Biden's campaign needs to start running ads...

Ah yes, the Big Lie. Still trying to sell that ego saving pile of garbage for your cult leader Lying Donnie Sexual Abuser? 🤣. Keep going girl... after trying it for 4 years and 60+ lawsuits, don't give up now! If you did theyd throw you out of the cult.
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They’re BOTH full of crap and apparently each side hates the other so much they’re believing what their preferred lying old fool is saying
What do you think of Sen. Lankford's proposed legislation?
Do what I did tonight, I sent a vulnerable MMM a message supporting the legislation. I'll send Breadbags and Chuck's handlers messages tomorrow.
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Do what I did tonight, I sent a vulnerable MMM a message supporting the legislation. I'll send Breadbags and Chuck's handlers messages tomorrow.

computing GIF
Hey chickenshit4, mom gets you up early today? I think if I was running a Biden ad I'd start with the one with Lying Donnie Sexual Abuser calling dead American service members losers and suckers. That one must be close to your heart. And his.
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LOL. Couldn’t find a post of mine could you?

They are a fact of life in politics and have been for decades.
I don't gaf what you've posted or not posted, and I'm sure as hell not going to waste time searching. What I know is the left lamented these for years, Koch bros this and that, corporations arent people blah blah blah, but fully embrace the money in politics as soon as it benefits their side.
Now you're celebrating pac money campaigning for a potus who's incapable of doing it himself.
Hypocrisy to the core.
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How many different criminal activities, court cases, convictions, and felony charges can you have and still use the lame "witch hunt" excuse? What is Lying Donnie Sexual Abuser's "witch hunt" count now... 91? 150? 250? And... how much are your monthly cult dues? E. Jean says thank you!! 🤣
That Flie post easily wins the prize for 'week's dumbest post'. Congrats. The J6 insurrectipn and riot says hello.
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Except that time he won and became President of the United States.

This time around Biden won’t have the luxury of ballots being mailed out to every person alive or dead to be filled out by God knows who.

Your posts do a good enough job of showcasing your stupidity. But then I see your avatar and I'm convinced you're even dumber.
Well you knew better. OB was closing Gitmo on day one, Joe making the wealthy " pay their fair share " and Trump the wall. Some candidates are going to balance the budget. You think so? I don't. If you did tune into 60 minutes tonight you saw Chinese illegals ( among others ) pouring in. Where? Where the wall ends...
You know Gitmo is still open right?
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