Apple Valley wrestler Mark Hall


HR All-State
Nov 24, 2003
Number one ranked wrestler in America and a Brent Metcalf protege. The kid could be going for six HS titles! Here's an article from today's Star-Tribune.

Mark Hall blends in casually in the halls of Apple Valley High School. He’s popular, the result of his stature as a wrestler of uncommon ability, but he moves with humility, never approaching cockiness or arrogance.

To most of his classmates, Hall is just another student in a sea of many. It’s when Hall steps on the mat that he becomes the closest thing high school wrestling has to a rock star.

He is, as University of Iowa wrestling legend Brent Metcalf, a two-time NCAA champion says, “one dangerous dude.”

Hall’s journey featured a move from his native state of Michigan to Kentucky, which allows seventh-graders to wrestle at the high school level, and won a state championship. In search of better competition, he and his father moved to Apple Valley, attracted by the school’s reputation as a wrestling powerhouse. He repeated seventh grade, a consequence of frequent moves, and won Minnesota’s Class 3A 130-pound championship.

Thus began a Minnesota career that is expected to result in the most successful high school wrestling career in state history.

Hall is shooting for his fifth individual championship Saturday, joining five other wrestlers who have won five. No one has ever won six. Hall, a junior, could become the first next year.

“That’s one of my main goals,” Hall said. “I’d love to be the only person ever to win six.”

If there was a wrestling prototype, Hall would be it. Compact and strong, blessed with agility, speed and uncommon balance, he makes things look easy that other wrestlers struggle to achieve.

“He is built to be a wrestler,” former Eagles coach Jim Jackson said.

Passion was clear

Hall was born in Davison, Mich., a suburb of Flint, and lived there through sixth grade. The seeds of his wrestling future were sown there when he met Davison High School wrestlers Brent and Chase Metcalf, brothers bonded by a love for the sport. They immediately saw the same desire in young Mark and became mentors.

“Even at that time, he was unbelievably impressive with the things he was doing,” Brent Metcalf said. “Very early on, you could tell he had the passion for it and that’s what carries you.”

Combined with a passion for wrestling and a fervent dedication to improvement, Hall has reached a level of success few achieve. He won the FILA Cadet 167½-pound world championship. He is ranked No. 1 in the nation at 170 pounds by all four of the major wrestling websites. In fact, he’s roundly considered the best pound-for-pound high school wrestler in the nation, an assertion he confirmed with a victory last October in the “Who’s No. 1” national tournament in Pennsylvania.

“It was nice to win that,” said Hall, who dominated Anthony Valencia of St. John Bosco (Calif.), the previous top-ranked wrestler, 10-2.

Wherever Hall goes, his wrest-ling reputation precedes him. He has nearly 4,800 Twitter followers. Fans and admirers turn to look when he enters an arena. A mid-February recruiting trip to Iowa — college wrestling’s most storied program — resulted in giddy social media banter among the Hawkeye faithful.

“That says a lot about the way he wrestles and the way he trains,” Metcalf said.

Said Hall: “I notice that and it’s nice to be noticed, but I can’t get caught up in that. I have to stay focused on my goals.”

He has plenty of non-wrestling friends at Apple Valley, but he’s careful to steer clear of potentially damaging situations.

“I can’t afford to lose what I’ve worked so hard for,” he said. “There is temptations, with parties and things like that, but I usually just stay away. Most of my friends understand.”

Recruiters lining up

For all of his natural ability, Hall’s focus has elevated him to elite status.

“He’s got pride in what he does,” Apple Valley coach Dalen Wasmund said. “He wants to be the best, and he’ll do anything it takes to get there. It’s his willingness to work that separates him. He’s always focused, always in a good frame of mind.”

Hall shows little outward emotion, his poker-face expression giving away nothing except determination. Inside, he is driven by failure. To Hall, every loss is fresh, no matter how long ago. It was a loss to Valencia in a tournament in Las Vegas last spring that was the springboard to his victory in October. He is still bothered by his last high school loss, a double-overtime loss to Brian Murphy of Glenbard (Ill.) North in his freshman year.

