Another cops being cops thread

"I had 12 officers on the scene, and 11 of them performed according to their training. They did an excellent job," he said. "Our citizens called us to a fight in progress and general disturbance at the community pool. We responded. I do not condone the actions of those individuals who violated the rules of community, showed disrespect to the security person on scene, and to the officers who responded. However, we as a department are held to a high standard of action as we do our jobs."
Glad this ended quickly...hoping no lawsuits, suspect one is on the way.

Now forward this ten or twenty years:

"The gated community was having a block picnic when hungry non-residents began climbing fences and grabbing at food. Security personnel fired into the air but to no effect. The police department was called and we responded with thirty or forty officers in riot gear and carrying various non-lethal weapons. Tasers, water hoses, rubber bullets, you know...the nice stuff. One officer lost his cool and began spraying the area with bursts from his UZI, using hollow point rounds. His actions were out of control and he has since resigned.

The department wants to make clear this was not a racially motivated incident, we have a strict policy of 100% economic class distinction. In the end the citizens of the community were protected and those who climbed the fences were captured, tagged and relocated."