Anyone going to start their garden early this year?

Zone 4 here. It is too wet to work my garden and quite frankly, too early. I started some veggies inside but I will wait to get the garden going. Can’t wait. Planting the garden, morel mushrooms, doing some more plant propagation…so much to look forward to.
The fact that this thread has evolved into a garden discussion just proves my point.
The nunber of families capable of raising poultry in their back yard is incredibly small.
The fact that this thread has evolved into a garden discussion just proves my point.
The nunber of families capable of raising poultry in their back yard is incredibly small.
No it’s not. It’s really easy and literally anyone with a working brain can do it
No it’s not. It’s really easy and literally anyone with a working brain can do it
You do realize there are cities and towns with ordinances preventing raising chickens?

And even if allowed, there are number limits, permits, and a number of other requirements.