“I think he clasped,” Hall said. “I think I should have gotten the point. But reviewing the video, there are several places where I could have gotten into my offense, so I’m not making any excuses.”

Not surprisingly, Hall is the target of a growing recruiting battle among the top college wrestling programs in the country. He has said that he won’t make a college decision until next fall. Minnesota is on his short list of college choices, but there is no denying his affinity for Iowa and his connection to Metcalf.

“I love the atmosphere there,” Hall said. “They really care about wrestling.”

Until then, there’s the matter of his high school legacy. There was speculation that he might eschew his senior season and head to Colorado to train in the U.S. National Development program, but he’s nixed that idea. “No, I’m staying here. That ship has sailed.” he said.

The goal for his time left in high school is simple. Lofty, but simple.

“I want to be the face of Apple Valley wrestling,” he said. “When people talk about Apple Valley, I want them to think of me.”
This post was edited on 2/24 8:59 AM by HawkNorth
Wow, very impressive. Next fall he is going to make some fan base very happy and proud to have such a dedicated student commit to represent their school. Glad to see we are in the mix.

This post was edited on 2/24 9:46 AM by Neo_Hawk
Originally posted by Ihawkd9times:
Never heard of the kid? Is he a big recruit?
He has four of his five official visit scheduled at Minnesota, Wisconsin, Oklahoma State and Ohio State. Plans to make a decision by December 1st. Obviously he can still be considering more than those 4.
Originally posted by grappler6:
He has four of his five official visit scheduled at Minnesota, Wisconsin, Oklahoma State and Ohio State. Plans to make a decision by December 1st. Obviously he can still be considering more than those 4.
He can sign in November right?

Iowa has plenty of room at 174/184
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Ya I think so. He wanted to announce after the state tournament but his dad wants him to wait according to an interview a few months ago. I am guessing he will have a decision by the early signing period, but he still may not make it public.
He would need to sign in November or wait till April. He could verbal at any time.

Teams that think they are in the running would have to hold a full scholarship after the normal signing period if he waits.
Anyone know if Hall was at the Nat'l Duals this past weekend? And was he sitting next to Metcalf during the Cornell semi?
We sat right behind the Iowa bench and I never saw him. I'm not necessarily the most observant cat around, but I did see Brent quite a bit and never saw Hall with him.
Originally posted by rossel 33:
Anyone know if Hall was at the Nat'l Duals this past weekend? And was he sitting next to Metcalf during the Cornell semi?
Doubt it, Minnesota had their "districts" (or whatever the Minnesota equivalent to Iowa's districts are) last weekend.
Glad not to see Penn State on the list...or Arizona State, I have to say frankly. Wisconsin wouldn't bother me--he'll give Barry 23 extra points a year and they'll finish top 7.

When is Iowa going to be added as the fifth school on the list?

Is Minny considered the front runner? Don't say Ohio State.
I know full rides are very rare for Iowa to give, is this the type of kid that we would offer one to?
Originally posted by YoungGun07:
I know full rides are very rare for Iowa to give, is this the type of kid that we would offer one to?
Yes, IMO Hall and Spencer Lee are about the only ones I would. Maybe Olivas if you felt good about him filling out a bit more.

Really these kids will translate to D1 greatness. I have no doubt we are looking at the equivlants on recruiting Lebron and Kobe Bryant in back to back years.

If any team can land both then goodnight on the team titles for 4-5 years. These two would have you up by 60 points just walking off the bus much like Taylor/Ruth show. A team would literally have to have completely nothing shelved around them not to win.

And the only two teams that could pull this off are Iowa and PSU. So with all due respect to Minny, tOSU, Okie st etc.. sorry about your luck.

Iowa lands both and wins this year. They will be in the fast lane on the Okie state titles record.

And if Iowa combines them with Kemmerer, Mejia, Maranelli etc. The team point record could be in play. They are that good. Of course que the "I dont believe anything until I see it crowd" THey prolly think the moon landing was made up.

All this being said, Id rather have Spencer of the two. It would throw a program destroying dagger in the heart of PSU and if Hall went to Minny then PSU is out both.
Originally posted by Gobblin:
Don't sleep on Nebraska here...

