Are We Doing Enough to Prepare for the NEXT PANDEMIC?

Nov 28, 2010
In Nate Silver's book On the Edge he points out that in its 2022-23 budget, Congress allocated roughly $2 billion to prevent future pandemic.
Meanwhile, COVID killed over 1 million Americans, and cost the US economy an estimated $14 trillion.

I don't know if that $2 billion was intended to continue every year, or was one of those ten-year totals politicians like to toss around to make the numbers sound bigger.

Is $2 billion enough? Too much?
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There’s no need to ‘prepare’ anymore.

With the mRNA technology that exists (and the requisite testing that DOESN’T) we can be injecting en masse for whatever scary new virus has been discovered, and we can be doing it in < 90 days.

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In Nate Silver's book On the Edge he points out that in its 2022-23 budget, Congress allocated roughly $2 billion to prevent future pandemic.
Meanwhile, COVID killed over 1 million Americans, and cost the US economy an estimated $14 trillion.

I don't know if that $2 billion was intended to continue every year, or was one of those ten-year totals politicians like to toss around to make the numbers sound bigger.

Is $2 billion enough? Too much?
My maga next door neighbor with the trump flags says the next pandemic is like climate change. We don't have time or money to spend on problems that haven't happened yet, best off to ignore until they are imminent problems.
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No joke (except for who is behind it), gain of function is where covid came from and there are many other viruses being worked on at the moment.

If you think I am a moron about gof, then you should look into it. It's very dangerous.
So you think Covid was started by Fauci and Bill Gates, two men who have dedicated a good part of their lives to stopping viruses, because that was what you were implying? Yes, I guess I do think you are a moron or at the very least you are very easily duped.
We didn't evaluate our last response in regards to what worked and what didn't.

Have you heard anything about how to be better prepared for the next one? No, you haven't.
Because nobody wants to look back and have any accountability for what happened. So, we'll do it all over again next time.
You don't seem to have changed his warning - only to have eliminated the part that correctly points the finger of blame at ourselves for failing to act.
Well, no.

First, I don't want tom to die.

Second, as smart as we all think we are, we are not so smart as to be masters of the universe when it comes to things like stopping viruses, bacteria, natural disasters, and their ilk. So, I just don't buy the concept of human blame for this sort of thing - at best, all we can ever really do is react to them. (Consider, for example, what an inexact science even the seasonal flu vaccine is as a prophylactic meashre.) Just as they did this time, viruses run their course, exact their toll, and mutate.
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So you think Covid was started by Fauci and Bill Gates, two men who have dedicated a good part of their lives to stopping viruses, because that was what you were implying? Yes, I guess I do think you are a moron or at the very least you are very easily duped.
Fauci was involved with the funding of the research. Gates was the partial joke part. Neither were involved with the actual research, but gates profited hugely from covid. Gates just happened to partner with John Hopkins for event 201 in 2019. But I'm sure that's all a coincidence. Lol

Do you understand what gain of function is? Do you realize the dangers of gain of function research?

Come back if you want a real discussion about this. But you have been extremely misled. Maybe do a little reading first.
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Fauci was involved with the funding of the research. Gates was the partial joke part. Neither were involved with the actual research, but gates profited hugely from covid. Gates just happened to partner with John Hopkins for event 201 in 2019. But I'm sure that's all a coincidence. Lol

Do you understand what gain of function is? Do you realize the dangers of gain of function research?

Come back if you want a real discussion about this. But you have been extremely misled. Maybe do a little reading first.
You base this opinion on what?
Second, as smart as we all think we are, we are not so smart as to be masters of the universe when it comes to things like stopping viruses, bacteria, natural disasters, and their ilk. So, I just don't buy the concept of human blame for this sort of thing

@SI_NYC, see below.

We’re smart enough to modify viruses so they’re infectious to humans.

But some of us aren’t smart enough to not do that.

Tabak confirmed Thursday that the NIAID did indeed fund gain-of-function research on coronaviruses in Wuhan through EcoHealth Alliance according to the colloquial understanding.

According to the policy in place from 2014 to 2018 — the “U.S. Government Gain-of-Function Deliberative Process and Research Funding Pause on Selected Gain-of-Function Research Involving Influenza, MERS, and SARS viruses” — the definition of gain-of-function research at the time of the experimentsinvolving the Wuhan Institute of Virology included “research that improves the ability of a pathogen to cause disease.”

