Big props to Woody...................

Iowa's teammates in the past...didn't have much confidence in Woodie...thus, even when wide open...other options were considered. (And perhaps he was ignored justifiably...or by coaches orders) Now...more confidence as noted. You need to give the ball to a guy who works his tail off with defense, boxing out, helping out, picking, rebounding... Need to feed the Woodie...a bit. He needs to be rewarded and trusted. Happy Woodie is good for Iowa. Still amazed at how well he shoots free throws this year.
Two great games from Woody in a row. Like those reverse layups he's making using the rim to keep away shot blockers. If Uthoff can make those kind of passes on regular basis to setup Wood, Woody will be a double-double guy on a regular basis.
You are late to the Woody train. My man is going to double-double on out from here. Final Four!
Double-Double on out...? Wow...that's some production. Perhaps it will be so... Great season finish for the Wood. He seems to be playing much smarter...more under control.