Anyone take a road trip recently?


HB Heisman
Jan 27, 2023
I'm driving about 200 miles north this weekend to Pennsylvania to visit my college roommate.

It's "Brian Appreciation Weekend." We try to do it once a year.

We usually go to a steak dinner (he's pretty rich and pays...I'm a poor) then we go to a saint shrine.

Should be nice weather.


How about you?
780 mile trip to Minnesota and return a week ago to visit family in recently purchased Bronco Sport.

Great ride with 33.3 mpg avg. (included miles after return). Super weather in Minny.

Sister and Son both live on lakes. Lots of quality wine, bourbon and vittles. Marvelous time.
I'm driving about 200 miles north this weekend to Pennsylvania to visit my college roommate.

It's "Brian Appreciation Weekend." We try to do it once a year.

We usually go to a steak dinner (he's pretty rich and pays...I'm a poor) then we go to a saint shrine.

Should be nice weather.


How about you?
Enjoy and safe travels. Been a while since I've driven more than 2 hours.
Road Trip Tip:

If you need to use a bathroom, stop at a hotel. If the staff questions you, ask to buy some water or a snack.

I do this. It's a million times better than a fast food or gas station bathroom.
Last time I was on a road trip was Christmas/New Years so about 9 months ago.

Drove the FL to see inlaws then spent a little time at Disney and then home. About a thousand mile trip each way.
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Good Lord man, are you dying or NOT?!

(Where in PA? 200 miles puts you up in the northern tier by my estimates)

Somehow this is coming to mind...

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Pennsylvania is a pretty crappy state overall, IMO.

I've driven through tons of small towns where the citizens look like they have fetal alcohol syndrome...
Careful there pal that’s my home commonwealth. When I think Philly I think of two things: morbid obesity and untreated psychosis. Pittsburgh is pathological hyperparochialism Elsewhere, it’s just plain old - sad that many of the small towns are just going to die.
Couple weeks I’ll be taking a ten hour drive to north Alabama to fish in a tournament. Towing my kayak behind my Fiat 500 Abarth.

Third trip there in a year and half. I take the back roads and chill.
Chill meaning get high as balls I presume?

Planning on flying to Oregon and then driving back from the coast in December.
  • Haha
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