And when is some good news coming?

Great wrestling in the NCC back then. We were in your sectional that year. Always tough in Algona.
Clear Lake is the only above average school in that conference for quite a while now. Algona is like Eagle Grove, Emmetsburg, and a few others that have tanked in the last decade.
St Edmond-FD. Algona won state that year. Strohman, Thorn, Peterson (sp).....very good team.

That is right.

line up was
98 - Strohman (qualified)
105 - Bill Hayes (qualified)
112 - John Thorn (2nd to Greg Randall)
119 - John Strohman (3rd)
126 - Bjustrom (qualified)
132 - Miller
138 - Pederson (placed)
145 - Kain
155 - Reidinger
??? - S Petersen (placed)
??? - Ruhnke (qualified, I think)
Hwt - Wilson
Super Hwt - Tom Dole (State Champ)
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There was a few ways his statement could have been taken. I didn't want to assume, so that's why I asked. I took it as he meant all being from Iowa. Yours is also a good diversity breakdown as well.
Goose. Wasn't meant to imply anything about ur statement. :). Just that I didn't want to put words in Dons mouth.
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Was the mall better back when you were a kid?

I had three older sisters and lived in a rural area, If I wanted to get out of the house in the winter as a young boy...I had to go to the MALL.
My buddies who had older brothers were going to the gym and out hunting. But, none of them. AND, I mean NONE OF THEM could color coordinate a tasteful ensemble of clothing better than ME! So... cut me some slack guys...;)
I had three older sisters and lived in a rural area, If I wanted to get out of the house in the winter as a young boy...I had to go to the MALL.
My buddies who had older brothers were going to the gym and out hunting. But, none of them. AND, I mean NONE OF THEM could color coordinate a tasteful ensemble of clothing better than ME! So... cut me some slack guys...;)
Great stuff!
I had three older sisters and lived in a rural area, If I wanted to get out of the house in the winter as a young boy...I had to go to the MALL.
My buddies who had older brothers were going to the gym and out hunting. But, none of them. AND, I mean NONE OF THEM could color coordinate a tasteful ensemble of clothing better than ME! So... cut me some slack guys...;)

So how come Blue and White is all you can do in real life..............
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That is right.

line up was
98 - Strohman (qualified)
105 - Bill Hayes (qualified)
112 - John Thorn (2nd to Greg Randall)
119 - John Strohman (3rd)
126 - Bjustrom (qualified)
132 - Miller
138 - Pederson (placed)
145 - Kain
155 - Reidinger
??? - S Petersen (placed)
??? - Ruhnke (qualified, I think)
Hwt - Wilson
Super Hwt - Tom Dole (State Champ)
Buf, where are you at these days?
I sent Lenny a screenshot of your post, he will ask me.
Those were fun days in the NCC.
Have to give the Clarion folks credit, they are trying hard to get back where they should be and having some success, Rome was not built in a day.
Buf, where are you at these days?
I sent Lenny a screenshot of your post, he will ask me.
Those were fun days in the NCC.
Have to give the Clarion folks credit, they are trying hard to get back where they should be and having some success, Rome was not built in a day.

Iowa and ISU could take notes from Clarion on their recruiting tactics. They are killing it these days.
Buf, where are you at these days?
I sent Lenny a screenshot of your post, he will ask me.
Those were fun days in the NCC.
Have to give the Clarion folks credit, they are trying hard to get back where they should be and having some success, Rome was not built in a day.

Tell Lenny hi! I am farming and live at the homeplace outside of Algona. Is Lenny big in the Farm Bureau? Seems like I see his name in the Farm Bureau Spokesman every now and then.
Iowa and ISU could take notes from Clarion on their recruiting tactics. They are killing it these days.

Algona is making a comeback. It will be slow. A year ago, I think we only had 15 kids out and forfeited about 5 weights. This year, I think I heard we had 28 kids out and every weight full. Top end talent isn't there yet, but youth program is pretty strong.
He is a big Farm Bureau guy, has been for a long time.
Works in Ag Chemical business and plays a lot of golf.
We run into Mike Schimps brother Marty once in a while on a golf course.
Glad to hear Algona is rebuilding would be good to see the NCC strong again.
I'll pass along the greetings.
Thanks. Is Shimp the from Belmond? Is he the one that always beat John Strohman? John got 2nd as a freshman and sophomore and 3rd as a junior & senior.

It was Paul Kreimeyer of Wilton that won Strohman's weight in 79 & 80 (112 then 119)
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As for good news coming. . . . Having had the pleasure of witnessing some of the efforts going on behind the scenes, I'm very confident that there will be a good bit of good news coming down the pike. Not necessarily regarding recruiting (although there certainly could be some of that), but just in terms of the general direction of the program, thanks in large part to the greatest fan base in the history of the sport.
Not sure what happened, but this is turning into a discussion like you would have at the 20 year class reunion. :D

Wish it was only a 20 year class reunion. I will let you get back to the good news coming!