. That's the whole crux of this thread. So, you rip me for pointing it out. Tool.

I've NEVER voted for a major candidate.

The president can't pass anything. Try again. The president can only sign or veto legislation that has been passed by Congress. Basic stuff, really. Grade school. And you vote third party for your representative and senators? And you vote for the greater of two evils for president? Every time? Got some bad aren't changing a damn thing in this country. You've opted out.

And can you give a an eight year time period where the US wasn't involved in multiple conflicts? Can you give me an eight year period where another country bombed more countries than the US? Your conceit is pretending this is some unique situation and Obama is "the one who must not be named". i oppose the drone program. I opposed the war in Iraq. I opposed the war in Afghanistan. I'm a Quaker - I oppose ALL armed conflict. It's a thing we do. I'm also not an idiot who pretends it's not going to occur.
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The president can't pass anything. Try again. The president can only sign or veto legislation that has been passed by Congress. Basic stuff, really. Grade school. And you vote third party for your representative and senators? And you vote for the greater of two evils for president? Every time? Got some bad aren't changing a damn thing in this country. You've opted out.

And can you give a an eight year time period where the US wasn't involved in multiple conflicts? Can you give me an eight year period where another country bombed more countries than the US? Your conceit is pretending this is some unique situation and Obama is "the one who must not be named". i oppose the drone program. I opposed the war in Iraq. I opposed the war in Afghanistan. I'm a Quaker - I oppose ALL armed conflict. It's a thing we do. I'm also not an idiot who pretends it's not going to occur.
Did the president sign into law mandatory minimums, you semantic douchebag?

Our election system is a sham put on full display with the nomination process. Sorry, I'm way ahead of the curve on this. Who did you vote for?