Betrayed by the Dems

I'd rather have the group of people who surround Joe running the country than any of the people Trump will be using. At this point, you are voting for the platforms of the candidate. You vote for Joe, you know what they are going to try to do. Promote economic growth and control inflation, not cut taxes (but don't expect them to fix it so the super wealthy are taxed more either), support Ukraine and Israel (while at the same time trying to get Netenyahu to not commit genocide..."this time we are really, REALLY mad"), promote environmentally friendly policies, and confirm judges that will return control of women's bodies to themselves.

Vote for Donald and you get Project 2025 and that will make the remainder of your life much darker if you aren't a white, Christian American making more than $500k a year.

Don't vote for anyone or vote for a third party and you likely get Project 2025. I won't defend his performance last night, but I do know the people surrounding him are competent. Competence is the last thing Donnie wants surrounding him.
You’ve got to be kidding?
You are going to have to be more specific about who you are talking about.

And yeah, only an idiot that thinks Fox News is an honest day's work doesn't think that Kamala isn't capable of doing the job. We have lines of succession for a reason. But hey, throw your protest vote away and get back to me in 5 years to see if it was worth it. I might be in hiding though since I teach science and I'm probably on the list of people to go after just as soon as they get all the people they deem illegal out of the country.
What a snowflake. I imagine you get all your “news” from MSNBC, CNN, and “The View”. 🥴 Kamala’s approval ratings are even lower than Bidens.
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WTF are you talking about? You can't even deal in reality so why would anyone have this discussion with you? We are closer to WW3 because Trump completely destabilized the planet and he will make it worse. You think your life will be better when the US pulls out of NATO and Russia invades Europe?
lol…you actually believe Trump would pull the U.S. out of NATO? He was just using some “tough talk” to get other countries to pay their fair share. It’s called negotiating from a position of strength…something that Biden knows nothing about.
Look. If Biden stays, dipshit is back in. Book it.
Jesus Christ I don’t get you people. I respect your posting and I appreciate you as a person.

How anyone can not be voting straight blue, because of the Supreme Court decision is beyond me.

I have a lot I don’t agree with Biden too. But Trump can eff off. There is no god damn way I’m. not voting Blue in the next election.

Elections have consequences. We are feeling that now. Don’t make it worse.
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Last night was not great but my mother in law has dementia and Joe is not anything close to what we see from her. He is more like my father in law, who happens to be the same age, and mostly just slower in reaction and comprehension. Like his processing time is slower. I can certainly see where a slower processing time coupled with a timed debate would mess with him. But I do believe that he is capable of understanding and making decisions. I also believe that he is far more willing to take counsel from experts than Donald Trump and would be a far better person to lead. I also believe Kamala Harris is a far better choice than Donald Trump.
What leads you to believe that Kamala Harris is a far better choice than Trump?
So you buy the fact that we control the actions of the Russians. Jesus, why can't you just accept that Putin is an asshole and wants to take over other countries? Why does everything have to be a conspiracy that starts from the dark shadow government that "obviously" is what runs the United States. When does the Illuminati get involved? Is it actually just aliens controlling us? FFS, you are insane.

Putin has a small dick and he needs to compensate by invading other countries. It really is that simple. Those other things are just excuses that really don't make any sense. If it wasn't those things, he would have invented something else.
Your last sentence makes me think that if it was another Republican (instead of Trump) like a DeSantis…who was the Republican presidential nominee….similar political attacks would be on-going against a different Republican candidate for president.
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Your last sentence makes me think that if it was another Republican (instead of Trump) like a DeSantis…who was the Republican presidential nominee….similar political attacks would be on-going against a different Republican candidate for president.
Are you kidding? DeSantis is what Trump would be if Trump wasn't an idiotic toddler. But you are right, it's the entire Republican platform I hate. It doesn't matter what douchebag they find to implement the Heritage Foundation's wishes. There's going to be a lot of people who are going to be shocked about what happens in the next 20 years I think. Not that they will recognize it. Hell, 70 million people think it's Biden that jacked up the prices and had nothing to do with massive tax cuts, tariffs, and stimulus that was passed before Biden ever set foot in office.
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Lots to unpack in this thread. But the simple reality is that this election will be decided by moderate independent voters in a few select states.

Joe lost those voters last night. The right leaning suburban soccer moms who were disgusted by Trump in 2020 may just stay home in 2024. Roe v Wade might get them out to vote, but I question it after last night’s debacle.

The never Trumper Republicans? They will stay home too. Why would they vote for this shit show when they don’t like his policies anyway?

The youth vote? Forget it. Joe is not energizing the twenty-something set.

If the dems want to actually win they have to ditch the vegetable and get serious with a real candidate - and NOT one from California.

