Been an interesting week..

If 90% of the dems don’t want him to run but he does, who are the 10% who have the power to ignore the majority? Sounds scary to me.
In Virginia? Not necessarily. (And i'm also not so sure about your logic.)
At the moment Virginia is considered a battleground state. That could certainly change yet. You are sharp enough to understand the logic without me explaining, but I will lay it out. If Trump wins VA by one vote and you had voted for a 3rd party, your vote then effectively allowed Trump to win.
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I remember laughing at you for trying to talk Dodgers one time. It’s clear you have no clue who is on the team or how they’re playing. Which is the case for most Dodger fans, so I guess you fit right in.
Alright NOW you’ve crossed the line! Make fun of my politics, beloved Iowa wrestling team, my religion, but attempting to diminish my knowledge of my beloved Dodgers will not be tolerated! I assure I can give you an in depth breakdown of each and every player on both their 26 and 40 man rosters. I follows their Single A (Rancho Cucamonga) High A (Great Lakes) Double A (Tulsa) and AAA (OKC) teams. I was a season ticket holder for about 15 years and have been a diehard fan since ‘81. How dare you sir!
Alright NOW you’ve crossed the line! Make fun of my politics, beloved Iowa wrestling team, my religion, but attempting to diminish my knowledge of my beloved Dodgers will not be tolerated! I assure I can give you an in depth breakdown of each and every player on both their 26 and 40 man rosters. I follows their Single A (Rancho Cucamonga) High A (Great Lakes) Double A (Tulsa) and AAA (OKC) teams. I was a season ticket holder for about 15 years and have been a diehard fan since ‘81. How dare you sir!
Then please tell me what the hell happened to James Outman.
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GTFO with this. Get your own schtick!
At the moment Virginia is considered a battleground state. That could certainly change yet. You are sharp enough to understand the logic without me explaining, but I will lay it out. If Trump wins VA by one vote and you had voted for a 3rd party, your vote then effectively allowed Trump to win.
or alternatively...

1. Virginia isn't 'really' a battleground state (my current belief, fairly strongly held), and what i do won't matter.
2. Given that my current probability of T is 20 and B is 0, a vote for doors 1 (abstain) or 2 (3d party) actually acts in biden's favor, given the otherwise greater current probability of T (20%) relative to B (0%)
or alternatively...

1. Virginia isn't 'really' a battleground state (my current belief, fairly strongly held), and what i do won't matter.
2. Given that my current probability of T is 20 and B is 0, a vote for doors 1 (abstain) or 2 (3d party) actually acts in biden's favor, given the otherwise greater current probability of T (20%) relative to B (0%)
1. It's a legit thought and I won't argue.
2. Bullshit through and through.
Then please tell me what the hell happened to James Outman.
That is a great question. I’m not sure if even he knows what happened. Honestly, he was never a highly regarded prospect. Scouts thought he had a big hole in his swing and struck out way too much. He's a great outfielder and athlete, and he was a bit of a later bloomer, who hit a bunch of home runs in AAA in 2022, got called up late season and had a hot finish. 2023 he was real streaky, having his ups and downs finishing 3rd in ROY voting. He was abysmal (like the rest of the lineup) in the post season. His 2024 season was one of the worst by a Dodger before being demoted to AAA. He hasn’t faired much better since getting sent down to OKC, as he’s still striking out a lot and hitting in the .260s. He seems like a good dude, and I hope he figures it out. I’m less than optimistic as he’s 27 and should be in his prime, not trying to figure out how to stay up at the major league level.
Of course I blame party leadership. The Repubs have had numerous opportunities to get rid of Trump and didn't. The Dems won't learn a lesson though.
The difference is that for no great reason Trump is wildly popular with a good percentage of Republicans, so party leadership thinks he’s their best bet. My guess is that Biden will likely run because he won in 20 and the Democrats haven’t identified a big name they feel they can throw in with so little time remaining, meaning he’s their best bet. I’d run Michelle if I could coax her.
I can’t imagine what great benefits party leaders collect when their candidate wins, but they must be incredible.
The difference is that for no great reason Trump is wildly popular with a good percentage of Republicans, so party leadership thinks he’s their best bet. My guess is that Biden will likely run because he won in 20 and the Democrats haven’t identified a big name they feel they can throw in with so little time remaining, meaning he’s their best bet. I’d run Michelle if I could coax her.
I can’t imagine what great benefits party leaders collect when their candidate wins, but they must be incredible.
Yes and no. Trump was always going to remain popular as there was no alternative until the campaigns came along. The party caved to him. He has become the party. The MAGA base is just too powerful. Biden's support isn't based on his popularity rather anti-Trump. Nothing everyone already doesn't know. So both party's leadership should be blamed. Which ever party wins this Presidential election is going to get stomped in 2028.