Be honest-does this sound like something you would do?

No. I would just say "Rock Star" as I pulled in to the spot and that would be the last anybody ever heard about it.

The more likely scenario when parking at a large, busy, facility is I never even bother to check for spots that are close. Like others have mentioned, your car is far more likely to have dings or scratches on it if you park close to an entrance/exit.
100%. One of the best parts of the Nascar race in Newton was the fact that we were in our car and out on the interstate in 15 minutes. It was a fricken miracle. I'll be telling that story for years to come. Lol
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Anywhere I go regularly I park in basically the same spot every time…doesn’t matter how busy it is…it’s always available.

But then walking an extra 200 feet doesn’t bother me

I kind of think I might be like this to my wife too under a similar circumstance for a crowded event 😂😂. And she would be just as sick of hearing it!
Hell ya. Whenever I find a front spot to a routine or not so glamourous place (think grocery store, Walmart, lumber yard) I call that "pornstar parking."
This is pornstar parking. Front row treatment.
And since it’s the “end/first” space you have a little room to park more on the edge so the folks who are next to you don’t ding your car.
It is nice to luck into that near perfect parking space.

Slightly OT, but it can be funny watching someone intentionally come in to a parking spot at the exactly wrong way, to be as close to the location's door as possible, and then have to stop-back up-reorient-pull forward slightly and repeat those actions countless times just to get parked in the space right.

Wasted time, gas, and pissing other drivers off in the same amount of time it would have taken to find a spot a little further away that you'd have pulled right in to and been in the building by the time you're getting out of your vehicle after all those selfishly stupid shenanigans.
It is nice to luck into that near perfect parking space.

Slightly OT, but it can be funny watching someone intentionally come in to a parking spot at the exactly wrong way, to be as close to the location's door as possible, and then have to stop-back up-reorient-pull forward slightly and repeat those actions countless times just to get parked in the space right.

Wasted time, gas, and pissing other drivers off in the same amount of time it would have taken to find a spot a little further away that you'd have pulled right in to and been in the building by the time you're getting out of your vehicle after all those selfishly stupid shenanigans.
Saw something exactly like that today. 😡
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I'm the monster that parks next to the person that parks in no man's land to avoid other cars.

The yellow paint on your passenger door is from my Camaro.

I am the monster the ****s with wanna be monsters.
A colleague of mine and I went to a multi-day conference in Des Moines years ago, and I drove. The last event at this conference every year is a 3-hour continuing education forum that everyone suffers through but needs it for licensing to renew, so there is a huge crowd for it. Since it was in downtown, everyone was pretty much parking in one ramp.

When we got there, I went up a couple levels then hit the exit side, and took the spot closest to the exit. When the CE was done, we high-tailed it to my car and were the first car out of there. Saved a TON of time. By far my proudest parking moment ever.
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Parking near others invites the others to damage your car. It's because the others are stupid, careless and don't care.
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Even if I found the best parking spot on the property I wouldn't brag about it incessantly.

I'm with @kourtneyinhell here.
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Anywhere I go regularly I park in basically the same spot every time…doesn’t matter how busy it is…it’s always available.

But then walking an extra 200 feet doesn’t bother me

I have always done that, mainly because otherwise I will forget where I’m parked. And, yes, far away where the spot is always available, nobody parks next to me, and I get a little more exercise.
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Anywhere I go regularly I park in basically the same spot every time…doesn’t matter how busy it is…it’s always available.

But then walking an extra 200 feet doesn’t bother me

The scenario in the OP is you're going to some sort of tourist attraction (not somewhere you routinely visit) that is parking challenged.

Parking in "No Man's Land" (assuming that's even an option) is going to require a lot more than 200 feet.
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Wakes the kids up, feeds the kids, pays the bills. takes care of birthdays and Christmas, organizes all activities, makes all the appointments and keeps the millennium falcon on course. Yeah, but that parking spot.
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The scenario in the OP is you're going to some sort of tourist attraction (not somewhere you routinely visit) that is parking challenged.

Parking in "No Man's Land" (assuming that's even an option) is going to require a lot more than 200 feet.
Is 200 hundred feet to much for you?
Oh hell no wouldn't say 💩 because have been together long enough that there is plenty my wife can throw back at me if I did, time I forgot where I parked at Six Flags, lot # in Sedona, airport etc. I've smartened up and take pictures now but still
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The scenario in the OP is you're going to some sort of tourist attraction (not somewhere you routinely visit) that is parking challenged.

Parking in "No Man's Land" (assuming that's even an option) is going to require a lot more than 200 feet.


Every time I go to a concert or stadium I get parking near the door/gate.

My experience has been that everyone gets that parking, never met someone sitting next to me that did not get similar parking.

No aquarium parking experience…I just always assumed an aquarium had ten or fifteen parking spots for guests.
No, but it apparently is for the guy who originally posted the 200 feet reference.

Well that reference was 200 feet further…not 200 feet….thats 23 parking spots further than most people park.

I park in large parking lots 5 to 10 times a day….just sort of the life in big box retail.
Park the furthest I can away in all lots with a side that can’t get dinged and then park as close to that edge as possible so the other side has as minimal a chance of getting hit. And to get a few extra steps in for the exercise. I hate the person that parks next to me in those situations when they can park a spot in between. Looking at you @millah_22!
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Park the furthest I can away in all lots with a side that can’t get dinged and then park as close to that edge as possible so the other side has as minimal a chance of getting hit. And to get a few extra steps in for the exercise. I hate the person that parks next to me in those situations when they can park a spot in between. Looking at you @millah_22!
If it makes you feel better, I don't actually do it!
One time with the family we were going to our youngest’s soccer tourney, scored a great spot due to my saying take that sparking pot…to this day that’s what we call it. CSB
Nope,.. better to park far away, near a curb and avoid the inevitable door dings...
I've found when I have done this in the past I tend to actually get dings vs just parking with everyone else, so I've given up.

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