How is there not a serious ethics investigation against Justice Thomas?

**Untaxed bribes
Good point. Can we Capone him?

Aren't there also limits on how big a gift can be without being reported? So in theory we should be able to Capone his bribers, too.

I wish Biden actually would weaponize the DoJ. I know, I know, that sounds bad, but consider the context.

What's wrong with a weaponized DoJ when you are going after actual criminals who are always attacking America?

Only criminals want a declawed DoJ.
It's the guy who was a victim of vile leftist behavior and lies. I know there are a lot of those

That is not true at all. Most communist regimes start when the government ignores wealth inequality growing to an unsustainable amount until a bunch of people say screw it, pick up arms and take over and start killing the rich.

Someone saying we need to re-think how we do government is not the start of communism.

I have scuddy on ignore for this purpose. MAGAs ideas of communism and similar subjects are talking points dribble.
Roberts is an embarrassment

If "ownership/leadership" means anything and legacy is important Roberts doesn't have control and he will have a stain on his tenure. Not only for the unpopular decisions but ethics scandals will be a lasting legacy on this Court's history.

It will parallel and reflect the Orange Turd's administration orbit's 20(+) confessions/convictions and the Court's complicity in protecting him in from prosecution by delaying processes
At this point Thomas seems to have effectively killed any remaining accountability he and his cohorts may have ever had.

This naked corruption is almost as incredible as the defense of the corruption by middle class people that will never have a household income about $150,000.
Thats why McConnell made it his entire political career to stack the courts in his favor. He succeeded.
I don't think he ever anticipated someone like Trump would end up in the WH, where the lackeys he installed on the Court would run interference with someone so completely unfit for office...

Senate Democrats will seek unanimous consent tomorrow on Supreme Court ethics bill. It will not get sufficient GOP support to pass Dems say “bill would require Supreme Court justices to adopt a binding code of conduct, create a mechanism to investigate alleged violations of the code of conduct .. improve disclosure and transparency when a justice has a connection to a party or amicus before the Court”
I don't think he ever anticipated someone like Trump would end up in the WH, where the lackeys he installed on the Court would run interference with someone so completely unfit for office...
There is no difference between Thomas and Filthy DON, both crooked as hell.