Whitmer/Buttigieg would clean Trump’s clock. There is still time and failure to make this change is utter narcissism on the part of dem leadership.
lol…Mayor Pete isn’t going to “clean Trump’s clock”. Now, if you’re talking about Pete cleaning Trump’s cock…then you’re on to something. 😉
Are you kidding? DeSantis is what Trump would be if Trump wasn't an idiotic toddler. But you are right, it's the entire Republican platform I hate. It doesn't matter what douchebag they find to implement the Heritage Foundation's wishes. There's going to be a lot of people who are going to be shocked about what happens in the next 20 years I think. Not that they will recognize it. Hell, 70 million people think it's Biden that jacked up the prices and had nothing to do with massive tax cuts, tariffs, and stimulus that was passed before Biden ever set foot in office.
Well, at least you’re honest about your blind hatred.
Holy can't make this shit up
C’mon - let’s get real…Trump was convicted of paying hush money to a porn star. Not something to be proud of, but does that impact his energy policy, border policy, foreign policy, etc?
Well, at least you’re honest about your blind hatred.
It's not blind. It's well earned. Republicans are a fascist party that is 9/10 of the way to taking over for good. They have engineered it so a guy who organized an attempted coup will not be punished for his crime. There is no saving that party. Why you want a two tiered system of justice where rich people have different rules than everyone else is beyond me.
Yeah, suddenly the guy who votes for Trump cares about being lied to. How cute.

And yes, the decisions are sound and make sense. It's not my fault you aren't capable of understanding those things.
You actually believe Biden’s border decisions, economic decisions, and foreign policy decisions (to name a few) are “sound”?
You actually believe Biden’s border decisions, economic decisions, and foreign policy decisions (to name a few) are “sound”?
You don't? I like relative stability, low inflation, and job growth. Immigrants spend money and fill jobs that are otherwise unfilled. I remember a lot of complaining from business owners about not being able to find anyone to fill their open positions. Immigration is good for the economy. We just need to provide paths for them to do it legally and without having to hop over some cheap fence. Every time we get close to doing that, Republicans stop it from happening, though. It's almost like they don't actually want to solve the problem.
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You don't? I like relative stability, low inflation, and job growth. Immigrants spend money and fill jobs that are otherwise unfilled. I remember a lot of complaining from business owners about not being able to find anyone to fill their open positions. Immigration is good for the economy. We just need to provide paths for them to do it legally and without having to hop over some cheap fence. Every time we get close to doing that, Republicans stop it from happening, though. It's almost like they don't actually want to solve the problem.
Yep, legal immigration is fine and as you stated…illegal immigration isn’t. The latter was much, much lower under the Trump administration. Hopefully, there aren’t terror attacks from all the undocumented people that have come into this country. We know there have been murders/rapes by such individuals. Regarding job growth…don’t be fooled by the #’s…it’s mostly gov’t jobs and those returning to work from COVID. Likewise, you can spout all the inflation numbers, but prices on groceries, gas, etc are still way too high.
Yep, legal immigration is fine and as you stated…illegal immigration isn’t. The latter was much, much lower under the Trump administration. Hopefully, there aren’t terror attacks from all the undocumented people that have come into this country. We know there have been murders/rapes by such individuals. Regarding job growth…don’t be fooled by the #’s…it’s mostly gov’t jobs and those returning to work from COVID. Likewise, you can spout all the inflation numbers, but prices on groceries, gas, etc are still way too high.
We don't have an effective system for legal immigration which is why so much of it is illegal. I am far more scared of Trump's supporters than I am of any illegal immigrants. We know there have been murders and rapes and attempted kidnappings and terrorist acts on federal buildings with them. And jobs are jobs. You don't get to say "but those don't count". Assuming your numbers are accurate, sure, those jobs will go away with a Republican in charge. I'm sure they will find a way to just not include those as jobs that are lost in their "official numbers" either. Kind of like how Bush was able to not include money spent on Iraq in the yearly budgets. But putting millions of people out of work is your idea of good policy?
We don't have an effective system for legal immigration which is why so much of it is illegal. I am far more scared of Trump's supporters than I am of any illegal immigrants. We know there have been murders and rapes and attempted kidnappings and terrorist acts on federal buildings with them. And jobs are jobs. You don't get to say "but those don't count". Assuming your numbers are accurate, sure, those jobs will go away with a Republican in charge. I'm sure they will find a way to just not include those as jobs that are lost in their "official numbers" either. Kind of like how Bush was able to not include money spent on Iraq in the yearly budgets. But putting millions of people out of work is your idea of good policy?
I don’t understand your “fear” of Trump supporters vs unknown/undocumented illegal immigrants? I’m a Trump supporter and my worst “crime” has been a speeding ticket. 😉 Crimes committed by illegal immigrants are avoidable as they shouldn’t be in this country in the first place. We’ll just have to agree to disagree.

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