Are you a real man or a pussy? Lets make a test to find out.

I learned the answer to OP's question from my sensei, not some pansy ass internet test.

Admitting to searching tarpons reddit username and being very confused about the feelings you had when you found the pics. -3

Searching for the pics, never admitting it to anybody, and burying those feelings so deep inside of you that you suddenly cancel a vacation to Florida. +5

No confusion here, I had a pretty good idea what was coming. Kudos to her!
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Let's make one of those tests where there is a list of things and you get points assigned for each thing you have done or attribute you have. And don't be a pussy and say shit like tuck your kids into bed or treat your partner with respect. This isn't that kind of thread. We are looking for the qualities that would make @jamesvanderwulf want you to marry his niece.

So real man thing is plus points. Pussy thing is negative points.

Fought 2 people at once and won + 5.

Had a pedi/mani: -5.

Once we have a good set of criteria, we'll make the test. Make sure to like the posts you agree with to help form a consensus. In the end, I'll decide what goes on the list because a real man doesn't ask for the opinions of others.
My late husband did both. He thought pedis were the greatest thin since sliced bread.
Let's make one of those tests where there is a list of things and you get points assigned for each thing you have done or attribute you have. And don't be a pussy and say shit like tuck your kids into bed or treat your partner with respect. This isn't that kind of thread. We are looking for the qualities that would make @jamesvanderwulf want you to marry his niece.

So real man thing is plus points. Pussy thing is negative points.

Fought 2 people at once and won + 5.

Had a pedi/mani: -5.

Once we have a good set of criteria, we'll make the test. Make sure to like the posts you agree with to help form a consensus. In the end, I'll decide what goes on the list because a real man doesn't ask for the opinions of others.
I think I’m gonna score good here. Ready?

I have no idea what those two royal twats said, claimed, accused or answered on Oprah a while back. And ready for this? Nor do it care.

Pay me, bitch.
Given the standards then...

Combat +10
Died in combat +1000
Captured -8,000,000
Mansplain to women +100
Mansplain to women a subject they know better than you +200
That made my night. LOL Thanks!

(I know, I know -100 for allowing another man to bring me pleasure. That's +100 for ATL and Tarp, though, right?)
Mrs. BNG has been trying to get me to get a pedicure with her for a long time. Still haven't caved.

Don't be such sissy. I take my daughters once every couple of months on daddy daughter dates. They pick the color of the polish. ZFG. +20

Can grow a mustache in under a month. +10

Didn't cry when your dog died. -10
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Defanged/depoisoned cobra +100
Playing cobra hot potato like in Indiana Jones +1,000
Bit by cobra in the jungle while fighting in a war +10,000
Just goofing off with a young one while drinking beer...he did not inject any venom in me, but he for sure bit me.

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