Any of you fellas have Skinny Pants Syndrome?


HR King
Gold Member
Jan 30, 2008
I heard this on Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me on NPR this morning. They do a bit where they ask people questions and give two bogus responses, and one correct answer. They are all eyebrow raising. I actually guessed that this is a real thing in response to young men complaining of rashes, feelings of tightness, pain, and some loss of feeling. Who else besides Steven Patrick on HROT has this? Torbee?
Sounds like NPR has succeeded in stripping its male audience of their testosterone. Makes me all warm and fuzzy inside.
Sounds like NPR has succeeded in stripping its male audience of their testosterone. Makes me all warm and fuzzy inside.
I was on the way to the gym when I listened to this segment. I ogled the former Iowa cheerleader on the ellipse machine, talked Cubs talk with the fellas, and threw 135 around on the bench like it was nothing. Nothing wrong with this NPR listeners testosterone.
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I was on the way to the gym when I listened to this segment. I ogled the former Iowa cheerleader on the ellipse machine, talked Cubs talk with the fellas, and threw 135 around on the bench like it was nothing. Nothing wrong with this NPR listeners testosterone.
I was gonna like it until I saw the 135. :)
My vastus medilas muscles are too big for them so skinny jeans look silly as hell on me.
I have the skinny pants syndrome where I love to peel hot chicks out of their skinny jeans. Is that the syndrome we are discussing? If not, sorry.
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The only acceptable HROT answer - I'm so big even loose fit are like skinny jeans on me.

In my case that's valid, and therefore all pants are special-order or tailored.
I wear slim fit, but not skinny. I don't need to be looking like old man Robert wearing Wrangler's at my office.
Dress pants for the most part each day, so skinny jeans are a no go. I do have a couple slim fit Lacoste chinos, but they aren't skinny pants by any means