Yes I constantly call people names for having a different opinion than I do. Oh wait that’s you.Of course you are, you’ve proven on these boards many times over that you’re a judgmental prick who criticizes anyone who doesn’t follow your moral code ( I don’t think you follow it either, you just like to say you do) and then as you parade around in your self righteousness try to justify your adoration of the most amoral individuals to ever serve in elected office.
You may fool some but you’re not fooling me.
I try to follow the laws in this world unlike you and your similar followers. Unfortunately by me following laws and rules I tend to fall behind financially which I tend to complain about.
I don’t call you names for following all democratic ideas and it’s unfortunate that many on here can’t accept that some people think differently.
One more thought on this op. A few years ago I could t have cared less if a teacher was on only fans. Now having children there’s no way I want my children’s teacher slutting herself out on camera