Best Movies of Your Youth?

My parents took me to see Jaws in the theater summer of 1975. I was 6. I threw up on the way home and was scarred about going in the ocean for a couple of decades.

Great film, though. Still one of my favorites.

Star Wars
Raiders of the Lost Ark

also T2 was mind blowing when it came out
Was probably the most hyped I have been. Took the afternoon off with my coworkers and the theater was packed.

disclaimer, I “experimented with drugs in my younger days”, Friend and I both took a hit of blotter and went to the original Star Wars when it came out, Really was magical to watch, Plus I understood every damn word Chewy said.
Was probably the most hyped I have been. Took the afternoon off with my coworkers and the theater was packed.
Mam, it was a really huge deal when it premiered!

I got tickets from a radio station for a special early screening they did, so me and my buddy went and saw it that way.
The Sandlot. Best 90s kids sports movie.

And btw, does anyone else remember how many damn kids sports movies there were in that decade? Do they even make anything in that genre anymore?

Disney Channel alone put out one movie per month where a kid learned a new extreme sport or befriended an animal to cope with their parents' divorce.
I was born in '85 so some of these were before my time, some during elementary or just after:
True Lies was my #1, no question
City Slickers
Mighty Ducks I and II
Jurassic Park (although it freaked me out)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Ladybugs... Rodney Dangerfield's finest work.
Home Alone I and II
independence day has to make somebody’s list. i was older then but that was a fantastic big screen experience.

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