Any colonoscopy advice?

Mountain Man Hawk

HB Heisman
Mar 30, 2010
This is my first time doing this and I just discovered that I’m not supposed to eat anything beyond broth and jello all day tomorrow to prepare for the procedure Wednesday morning.

I’ve heard stories about what I’m in for tomorrow night once I start taking the sutab pills so I’m prepared for that to suck but what I wasn’t prepared for the full day beforehand to suck as well.

What do most people do to avoid being super hungry all day the day before? Should I just bring a bunch of broth and jello to work tomorrow?

Any other words of advice?
This is my first time doing this and I just discovered that I’m not supposed to eat anything beyond broth and jello all day tomorrow to prepare for the procedure Wednesday morning.

I’ve heard stories about what I’m in for tomorrow night once I start taking the sutab pills so I’m prepared for that to suck but what I wasn’t prepared for the full day beforehand to suck as well.

What do most people do to avoid being super hungry all day the day before? Should I just bring a bunch of broth and jello to work tomorrow?

Any other words of advice?
Be gentle when wiping bc you'll be doing it a lot. Maybe look into some wet wipes.

If you can do clear hard candy, consider that. Lemon drops, jolly ranchers.

The prep is worse than the procedure.
This is my first time doing this and I just discovered that I’m not supposed to eat anything beyond broth and jello all day tomorrow to prepare for the procedure Wednesday morning.

I’ve heard stories about what I’m in for tomorrow night once I start taking the sutab pills so I’m prepared for that to suck but what I wasn’t prepared for the full day beforehand to suck as well.

What do most people do to avoid being super hungry all day the day before? Should I just bring a bunch of broth and jello to work tomorrow?

Any other words of advice?
It's not that bad. When you are running to the shitter all evening you don't have time to think about being hungry. I'm a two time veteran. Gotta pound down that Prep fluid like it's a cheap tequila shot. Make sure everyone in your house enjoys all of the sounds of squirts and farts. Might as well have fun with it!
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It sucks

Mood Feeling GIF
This is my first time doing this and I just discovered that I’m not supposed to eat anything beyond broth and jello all day tomorrow to prepare for the procedure Wednesday morning.

I’ve heard stories about what I’m in for tomorrow night once I start taking the sutab pills so I’m prepared for that to suck but what I wasn’t prepared for the full day beforehand to suck as well.

What do most people do to avoid being super hungry all day the day before? Should I just bring a bunch of broth and jello to work tomorrow?

Any other words of advice?
Start a thread on HBOT that you enjoy talking about so you will at least enjoy your time on the toilet

Get Tucks pads or preparation H to apply to your butt hole to prevent it from hurting.
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Check the other "don't" list of foods carefully. I almost screwed up the no seeds rule with a granola bar and some popcorn just a few days beforehand.
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This is my first time doing this and I just discovered that I’m not supposed to eat anything beyond broth and jello all day tomorrow to prepare for the procedure Wednesday morning.

I’ve heard stories about what I’m in for tomorrow night once I start taking the sutab pills so I’m prepared for that to suck but what I wasn’t prepared for the full day beforehand to suck as well.

What do most people do to avoid being super hungry all day the day before? Should I just bring a bunch of broth and jello to work tomorrow?

Any other words of advice?
Suck it up wimp. You cant fast for 24 hours, geezuz.

I will be having maybe my 5th or 6th scope job this year (family history).

And I have learned to start eating very light about 3 days ahead of time. the day before my stomach has shrunk some and it is liquids, no problem.

And I sure wish you had to drink the gallon of GoLightly like us oldtimers, pills you say. That liquid was shitting to taste but it cleaned you out.
It's not that bad. When you are running to the shitter all evening you don't have time to think about being hungry. I'm a two time veteran. Gotta pound down that Prep fluid like it's a cheap tequila shot. Make sure everyone in your house enjoys all of the sounds of squirts and farts. Might as well have fun with it!
I didn't think it was that bad either. I was just sipping on the prep. It didn't even taste that bad to me. The one time I actually laughed on the shitter was when I thought I was completely empty and all I did was shift my weight to the other cheek and my body said "nope you're not going anywhere"

And the drugs they give you are fantastic
The prep is the worst part for sure. I did GoLytely. 1 gallon. It is hard to drink a gallon of anything honestly. But it did work. I have the scopes done due to family history of cancer. Lost my father early due to esophageal cancer.

