Biden to Meet With His Family on Sunday

I've stayed away from these threads except the first couple right after the debate. Between the pearl clutching and the dancing on the grave, whats the point?

This is the best "news" if it turns out he has a reality check and does the right thing for himself and for the country. Esp if it can be spun that it is HIS decision and they push the reelection war chest to the replacement that he helps select. There is plenty of time. Hell, the election cycle should be more like 6 months and not 12+.

Any moderate is going to inherit almost all of Biden's voters and will bring in many undecideds. There are MAYBE a couple D options that will make folks sit out, but NONE that will say "Oh, person X (D) is running so I will go with trump".
If it’s Kamala or Gavin I will sit this election out, if the democrats put up a sane moderate they will have my vote
You would think that functionally adults would know better than to sign all their finances over to a man convicted of financial fraud and held liable for even more financial fraud. But here we are. Clearly Rs must not be functioning adults.
Look in the mirror. Our guy beat your alheimer guy in the debate
Your guy is not a functioning adult. Sadly.
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I’m not here to put Reagan on a pedestal but rather to use him as an example. The Dems have for decades claimed that Reagan had dementia, Alzheimer’s, or something else affecting his cognitive abilities and couldn’t govern in the last year or two of his presidency. Watch this video from the last week of his presidency, just shy of 78 years old, and tell me that Joe at 81 isn’t massively worse than Ronnie was at that time. You can’t possibly put Joe on the ballot. It should be a crime against the country for the DNC to effectively hand the presidential election over to a convicted felon in Trump.

I can't imagine how bad her health is now. In 2015 she had that special doctor following her around with a life saving injection for her severe illness.

America definitely couldn’t unsee the ‘weekend at Bernie’s’ way she was dragged into that van, leaving her shoe behind.

The debate was a moment like that.
I’m not here to put Reagan on a pedestal but rather to use him as an example. The Dems have for decades claimed that Reagan had dementia, Alzheimer’s, or something else affecting his cognitive abilities and couldn’t govern in the last year or two of his presidency. Watch this video from the last week of his presidency, just shy of 78 years old, and tell me that Joe at 81 isn’t massively worse than Ronnie was at that time. You can’t possibly put Joe on the ballot. It should be a crime against the country for the DNC to effectively hand the presidential election over to a convicted felon in Trump.

And an even bigger crime to put Trump on the ticket
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It's funny because Dems put themselves in a bad position when they played identity politics and picked Kamala. Everyone knows she is not qualified, but they couldn't put someone in front of her because that would go against their entire racist agenda.

So instead they had Biden run again thinking they could hide his decline. Now it's all falling apart.

Trump will pick a qualified vp, so while he is old, there will be a competent backup if something happened.
How deluded are you? He will pick a loyalist who will allow Trump to turn America into the hellscape that he claims America is now.
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I’m not here to put Reagan on a pedestal but rather to use him as an example. The Dems have for decades claimed that Reagan had dementia, Alzheimer’s, or something else affecting his cognitive abilities and couldn’t govern in the last year or two of his presidency. Watch this video from the last week of his presidency, just shy of 78 years old, and tell me that Joe at 81 isn’t massively worse than Ronnie was at that time. You can’t possibly put Joe on the ballot. It should be a crime against the country for the DNC to effectively hand the presidential election over to a convicted felon in Trump.

If you ever wonder how a man could win 49 states in the election, watch that video.
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What are you talking about?
Especially during the winter months when Iowa couldn't get thru a commercial break without a TV ad, I've never seen a collection of candidates attack each other...but almost never mentioning the guy who was 30 points ahead. Not to mention Trump skipping all primary debates and the other candidates barely bringing it up at all.
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Especially during the winter months when Iowa couldn't get thru a commercial break without a TV ad, I've never seen a collection of candidates attack each other...but almost never mentioning the guy who was 30 points ahead. Not to mention Trump skipping all primary debates and the other candidates barely bringing it up at all.
I wonder why they ran at all? They applied near zero resistance to him. Even after he was found liable for rape, his opponents couldn't muster up anything bad to say about him.
I wonder why they ran at all? They applied near zero resistance to him. Even after he was found liable for rape, his opponents couldn't muster up anything bad to say about him.
It's still bizarre to me - not until Haley was a dead candidate walking did she go after Trump out of desperation.

They seemingly tried to repeat the same strategy as '16 and campaigned as tho Trump would collapse on his own.
Trump in jail and Biden drops out.

Happy Jim Carrey GIF
Biden won't drop out...he, Jill, and his handlers enjoy the power too much to do what's best for the country (and honestly, for Joe).

In all likelihood we won't see much of him the rest of the campaign or the next 4 years. He'll be hidden away, with Jill and his handlers making the decisions.

It's sad, and unfortunately that will ultimately be his legacy.
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Biden won't drop out...he, Jill, and his handlers enjoy the power too much to do what's best for the country (and honestly, for Joe).

In all likelihood we won't see much of him the rest of the campaign or the next 4 years. He'll be hidden away, with Jill and his handlers making the decisions.

It's sad, and unfortunately that will ultimately be his legacy.
Better than trump making decisions.
It's still the case. Trump said he would hand Ukraine over to Russia on day one. That alone should disqualify him from making any decisions.
That's not what he said. Trump said he would be able to "settle" the war if re-elected, even ahead of inauguration day on January 20. "...he would not accept Russian President Vladimir Putin’s terms for ending the war in Ukraine."
That's not what he said. Trump said he would be able to "settle" the war if re-elected, even ahead of inauguration day on January 20. "...he would not accept Russian President Vladimir Putin’s terms for ending the war in Ukraine."
Short of Trump giving Putin everything he wanted in Ukraine, how else do you think he'd end the war?
That's not what he said. Trump said he would be able to "settle" the war if re-elected, even ahead of inauguration day on January 20. "...he would not accept Russian President Vladimir Putin’s terms for ending the war in Ukraine."
Dude, no. He said he will end aid to Ukraine and it's clear it has a lot to do with his first impeachment. Here he is literally talking about his first impeachment in direct connection to Ukraine aid. The Felon is petty and more than willing to give Russia what they want out of revenge. He's compromised.

Biden won't drop out...he, Jill, and his handlers enjoy the power too much to do what's best for the country (and honestly, for Joe).

In all likelihood we won't see much of him the rest of the campaign or the next 4 years. He'll be hidden away, with Jill and his handlers making the decisions.

It's sad, and unfortunately that will ultimately be his legacy.

I'm starting to wonder if Jill is a bad person.
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Well you just heard on MTP that the conundrum is that Kamala is where his delegates would go, and I think we all know how that's going to end
Well you just heard on MTP that the conundrum is that Kamala is where his delegates would go, and I think we all know how that's going to end

Was this from someone who will be out of a job when Biden is no longer the nominee? At this point, they have a vested interest to continue to lie to us

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