Posted from Rivals Mobile
I agree, Burroughs pull at the same weight is a lot to deal with. I almost get the feeling the kid is having fun with being woo'd and has a better idea than he is leading on. Im not so sure burroughs is as big a pull becuase if its was a specific olympic training partner one would think Ruth or Taylor would be more in play where they are at.

I guess i hope two big chess peices in play end up making him feel like Iowa city is home. Metcalf & Gross.
Nebraska and Penn state were originally included in his final 6 a few months back. Iowa has come into the picture as of late.

For years it was between Minnesota and Oklahoma State with Ohio State being a distant third. Just shows how a young mans mind can change as he starts getting recruited.

Minnesota calls them Sections FYI.
Hall was not at National Duals this past weekend as he had regionals on Friday and Saturday.

He was Iowa City last weekend. It sounds like he had a good time.

I like that Iowa is gaining momentum. A few months ago it didn't seem like that were in the hunt at all.

I think how teams end the year may have some impact. If Iowa is competing with the four teams listed for his visits, I think we are in the running. But there is a long time till next December. Hopefully the teams performance over the next 10 months will help pursuade him.
As a general rule, Iowa has done well with Apple Valley kids - sometimes better than the Gophers. Having said that - I had heard for a while that Michigan was in the mix - with the obvious local connection but not sure that is still the case. These recruits seem to play it pretty close to the vest with these decisions.

The best edge the Gophers have is we have Hall's teammate Bobby Steveson locked up. Hopefully that will play in Hall's decision. If I were advising him and his dad - I would tell him to look very carefully at Cornell - they seem to have a really good balance of excellent academics, strong wrestling tradition and up and coming program and facilities. And Kyle Dake as a work out partner ain't bad either.

I am just saying . . .
Originally posted by Jerry Callo:
As a general rule, Iowa has done well with Apple Valley kids - sometimes better than the Gophers. Having said that - I had heard for a while that Michigan was in the mix - with the obvious local connection but not sure that is still the case. These recruits seem to play it pretty close to the vest with these decisions.

The best edge the Gophers have is we have Hall's teammate Bobby Steveson locked up. Hopefully that will play in Hall's decision. If I were advising him and his dad - I would tell him to look very carefully at Cornell - they seem to have a really good balance of excellent academics, strong wrestling tradition and up and coming program and facilities. And Kyle Dake as a work out partner ain't bad either.

I am just saying . . .
Might as well go to Stanford then, the weathers better.
Originally posted by sloehawk:

Originally posted by Jerry Callo:
As a general rule, Iowa has done well with Apple Valley kids - sometimes better than the Gophers. Having said that - I had heard for a while that Michigan was in the mix - with the obvious local connection but not sure that is still the case. These recruits seem to play it pretty close to the vest with these decisions.

The best edge the Gophers have is we have Hall's teammate Bobby Steveson locked up. Hopefully that will play in Hall's decision. If I were advising him and his dad - I would tell him to look very carefully at Cornell - they seem to have a really good balance of excellent academics, strong wrestling tradition and up and coming program and facilities. And Kyle Dake as a work out partner ain't bad either.

I am just saying . . .
Might as well go to Stanford then, the weathers better.
I was just saying this the past weekend. No idea why Stanford isnt a bigger player.. Sure its tough to get into (as is Cornell, NW)but its such a great campus. They need to gobble up the Jason Welch, Varner, Nevills, Valancia types if they are academically close. Shouldnt be any reason a great student would go to ASU over them.
This post was edited on 2/26 7:45 AM by Ihawkd9times
Originally posted by Ihawkd9times:
Originally posted by sloehawk:

Originally posted by Jerry Callo:
As a general rule, Iowa has done well with Apple Valley kids - sometimes better than the Gophers. Having said that - I had heard for a while that Michigan was in the mix - with the obvious local connection but not sure that is still the case. These recruits seem to play it pretty close to the vest with these decisions.

The best edge the Gophers have is we have Hall's teammate Bobby Steveson locked up. Hopefully that will play in Hall's decision. If I were advising him and his dad - I would tell him to look very carefully at Cornell - they seem to have a really good balance of excellent academics, strong wrestling tradition and up and coming program and facilities. And Kyle Dake as a work out partner ain't bad either.

