Asshole quiz

Doesn’t involve me directly this time. Across the street the homeowner has a corner lot. He fenced in his side/back yard with a 4 foot fence made of something between chain link and chicken wire. Whatever it is you can see through it. They have 4 little dogs that they leave out there who bark and yip at the top of their lungs when anything living walks by on their sidewalk, which is quite often. This time at 7 in the morning today, Sunday. Is he an asshole for doing this, or merely exercising his rights as a landowner? I say asshole. I would be ashamed if I were him, and immediately put in a real fence blocking vision.
Why don't the neighborhood just stay away from the dogs line of sight?
speaking of 90's boom there, when I attended a few of my class reunions in ottumwa, it might have been actually 2000's but I also hit them up in the 90's.... anywhos.... I would be talking to folks with the normal chatter, "where did you move to after high school", blah blah.... Almost all of them said "ankeny". holy crap. the entire ottumwa population must have moved there after high school.
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He's an asshole. Most dog owners today are and lack self awareness. It's why I don't feel bad exercising my white trash rights and ripping off fireworks during July.