Americans have no idea what Saudi Arabia is like...

I'm sure this guy will get real tough with the Saudis to free them...
It is exactly how I pictured Saudi and I am guessing the other countries in the region are even worse.
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I wouldn’t sell That country a sling shot much less jet fighters.

Going to nice in 10-15 years when electric cars destroy that country’s economy. Civil war is in their future. A bloody one not just a political one.

I know they want to diversify their economy but that will never happen when creativity and freedom are crushed by religious nuts.
Actually, the Wahhabi/Salafist rhetoric they push was indeed behind 9/11.
OBL specifically chose mostly Saudi nationals for the attacks because he was angry that 1) the Saudi government had booted him out of the country and froze his assets, and 2) the Saudi government allowed coalition forces to use Saudi soil as a base of operations during the Gulf War.
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OBL specifically chose mostly Saudi nationals for the attacks because he was angry that 1) the Saudi government had booted him out of the country and froze his assets, and 2) the Saudi government allowed coalition forces to use Saudi soil as a base of operations during the Gulf War.

Again....Wahhabi/Salafist rhetoric, specifically endorsed by and pushed by the Saudi regime, was behind 9/11, and is behind much of the Sunni-related terrorist attacks on the West.
It surprises me that so many Americans are just now learning of the cruelty of foreign regimes.

As an aside, this is one reason why so many of us on the right worry about what's happening with our mainstream media. Things get really ugly when the media all agree with one side.
bush said they were . they said they were. everyone said they were

"Everyone" as in..."no one except Alex Jones disciples"? The joint congressional commission report said in the 28 pages that Bush had sealed that there's no proof that S.A. had anything to do with it. Same thing goes for the CIA report. So...everyone other than the people who investigated it, I guess.
Again....Wahhabi/Salafist rhetoric, specifically endorsed by and pushed by the Saudi regime, was behind 9/11, and is behind much of the Sunni-related terrorist attacks on the West.
I agree that the ideology and rhetoric contributed to the anti-American fervor. But my point is that the Saudi government was not involved in the planning or execution of the attacks.
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Where? I think you’re inventing a narrative again.

The drum beat starts very softly and is often introduced via a planting of a seed like: "Americans Have No Idea What Saudi Arabia is like..." in whispers "and we should kill them".

You didn't hear the second part but it is there if you really listen.
United States foreign policy has always been about spreading trade, industry, and economic opportunities.

Spreading our form of Democracy is a distant second.
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The drum beat starts very softly and is often introduced via a planting of a seed like: "Americans Have No Idea What Saudi Arabia is like..." in whispers "and we should kill them".

You didn't hear the second part but it is there if you really listen.
At least you admit you invented your narrative.
I agree that the ideology and rhetoric contributed to the anti-American fervor. But my point is that the Saudi government was not involved in the planning or execution of the attacks.

You say Saudi government as though that actually exists. It's an absolute monarchy of one man guided by their constitution (i.e. the Qu'ran) as interpreted by the most radical fundamentalist of viewpoints. We should have isolated ourselves from that so called "government" decades ago. The brutality of that society may be unparalleled in our modern times, with very few exceptions.
Name calling is mean and against the rules. unIowa and Fran will surely say something.
United States foreign policy has always been about spreading trade, industry, and economic opportunities.

Spreading our form of Democracy is a distant second.

Seems like we're going on 30 years of spreading war, destroying nations, and using sanctions to restrict trading.
Median American age is 36 years old. Soon it's all most of us will have known our whole lives.
Median age in the countries we bomb is lower. For them the idea that American foreign policy has 'always been about spreading trade, industry, and economic opportunities' is a murderous lie.