I am just saying . . .
Might as well go to Stanford then, the weathers better.
I was just saying this the past weekend. No idea why Stanford isnt a bigger player.. Sure its tough to get into (as is Cornell, NW)but its such a great campus. They need to gobble up the Jason Welch, Varner, Nevills, Valancia types if they are academically close. Shouldnt be any reason a great student would go to ASU over them.
This post was edited on 2/26 7:45 AM by Ihawkd9times
I don't believe they are a fully funded program
Thanks. Didnt know Stanford wasnt fully funded. I would have guessed they were after Bowlsby was AD there and the deep alumni pockets. Not quite sure what all goes into that? just thought Bowlsby would have seen to that.
Originally posted by Ihawkd9times:

Thanks. Didnt know Stanford wasnt fully funded. I would have guessed they were after Bowlsby was AD there and the deep alumni pockets. Not quite sure what all goes into that? just thought Bowlsby would have seen to that.
Stanford as of this past summer funds 4.9 scholarships. I personally think that's why Joey McKenna isn't enrolled at the moment, had to wait until $$$ was freed up, jmo.

This post was edited on 2/26 9:22 AM by meluvwrestling
Well - yeah - there is Stanford, Harvard and Duke - but I think Cornell offers the best balance of academics, tradition, and wrestling excellence of any of those top-tier colleges.
Mark Hall is sporting his Chase Metcalf headgear today. Two falls in his first two matches. Apple Valley faces STMA in the finals at 7 pm.
Cornell, no money for sports, all academics and they do not redshirt, they gray shirt (Junior college and carry only 9hrs).
Stanford can offer plenty of $$ help, beyond the 4.9 scholarships

No tuition charged if the kid's parents have less than $100,000 yearly income

No charge for tuition, room and board if the income is less than $60,000

More than 3/4's of last years class graduated debt free
Originally posted by Flying_Tiger:
That's unbelievable, I didn't know that about Stanford.
Assuming all of those things are true, it might be the only place in California that pays for itself.
Most Ivy League schools have very similar policies to the ones at Stanford. Most kids at those schools aren't amassing as much debt as some think. 3/4's of the kids graduating debt free is a result of wealthy students attending as much as financial aid being given.
Must of us would say wrestling is a blue collar sport? Amazing that those schools dont land more recruits then. However the high ACTs may be the issue. I do know that Harvard likes an ACT of 30. or that was communicated to a couple SEP kids on their visit.

This might hit a nerve but given all the stunts parents pull nowadays...holding kids back, fake seperating for a kid to get into another district. Im suprised that some parents havent faked divorced for 5 years just to ones income under 60k.

Just saying after that mother faking daughters cancer for money recently..nothing shocks me anymore.
Stanford, Ivys, Duke, etc. charge (overcharge?) a very large tuition and almost no academic scholly money, so many kids with less to do parents go free or almost free and the others have rich parents that pay the $250K+ to have their kid go to these schools (and fund the kids that go for nothing or almost nothing). Just the way it is.
Let's get off the IVY league $$$'s and back to how bad we all want the man, Mark Hall! Hopefully we can spot him right into the lineup bc I figure NOT wanting to redshirt is high priority for him?!
Originally posted by so cal hawkfan:
I see what u did there Sloe, well played.
Glad you enjoyed it!

Speaking of Mark Hall, apparently Apple Valley was taken to the last match by St. Michael-Albertville (home of the Thorn boys) for the big school Dual Title. Apple Valley did a little jostling between 220 and HWT. and put their Senior HWT. at 220 to wrestle an apparently really good kid (Jake Briggs), and he held Briggs to a decision, then they moved their Freshman 220 lber to HWT. and he got the deciding Fall for the win - 36-30.

Gable Steveson was the Freshman at 220, brother to Gopher recruit Bobby. Hall pinned his guy.
Originally posted by Knight563:
Let's get off the IVY league $$$'s and back to how bad we all want the man, Mark Hall! Hopefully we can spot him right into the lineup bc I figure NOT wanting to redshirt is high priority for him?!

This post was edited on 2/27 7:27 PM by WWDMHawkeye

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