AOC files articles of impeachment for Supreme Court Justices Thomas and Alito

It's not so much the accepting bribes. It's accepting bribes and then hearing cases if it's okay to accept bribes or not.
Who here hasn't accepted a $250,000 motor coach from a buddy, or a $100,000+ fishing trip from a pal with no strings attached?
The laughable thing about this is the people who scream about tRaNS GrOOmERS!!!! don't care when a bunch of rich white guys decide to let one black guy in their club and groom him over a period of 20 years.
JFC, if anyone doesn't have a clue, it's your feeble old self. Get your ass to the morgue, and save a trip for the ambulance.
The ambulance has been reserved for POTUS,
You little inferior brained nobody…you’re too dim witted to understand that your attempted insults about age only makes it easy for me to AGAIN remind you that I’m younger than Joe…
Look, this is going to look like I'm backing out, and you can certainly take it that way if you feel like it... but I'm kind of over engaging with you today.
Smart boy! Going in the shop for re-programming?
No. Ever since your first post in this thread your vibe has been bad. I don't think either of us are going to get anything positive out engaging with each other.
Bad vibe? WOW.
Only if I don’t agree with you, right?
We can have sharp differences of opinion but it doesn’t mean either of us should forfeit our right to those opinions.
I suspect we have a generational gap in age where my generation had differences but respected the right to see things differently and your generation never learned that “lost art”.
Nonetheless I agree that moving on might be best.
Someone take her gently by the hand and point her in the direction of Brooklyn.

She’s doing it for publicity. Do you not think it’s got zero chance of succeeding?

So it’s for publicity - you agree. Thanks.

Only if we’re no longer America.

Do you get points from the DNC for how many times you use a word you don’t understand?

You sound smart. 😵‍💫

The ambulance has been reserved for POTUS,
You little inferior brained nobody…you’re too dim witted to understand that your attempted insults about age only makes it easy for me to AGAIN remind you that I’m younger than Joe…

Bribes? List the bribes including real money and then link them to ACTUAL court cases in a person’s favor and don’t use some twisted MSM spin story.

Smart boy! Going in the shop for re-programming?


Three times in the same thread! Hat trick?

Bad vibe? WOW.
Only if I don’t agree with you, right?
We can have sharp differences of opinion but it doesn’t mean either of us should forfeit our right to those opinions.
I suspect we have a generational gap in age where my generation had differences but respected the right to see things differently and your generation never learned that “lost art”.
Nonetheless I agree that moving on might be best.

AOC brings out our best.