ANTIFA Says It Will Keep Sending Assassins Until the Job Gets Done

The FBI today confirmed that the message was received through previously established channels allowing contact with the liberal terrorist organization.

Former President Trump, responding on X and Truth Social taunted ANTIFA, saying "GIVE IT YOUR BEST SHOT! I HAVE MORE EARS TO GIVE FOR MY COUNTRY!"

An anonymous member of Trump's inner circle acknowledged that that might not have been the best choice of words, but praised Trump's courage.
On the news The Trumper is quoted as blaming Biden and Harris--their words.
I still haven't gotten over Clinton trolling us on Saddam's WMD.

"People can quarrel with whether we should have more troops in Afghanistan or internationalize Iraq or whatever, but it is incontestable that on the day I left office, there were unaccounted for stocks of biological and chemical weapons."
-- Ex President Bill Clinton, Jul. 22, 2003 (Interview with CNN Larry King)
So . . . Clinton lost track of the WMDs we gave Iraq?

I mean that was always the best argument in favor of Iraq having WMD - "we know because we gave them to him."

We didn't actually five Saddam WMDs, of course, but we certainly gave him lots of weapons and help when he was working for us by attacking Iran.
Dude took a bullet to the head and immediately stood up, raised his fist in the air and walked off. Biden fell up the stairs again the same day then took 3 weeks off for vacation. Trump is built different.
Careful, Scrud. Pissy Pants is gonna blow a gasket if he finds out you also fap to his favorite Trump pic.
You lie like mother ****er. 2 leftist hate mongers.

I have asked for 5 years for someone to show me a goddam ANTIFA.

They've destroyed 3 major cities, killed how many millions of MAGAs and rednecks, raided the Nations's Capitol, and no one has been able to produce a single one. WTF?

Could this be another right-wing nutcase conspiracy?
I have asked for 5 years for someone to show me a goddam ANTIFA.

They've destroyed 3 major cities, killed how many millions of MAGAs and rednecks, raided the Nations's Capitol, and no one has been able to produce a single one. WTF?

Could this be another right-wing nutcase conspiracy?
Are you serious? Lmfao here you go:

Hard to miss this ugly sob

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