Grant reports demonstrate that “chimeric” or combined coronaviruses studied by EcoHealth and the Wuhan Institute of Virology caused more severe disease in mice engineered to express human receptors than the backbone virus.

However, Tabak downplayed the risk posed by these chimeric viruses because they were bat coronaviruses, though the public literature described one of these viruses as “poised for human emergence.”

Fauci repeatedly denied that NIAID funded gain-of-function research in Wuhan in high-profile exchanges with Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., in 2021.

“Sen. Paul, you do not know what you are talking about, quite frankly, and I want to say that officially,” Fauci said in a July 2021 hearing.

Tabak confirmed in the hearing Wednesday that in October 2021 the NIH communications office changed the definition of “gain-of-function research” on the NIH website.


They were modifying animal viruses to be contagious in humans.
From EcoHealth's website:–-NIH-R01AI110964-.pdf

What do you think this experiment is trying to do:

3.3 Virus characterization: 3.3.a Construction of chimeric SARSr-CoV viruses: Infectious clones with the S gene of novel SARSr-CoVs and the SARSr-CoV WIV1 genome backbone using the reverse genetic system developed in our previous R01 (24). The correct infectious BAC clones will be screened by BAC DNA digestion with appropriate restriction enzyme or PCR amplification. The chimeric viruses will be rescued in Vero cells and then verified by sequence analyses. Our research group is well versed in coronavirus reverse genetics.
3.3.b Primary human airway epithelial cell culture: Primary human ciliated airway epithelial cells (HAE)cultures from the lungs of transplant recipients represent highly differentiated human airway epithelium containing ciliated and non-ciliated epithelial and goblet cells, grown on an air-liquid interface for several weeks prior to use (18, 55, 56). We will prepare HAE cultures from three different patient codes in triplicate in collaboration with the tissue procurement facility at the Cystic Fibrosis Center at UNC. Cultures will be inoculated with chimeric bat SARSr-CoVs to assess efficient replication. A
3.3.c Humanized mouse infection experiments: Briefly, in BSL3, n=5 10- to 20-week old hACE2 transgenic mice will be intranasally inoculated with 1 x 104 PFU of wildtype WIV-1 or chimeric bat SARSr-CoVs with different spike proteins, then monitored daily for weight loss, morbidity, and clinical signs of disease.

K18-hACE2 transgenic mice express human ACE2, the receptor used by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) to gain cellular entry. The human keratin 18 promoter directs expression to epithelia, including airway epithelia where infections typically begin. Because K18-hACE2 are susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-CoV viruses, they are useful for studying antiviral therapies to COVID-19 and SARS.
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I’m pretty sure we’re currently in the midst of some sort of brain virus that is only affecting the republican population. I don’t know how else you can explain the decline in mental acuity of millions of Americans.

Are you sure you don't believe in the supernatural?

I think half this country is under demonic oppression.
In Nate Silver's book On the Edge he points out that in its 2022-23 budget, Congress allocated roughly $2 billion to prevent future pandemic.
Meanwhile, COVID killed over 1 million Americans, and cost the US economy an estimated $14 trillion.

I don't know if that $2 billion was intended to continue every year, or was one of those ten-year totals politicians like to toss around to make the numbers sound bigger.

Is $2 billion enough? Too much?

Hopefully there won't be another pandemic for another century.

Until then, I think we should let Bill Gates handle it.
If you think I am a moron about gof, then you should look into it. It's very dangerous.
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It’s not what they missed, it’s what they were doing.

The facts are not in dispute. The U.S. under Fauci’s direction laundered funding of research through EcoHealth Alliance (to avoid the Obama era restrictions placed on gain of function research in the U.S.) to make bat corona viruses transmissible to humans.

In a shocking coincidence the city where the research was taking place just happened to be the origin of a novel corona virus that was transmissible to humans.
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No the information is out there. Those important people you talk about knew it. They just lied about it until people stopped caring. Your lack of knowing what information was out there proves their lying has worked.
No the information is out there. Those important people you talk about knew it. They just lied about it until people stopped caring. Your lack of knowing what information was out there proves their lying has worked.
Thanks for getting to the truth, Agent Fox Mulder.
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