..and now back to Football..Wednesday!!


HR Legend
Sep 1, 2005
Unfortunately basketball is over. Iowa fans were able to root for the hawks for the entire first weekend of the tournament for the first time in forever. It was nice having Iowa be a late game on Sunday. It kept my interest all weekend.

Now back to the main event which is the saga, the soap opera that is Iowa Football. Practice starts Saturday. When does KF have his first presser? Any insights into what he will say about the QB issue? Does anyone think we will hear a different sounding Coach F this spring since he has re-dedicated himself to the team and away from non-football activities?
Originally posted by SLarew:

Originally posted by N.Legend:

Spring practice doesn't start till Sat? What's the rush.
Wrong. Presser and first practice is Wednesday

Posted from Rivals Mobile
He's a Nebraska fan. For some reason he continues to think this is a Nebraska board. They're a bit....."funny" over there.