Anyone else love being a parent but loathe having a newborn?

Always enjoyed newborns, but they are a tremendous amount of work,.. Done with that.
I’ve got 3 kids with number four on the way.

Maybe we’ve just been lucky but I love the newborn stage—all they do is sleep. Plus I get 12 weeks paid paternity leave.

Heck, maybe we’ll have another after this one.
The parents' first 3 weeks of a newborns life:

Loved it when our kids were babies.....both slept through the night at 8 weeks, took naps on a schedule, couldn't walk or crawl and get into stuff, fun to snuggle with on the recliner watching football, etc etc.

Now they are 10 and 12 years old and they bicker and fight non stop, have pre-teen drama and their activities have taken over our lives and it sucks.

So no.....I loved the newborn phase.
Not when the mother basically almost died and you’re on 22/7 duty 😑. I get how it’s so hard on them now. 🤯
Our older daughter was about 18 months old when my wife informed me that she was going to have to be on enforced inpatient bed rest at the hospital for the last 3 months of her pregnancy with my son.

My existence and daily ritual was truly monkish, notwithstanding my great fortune to have local inlaws' support. Basically, I'd get up at 0530 and have a half hour to myself; then get dressed; wake, feed, and dress daughter by -730; drive daughter over into NW DC to stay with inlaws' kids/nanny for the day at 0800; take metro downtown to work at 0830; work; take metro to inlaws at 1730; take daughter to hospital to visit wife/mom for an hour til 1930; go home, eat, and put daughter to bed by 2100; catch up on work email and hit the hay. Rinse and repeat for about 3 months. Memorable, yet forgotten, days.
Loved it when our kids were babies.....both slept through the night at 8 weeks, took naps on a schedule, couldn't walk or crawl and get into stuff, fun to snuggle with on the recliner watching football, etc etc.

Now they are 10 and 12 years old and they bicker and fight non stop, have pre-teen drama and their activities have taken over our lives and it sucks.

So no.....I loved the newborn phase.

@DirtyJohns97 is offering to buy kids in this thread.

Maybe send him a PM.
Our older daughter was about 18 months old when my wife informed me that she was going to have to be on enforced inpatient bed rest at the hospital for the last 3 months of her pregnancy with my son.

My existence and daily ritual was truly monkish, notwithstanding my great fortune to have local inlaws' support. Basically, I'd get up at 0530 and have a half hour to myself; then get dressed; wake, feed, and dress daughter by -730; drive daughter over into NW DC to stay with inlaws' kids/nanny for the day at 0800; take metro downtown to work at 0830; work; take metro to inlaws at 1730; take daughter to hospital to visit wife/mom for an hour til 1930; go home, eat, and put daughter to bed by 2100; catch up on work email and hit the hay. Rinse and repeat for about 3 months.
That sounds tough. But so does 3 months of being in the hospital. Hope it all worked out ok.
I’ve got 3 kids with number four on the way.

Maybe we’ve just been lucky but I love the newborn stage—all they do is sleep. Plus I get 12 weeks paid paternity leave.

Heck, maybe we’ll have another after this one.
You got lucky. Oldest never slept through the night until around 9 months. Youngest was about 11 months.
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Having a child might be the craziest experience a human can go through. The the craziest drug ever.

You are exhausted, you are delirious, some how your body has this unnatural energy to love this blob that can't even speak, you slur, you have brain fog, you are irrational and full of love all in one swoop.......................

And everyone around you encourages you to keep going.....

Love my daughter, frankly, a love I didn't know existed. I am no longer the most important person in my life.

But that first 6 months..... brutal. You just have to bite the strap and grind.
What was it 10 years ago when the OP was posting about partying, consuming ranch dressing in hot tubs with other bros - something along those lines - and now the next stage of life. Child rearing.

It's not just observing posters like Phenom and Whiskey radicalize bit by bit, the HORT experience also has positive life transitions. Good luck, OP, I'm sure they'll be fond memories.
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Babies are annoying in general, even your own. I loved mine, but didn't really "like" having them around until they could crawl and talk. Prior to that, they are bawling little poop machines. ;)
Bawling little poop machine.. hmm.. sounds familiar.