I'm an amateur Vietnam War historian.
I just finished the classic book: "The Best and the Brightest" about how the geniuses in the Kennedy administration got America involved in the quagmire of Vietnam.
Many of them were Harvard professors or Ivy league scholars (Robert McNamara, McGeorge Bundy, Walt Rostow, Dean Rusk, Avril Harriman) who totally screwed up Vietnam.
The book was 670 pages and felt wayyyy too long. It was a real slog. I barely finished it. The author (also a Harvard alum) seemed like he wanted to put every detail in it. After the first half of the book, I would put my cell phone timer on for 40 minutes at a time while reading for 14 days in a row to force myself to complete it.
I was relieved to be finished.
I just started reading "Confessions" which is another classic by Saint Augustine.
How about you?