Make sure if they are doing bidirectional endoscopy (esophagus, stomach and colon) that they do the upper one first :) Its an overused joke but kinda funny nonetheless.

The meds they give most people for sedation cause anterograde amnesia (you forget most of what happened after the medication was given and a short period thereafter, usually 6-12 hrs or so)

That was the hard part for me. Not remembering going home after the procedure, or much of anything until the next morning. Just an odd feeling. But beneficial as you can forget all the parts about the procedure that were unpleasant.
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The meds they give most people for sedation cause anterograde amnesia (you forget most of what happened after the medication was given and a short period thereafter, usually 6-12 hrs or so)

That was the hard part for me. Not remembering going home after the procedure, or much of anything until the next morning. Just an odd feeling. But beneficial as you can forget all the parts about the procedure that were unpleasant.
The drugs they gave me, the last thing I remember is the nurse telling me goodnight as she injected them into the IV. Next thing I knew I was waking up in recovery. I remember the drive home but once I got home I had 6 hours of the best sleep I had in a long time
This is my first time doing this and I just discovered that I’m not supposed to eat anything beyond broth and jello all day tomorrow to prepare for the procedure Wednesday morning.

I’ve heard stories about what I’m in for tomorrow night once I start taking the sutab pills so I’m prepared for that to suck but what I wasn’t prepared for the full day beforehand to suck as well.

What do most people do to avoid being super hungry all day the day before? Should I just bring a bunch of broth and jello to work tomorrow?

Any other words of advice?
Add Crystal Light lemonade powder to the drink. Vaseline. I have had 6 of them.
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The drugs they gave me, the last thing I remember is the nurse telling me goodnight as she injected them into the IV. Next thing I knew I was waking up in recovery. I remember the drive home but once I got home I had 6 hours of the best sleep I had in a long time
Last thing I remember thinking, as they turned me onto my left side, was hey I am NOT asleep yet. Then nothing:)
My biggest regret is just not having enough jello. I only made one box. Should have made like 3 or 4.

Otherwise, wet wipes. I would work from home if you can or take PTO during the prep.

People overhype it. I felt great being totally cleaned out. Easy way to lose 5 lbs.
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Also, have a plan for your after food on the way home. Most likely want something to go. Like a BBops burger
My daughter was my designated driver. She was allowed to leave as long as they had her cell number. They told her they would page her 30 minutes before I was ready to be picked up.

There was a pizza place two blocks from the clinic. I gave her $40 and explicit instructions to order a pizza as soon as they texted her and to have it waiting in the car when I got out.

Sure enough, there was no pizza in the car when I got out. It was noon on Monday and I hadn’t eaten anything at all since 9pm Saturday.
My daughter was my designated driver. She was allowed to leave as long as they had her cell number. They told her they would page her 30 minutes before I was ready to be picked up.

There was a pizza place two blocks from the clinic. I gave her $40 and explicit instructions to order a pizza as soon as they texted her and to have it waiting in the car when I got out.

Sure enough, there was no pizza in the car when I got out. It was noon on Monday and I hadn’t eaten anything at all since 9pm Saturday.
What'd she do with your $40?
Last thing I remember thinking, as they turned me onto my left side, was hey I am NOT asleep yet. Then nothing:)
I had knee surgery many years ago and someone told me they have you count backward from 10 so they know you’re out.

When the anesthesiologist informed me he was administering the meds, I said “Is this the part where I count backward from 10?”

The last thing I heard before I woke up in the post-op room was “That won’t be necessary.”
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