Apple Valley wrestler Mark Hall

Originally posted by WWDMHawkeye:
Originally posted by Knight563:
Let's get off the IVY league $$$'s and back to how bad we all want the man, Mark Hall! Hopefully we can spot him right into the lineup bc I figure NOT wanting to redshirt is high priority for him?!

This post was edited on 2/27 7:27 PM by WWDMHawkeye
I would be surprised if this was a priority. I think he wants 4 titles and if that means a year of prep so be it. Almost all the top guys this year red-shirted.

He obviously has the talent to start as a true freshman and potentially AA.
If I'm not mistaken, he's old for his class as he repeated 7th grade after a move. Just pointing this out as when he's a college frosh, he'll be 19/20, not the typical 18 and will be a little more mature physically because of it.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Amazing thread, because he is wearing Chase Metcalf head gear= lock for Iowa, Iowa isn't on his short list= lock for Iowa, Tom and Terry are total control freaks of their wrestlers= lock for Iowa. Well you haven't meet his dad then! This thread reminds me of the Mason Manville thread not to long ago.
I got a one hundred dollar bill we land him before your team, you on?
Can I be in on this bet on Minnesota's end? I am pretty sure from what I have heard that redshirting is not in Mark's plans.
This post was edited on 2/28 11:00 AM by Stemar
NO! This is a head on my shoulders not a hat rack.
but this will get interesting for sure.
Don't get me wrong I do feel that Iowa has a chance with what I have heard and read lately. Someone was asking earlier about a full ride. Yeah, I don't see Hall accepting anything else. Mark and his Father will have expectations of the program he goes to just like the coaches will of him. I think (hope?) that MN is in the lead, but you never know.
Originally posted by mike tognetti:

Amazing thread, because he is wearing Chase Metcalf head gear= lock for Iowa, Iowa isn't on his short list= lock for Iowa, Tom and Terry are total control freaks of their wrestlers= lock for Iowa. Well you haven't meet his dad then! This thread reminds me of the Mason Manville thread not to long ago.
Looks like "ornery mike" is back. . . .
Guys everything I said is correct as of now, I'm not saying OSU is in the lead as of now but we were at one time, and I'm sure not saying he is leaning toward OSU because he had a head gear on and John Smith shoes on . If Mark Hall drives through Iowa and stop at a gas station heading to Stillwater, I'm sure we will hear Iowa City is where he is going because the hamburgers at that gas station was the best he ever had! Every once in awhile a little common sense needs to be said, and also there is life outside of Iowa.
Originally posted by mike tognetti:
Guys everything I said is correct as of now, I'm not saying OSU is in the lead as of now but we were at one time, and I'm sure not saying he is leaning toward OSU because he had a head gear on and John Smith shoes on . If Mark Hall drives through Iowa and stop at a gas station heading to Stillwater, I'm sure we will hear Iowa City is where he is going because the hamburgers at that gas station was the best he ever had! Every once in awhile a little common sense needs to be said, and also there is life outside of Iowa.
I could have done without the cheap swipe at our coaching staff. That was weak.
Hey Tognetti, at least our coaches don't condone our guys using cocaine. John must be ok with it because there were no ramifications for their actions.
Originally posted by mike tognetti:
Guys everything I said is correct as of now, I'm not saying OSU is in the lead as of now but we were at one time, and I'm sure not saying he is leaning toward OSU because he had a head gear on and John Smith shoes on . If Mark Hall drives through Iowa and stop at a gas station heading to Stillwater, I'm sure we will hear Iowa City is where he is going because the hamburgers at that gas station was the best he ever had! Every once in awhile a little common sense needs to be said, and also there is life outside of Iowa.
It's our gas station pizza that's the best...geez...
Wait, what?!? I'm not really sure you understand how things work around here, my cowboy friend.

mike tognetti posted on 2/28/2015...
Guys everything I said is correct as of now, I'm not saying OSU is in the lead as of now but we were at one time, and I'm sure not saying he is leaning toward OSU because he had a head gear on and John Smith shoes on . If Mark Hall drives through Iowa and stop at a gas station heading to Stillwater, I'm sure we will hear Iowa City is where he is going because the hamburgers at that gas station was the best he ever had! Every once in awhile a little common sense needs to be said, and also there is life outside of Iowa.
I love your coaching staff WWD, just don't see Iowa being the right fit. A few other Iowa board posters have eluded to that before. Hey, I'm just some dumb country boy that doesn't know anything!
In about 4 hours I will get to watch Mark wrestle for his 5th state championship. If you would like to watch it from home, you can go to and stream it. I don't work for them, just thought I would pass that along.
Originally posted by Fish Hammer:
In about 4 hours I will get to watch Mark wrestle for his 5th state championship. If you would like to watch it from home, you can go to and stream it. I don't work for them, just thought I would pass that along.
Looks like it'll cost you $4.97
Originally posted by Fish Hammer:
In about 4 hours I will get to watch Mark wrestle for his 5th state championship. If you would like to watch it from home, you can go to and stream it. I don't work for them, just thought I would pass that along.
Thanks for the heads up.
Originally posted by mike tognetti:

