Just got back from the Rose Bowl, been an Iowa season-ticket holder for decades, fan since the age of 2, basically.
My thoughts:
At some point, a team/university decides to conduct themselves with class...or they don't. It's not illegal to act stupid, or immature, or even like an a-hole. Go ahead, do what you want.
On the other hand, Stanford lacked in the class department, which surprised me, when it came to the band's "performance", and in the throwing of the 50 yard bomb with 2 minutes left. Again, not against the law, not a penalty, not a huge butthurt for me. Just a surprise to come from Stanford. I expect that stuff from teams like the old Miami, and sometimes Oklahoma, when it comes to scoring late.
But Stanford? I thought they were classier than that. Guess I was wrong.
When it comes to the band, specifically, I was offended not as an Iowan, but as someone who appreciated witty comedy. The pre-game had some witty moments ("...that patriarchic social construct we call gender", in reference to the Iowa pink-locker room controversy), but the halftime with the FarmersOnly.com and so on was VERY low-hanging fruit kind of stuff. At some point, the administration is likely to pull the plug on their antics, and I think a low-class showing like this AT THE ROSE BOWL (!) would be a not-inappropriate time to do that. If you can't bring a little class TO THE FRIGGING ROSE BOWL then I think you're beyond hope.
When it comes to the stadium, it IS a dump. Bathrooms are a nightmare. Concessions in the stadium are a nightmare. Security line was a nightmare (the "Express Lane" for those without bags took twice the time as the normal line!). The sound was tinny and crappy. One video board, few replays. I was really disappointed that the "atmosphere" of the so-called Granddaddy of Them All was less-than-awe-inspiring, to say the least. The place needs serious work.
Also (and this did not affect me, as I was on a bus tour), why the hell is there no Metro stop within reasonable walking distance of a major sports and entertainment stadium? Really ridiculous. On the positive side, the food at the outside vendors at the public tailgate was quite good, if pricey.
OK, end of rant.