Anyone ever see David Sedaris in person before

I’ve seen him in person. He is hilarious. He signed my book and gave me a condom. It’s a pretty good story.

I've heard he likes to meet and great before the show and sign books afterwards. No way I'll be able to get the wife to go. There are tons of great seats still open.
I've heard he likes to meet and great before the show and sign books afterwards. No way I'll be able to get the wife to go. There are tons of great seats still open.
He signed books for 9 1/2 hours. He won’t stop until everyone who wants an autograph gets one

His sister, Lisa, lives here and is in the school system. I’ve met her but don’t really know her. So he was here for his talk and he and his brother-in-law went to Costco. Sedaris always gives out little doodads at his signings…often it’s the little packets of Tylenol that he buys in bulk. So he and his BIL are walking around Costco pushing one of their carts…which are larger than avg. Sedaris is a small guy and his BIL is about the same size. Gotta get that pic in your head - two little guys pushing that big cart. He says they can barely see over the top.

Well, he can’t find the bulk box of Tylenol packs. But he does find a bulk box of condoms. So he puts it in the cart. They heading out when his BIL points out the obvious problem of two tiny guys buying a box of a thousand condoms. Sedaris told him to grab something else so his BIL put a four pound tub of strawberries in the basket. Sedaris looked at him and said “Oh yeah…condoms and strawberries. That’s much better”

All of that to get to the signing where he’s giving out condoms as he signs…but only to teenagers and only for anal sex. His conditions. 😁 We all had numbers that gave us a place in line…my no-pic wife and I were in the 400s. We went to dinner, came back, he was still in the 100s. We waited…and waited…and waited. Finally, my wife who REALLY wanted the autograph said she couldn’t wait any more. I took her home and said I’d go back. She protested, I insisted.

Finally, around 2:30 am I get up there. We chatted for a few minutes and I told him the story of my night. He was so impressed that I had stayed for her that he gave me a condom even though I obviously wasn’t a teen. Told me it was still for anal sex only. Yeah - I still have the condom.
He signed books for 9 1/2 hours. He won’t stop until everyone who wants an autograph gets one

His sister, Lisa, lives here and is in the school system. I’ve met her but don’t really know her. So he was here for his talk and he and his brother-in-law went to Costco. Sedaris always gives out little doodads at his signings…often it’s the little packets of Tylenol that he buys in bulk. So he and his BIL are walking around Costco pushing one of their carts…which are larger than avg. Sedaris is a small guy and his BIL is about the same size. Gotta get that pic in your head - two little guys pushing that big cart. He says they can barely see over the top.

Well, he can’t find the bulk box of Tylenol packs. But he does find a bulk box of condoms. So he puts it in the cart. They heading out when his BIL points out the obvious problem of two tiny guys buying a box of a thousand condoms. Sedaris told him to grab something else so his BIL put a four pound tub of strawberries in the basket. Sedaris looked at him and said “Oh yeah…condoms and strawberries. That’s much better”

All of that to get to the signing where he’s giving out condoms as he signs…but only to teenagers and only for anal sex. His conditions. 😁 We all had numbers that gave us a place in line…my no-pic wife and I were in the 400s. We went to dinner, came back, he was still in the 100s. We waited…and waited…and waited. Finally, my wife who REALLY wanted the autograph said she couldn’t wait any more. I took her home and said I’d go back. She protested, I insisted.

Finally, around 2:30 am I get up there. We chatted for a few minutes and I told him the story of my night. He was so impressed that I had stayed for her that he gave me a condom even though I obviously wasn’t a teen. Told me it was still for anal sex only. Yeah - I still have the condom.

I think I'll even go if solo. He is probably little too high brow for most of my friends.