AOC files articles of impeachment for Supreme Court Justices Thomas and Alito

Her college accomplishments would suggest she's no dummy. Clearly though, she likes publicity and is willing to stick her neck out to bring attention to matters important to her. What she says and does often invites criticism and a lot of people hate her, a lot wish she would tone it down but she has plenty of supporters. I'm more confused by those who consider her physically attractive. Woof.
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I think something as serious as justices (whoever they are) not being impartial or being financed by special interests probably needs some publicity.

You sound smart. 😵‍💫

Goldie just to be clear, Do you think Clarance Thomas accepting 4 million dollars in perks from Harlan Crow is something you find totally acceptable from a Supreme Court Justice?
Her college accomplishments would suggest she's no dummy. Clearly though, she likes publicity and is willing to stick her neck out to bring attention to matters important to her. What she says and does often invites criticism and a lot of people hate her, a lot wish she would tone it down but she has plenty of supporters. I'm more confused by those who consider her physically attractive. Woof.

I was with you until the end…
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The only thing AOC is good for is me dumping a massive load on her tits.
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Goldie just to be clear, Do you think Clarance Thomas accepting 4 million dollars in perks from Harlan Crow is something you find totally acceptable from a Supreme Court Justice?
Who said that there were 4M in “perks”???
I thought it was bribes and now you change it to “perks”??
It was an emotional temper tantrum BS and it’s just that - BS.
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Our justices were selected on the basis of political bias
This certainly has merit. It’s not likely that a Republican will choose a jurist with a liberal outlook or a Democrat would select a conservative.
I think the closest example of a Republican choosing a Justice who turned out differently than advertised recently was the elder Bush selecting David Souter. He was often more “liberal” than Bush had been told he’d be.
But somehow the Court worked and here we are.
Completely false. She doesn’t give a crap about that. Remember she helped Texans while their Senators went on vacation. I’m not telling you to agree with her politically. I’m telling you she cares. Both parties need more of her.
Wow, this is just a sad statement. Amazing really