Amazing thread, because he is wearing Chase Metcalf head gear= lock for Iowa, Iowa isn't on his short list= lock for Iowa, Tom and Terry are total control freaks of their wrestlers= lock for Iowa. Well you haven't meet his dad then! This thread reminds me of the Mason Manville thread not to long ago.
No, one said it was a lock for Iowa. But I do think it is a plus to have Metcalf at Iowa. As I think it is a plus to have Gross at Iowa. If everything else was equal, I think having them at Iowa shouldn't hurt.

3 - 4 months ago it did not seem like Iowa was on his radar. At one point Ok St may have been the front runner. There have definitely been positive signs for Iowa but next December is a long way off. I think the team performance of Iowa has helped bring them on the radar. I also think the performance of Ok St has hurt them.

My hope is Iowa performs at nationals and keeps getting guys on the world teams. This will help recruiting with Hall and others.
Hall just got his 5th, 2nd period pin. Runs over and picks up the team manager who has disabilities. Not often you get live reports form the MN State Wrestling Tournament on the Hawkeye board
Hall all falls this week end..
3 in team event and 3 to win his fifth title most likely he will go up a weight next year unless he is done growing. He has gone up at least one or more weights every year since 7th grade. He never cuts weight to my knowledge.
Just love when somebody doesn't like your post and comes back with some stupid remark like John Smith approves of drugs and 200 people show up to a dual. Well, to both of you guys " your mother is ugly,and your wife looks like a mule". That should shut you two up for a while. Didn't want to be so hard on you but you backed me in the corner and hurt my feelings.
Originally posted by mike tognetti:
Just love when somebody doesn't like your post and comes back with some stupid remark like John Smith approves of drugs and 200 people show up to a dual. Well, to both of you guys " your mother is ugly,and your wife looks like a mule". That should shut you two up for a while. Didn't want to be so hard on you but you backed me in the corner and hurt my feelings.
The truth must hurt. Your attendance is pathetic and is like wrestling at a small high school. I am surprised any kid signs up to wrestle in that ghost town arena.
Why would Hall want to go to Okie St and end up in their AD, Marstellar, Chandler & Jordan Rogers, Crutchmer, and Boyd logjam? Does Iowa have a spot for Hall to start? I'd think Meyer and Brooks would say no they don't.

I think that it is down to Wisc (no idea why they would ever be in the discussion), Nebraska, and Minny.
Originally posted by mike tognetti:

Amazing thread, because he is wearing Chase Metcalf head gear= lock for Iowa, Iowa isn't on his short list= lock for Iowa, Tom and Terry are total control freaks of their wrestlers= lock for Iowa. Well you haven't meet his dad then! This thread reminds me of the Mason Manville thread not to long ago.
We decided to sign the guy that could beat Manville instead.........................
Originally posted by jammenz:
Why would Hall want to go to Okie St and end up in their AD, Marstellar, Chandler & Jordan Rogers, Crutchmer, and Boyd logjam? Does Iowa have a spot for Hall to start? I'd think Meyer and Brooks would say no they don't.

I think that it is down to Wisc (no idea why they would ever be in the discussion), Nebraska, and Minny.
"but there is no denying his affinity for Iowa and his connection to Metcalf.

“I love the atmosphere there,” Hall said." And he just took an unofficial two weeks ago. But yeah, Iowa is out.

In in two years Iowa could very well have Meyer at 184 and Brooks at 197.
Mark Hall could start right away at Iowa. I don't think anyone will block him and more so I am sure he's confident no one will keep him out of the lineup including Brooks or Meyer. I have no idea if he wants to redshirt or not, but the guy isn't looking to just "AA", I'm sure 4 titles is his goal. Would love to see Mark here, but I know there is a lot of competition for Mark and I think he'll take his time making a decision. The best thing this team can do is win NCAAs and start the season strong next year.
Originally posted by WrassleUSA:
Mark Hall could start right away at Iowa. I don't think anyone will block him and more so I am sure he's confident no one will keep him out of the lineup including Brooks or Meyer. I have no idea if he wants to redshirt or not, but the guy isn't looking to just "AA", I'm sure 4 titles is his goal. Would love to see Mark here, but I know there is a lot of competition for Mark and I think he'll take his time making a decision. The best thing this team can do is win NCAAs and start the season strong next year.
+1 Well said wrassle

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