Biden to Meet With His Family on Sunday

Biden probably won't step aside...he's wanted to be President for 50 years.

He’s been President. Not only that, but he got Trump out of office - defeating an incumbent is a hell of an accomplishment. And he was a decent President. If he drops out now history will speak well of him. Staying in would be a disaster for how he is remembered.
Unfortunately, the democrats lately seem content to pick the next one in line, which would be Harris. Fortunately, if Biden were to drop out (fingers crossed) the convention would be wild, ea ing anything could happen. There would even be a small chance they would pick the best person.

Well, we can dream.

Hopefully there is an abbreviated campaign leading up to the convention so that multiple candidates can present themselves and their vision to the public.

No more of this “my turn” crap. That thinking helped give us H Clinton.
Hopefully there is an abbreviated campaign leading up to the convention so that multiple candidates can present themselves and their vision to the public.

No more of this “my turn” crap. That thinking helped give us H Clinton.
Campaigns are overrated. Let the convention decide who would be the best candidate; not who has been a team player and waited their turn.
He’s been President. Not only that, but he got Trump out of office - defeating an incumbent is a hell of an accomplishment. And he was a decent President. If he drops out now history will speak well of him. Staying in would be a disaster for how he is remembered.


I just don't think he will drop out and it would be chaos if he did until a replacement candidate got picked.
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I just don't think he will drop out and it would be chaos if he did until a replacement candidate got picked.
Finding a replacement could take minutes or months. Every party has internal polling that we aren’t privy to, I’m sure they know exactly which candidate should be chosen, it’s just a matter of how Biden wants to proceed.
What a disaster. I love it, not for our country but for you sad democrats... this couldn't be scripted better.
I've stayed away from these threads except the first couple right after the debate. Between the pearl clutching and the dancing on the grave, whats the point?

This is the best "news" if it turns out he has a reality check and does the right thing for himself and for the country. Esp if it can be spun that it is HIS decision and they push the reelection war chest to the replacement that he helps select. There is plenty of time. Hell, the election cycle should be more like 6 months and not 12+.

Any moderate is going to inherit almost all of Biden's voters and will bring in many undecideds. There are MAYBE a couple D options that will make folks sit out, but NONE that will say "Oh, person X (D) is running so I will go with trump".
He’s been President. Not only that, but he got Trump out of office - defeating an incumbent is a hell of an accomplishment. And he was a decent President. If he drops out now history will speak well of him. Staying in would be a disaster for how he is remembered.
LOL - Biden is a disaster! He will not drop out, he does not want to be remembered as Dementia Joe.
He was high as a kite during the State of the Union address, his eyes were as large as silver dollars and he was yelling the whole time. That was behavior coerced by drugs.
I’m sure trump wasn’t a customer of his doctor Ronny Jackson (or Johnson as trump calls him) with his unprecedented deliveries of drugs to the White House from 2016-2020. trump clearly is an addict.
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It should have been her turn in 2008 but the DNC had no forethought.
We should have realized in 2008 that Hillary was a terrible campaigner - she acted as tho the nomination was a fait accompli and didn't prepare her ground game accordingly. She learned her lesson and was better prepared in 2016, but demonstrated again her poor quality as a campaigner.
Unfortunately, the democrats lately seem content to pick the next one in line, which would be Harris. Fortunately, if Biden were to drop out (fingers crossed) the convention would be wild, ea ing anything could happen. There would even be a small chance they would pick the best person.

Well, we can dream.
lol…who would even be the “best person” in the Dem’s party? 🤔
You would think that functionally adults would know better than to sign all their finances over to a man convicted of financial fraud and held liable for even more financial fraud. But here we are. Clearly Rs must not be functioning adults.
It's funny because Dems put themselves in a bad position when they played identity politics and picked Kamala. Everyone knows she is not qualified, but they couldn't put someone in front of her because that would go against their entire racist agenda.

So instead they had Biden run again thinking they could hide his decline. Now it's all falling apart.

Trump will pick a qualified vp, so while he is old, there will be a competent backup if something happened.
He’s been President. Not only that, but he got Trump out of office - defeating an incumbent is a hell of an accomplishment. And he was a decent President. If he drops out now history will speak well of him. Staying in would be a disaster for how he is remembered.
He had to lie and cover up his sons laptop and his party had to create Russiagate to get Biden elected. Not exactly something to be proud of.

Meanwhile biden is still randomly squatting like a 2 year old relieving themselves in their diaper

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