Are you a real man or a pussy? Lets make a test to find out.

The preferred nomenclature is chode (which is more fun to say than perineum).

The Dude will abide.


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If you have ever burned your own shite or seen someone else +2.3

If you have ever watched someone burn their tampon negative 2,300 points.

(Iraq / Afgan vets will understand)
If you have ever burned your own shite or seen someone else +2.3

If you have ever watched someone burn their tampon negative 2,300 points.

(Iraq / Afgan vets will understand)
For "survival training" at AFROTC field training in the mid 90s, they brought in coolers of steak to grill after we had MREs for lunch and learned how to tie different knots. Does that count for negative or positive points?
Snapping turtle blow job...+ 25...

"So I guess Ohio State had lost the bowl game, so Earl Bruce brings in Woody Hayes. I had been there just a week and I'm thinking, 'Holy, this is Coach Hayes.' I'm sitting in the back. Coach Hayes was not healthy at the time, but stands up and starts laying into the coaching staff about toughness. That we have no toughness in the program. That's why we lost the game. On and on and screaming, this old guy pounding the table. He says, 'We have no toughness, and the reason is because you're not tough. No one on this staff is tough enough, and that's a problem.'

"He reaches down and grabs this box, slides the top and there was something in the box moving around. He reaches in and he pulls out this turtle. He reaches down, this turtle's snapping and he says, 'I'm going to show you toughness.' He unzips his pants and takes out whatever he takes out. The turtle reaches up and snaps at him. You see the veins and the sweat (on Hayes). He screams at the coaches, 'That's toughness! That's f'n toughness!' He reaches down, pokes the turtle right in the eye and it falls off. He wipes the sweat off his forehead and says, 'That's the problem. We don't have anybody in this room tough enough to do that right there.

"(One assistant) raises his hand and says, 'Coach, I'd do this. Just promise not to poke me in the eye.'"

Urban Meyer + 25...
Let's make one of those tests where there is a list of things and you get points assigned for each thing you have done or attribute you have. And don't be a pussy and say shit like tuck your kids into bed or treat your partner with respect. This isn't that kind of thread. We are looking for the qualities that would make @jamesvanderwulf want you to marry his niece.

So real man thing is plus points. Pussy thing is negative points.

Fought 2 people at once and won + 5.

Had a pedi/mani: -5.

Once we have a good set of criteria, we'll make the test. Make sure to like the posts you agree with to help form a consensus. In the end, I'll decide what goes on the list because a real man doesn't ask for the opinions of others.
Can we talk about pussification of america? I cannot believe the outrage over comedian Jimmy Fallon having a hot girl on his show to demonstrate popular dances on TikTok, without, GASP, giving attribution to each dance's creator.

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