Boomers are so hilarious

Grumpy old lady next to me at physician’s waiting room is talking back to the cable news show, saying she can’t wait for Trump to get in and “fire” Gavin Newsome for causing the California wildfires.

Such a hilariously stupid generation.
I called in a carry out this weekend. I went up to get my food and some boomer lady waiting had to say out loud "He got his food already and the other person was there before him!"

Like.. what? First off, are people so dumb they don't know what carry out is? Also, why feel like you have to say anything at all?
Homer Simpson Lol GIF by Demic
Back in 2019 I ****ed up my knee really bad and had to do a couple months of physical therapy. While I was sitting in the waiting room one morning they had ESPN on the TV and they were talking about college basketball. A boomer lady sitting there with her grand kid (I'm guessing), started complaining because the player (I can't remember who it was) had an African name. She started just spouting off about how it's bullshit that guys from foreign countries and taking basketball scholarships from Americans. And then even ventured into the NBA saying foreigners shouldn't be allowed to play in that either. I remember her also somehow coming to the conclusion that foreign professional athletes were also taking money that is meant for her.

It was quite a little rant. I remember my PT person came out and got me before she was done complaining.
I'm glad there is a whole army of these people out there that decided they need to vote just before they die.
The question running through my head this week - who the hell is going to rebuild all these houses in California once Trump deports 3 million Mexicans?

After the small F1 tornado we had in our neighborhood last summer, about 20 houses got new roofs and EVERY SINGLE worker appeared to be a relatively recently arrived Mexican/central American.
Grumpy old lady next to me at physician’s waiting room is talking back to the cable news show, saying she can’t wait for Trump to get in and “fire” Gavin Newsome for causing the California wildfires.

Such a hilariously stupid generation.
Defining an entire generation by the old woman next to you in the waiting room. Cool.
Now let me tell the story about the black guy I hired in 1985...
Back in 2004 I had to have a lump on my finger removed (non cancerous tumor). While I was in the waiting room before surgery, the news was on and talking about a local prostest going on. An old lady boomer was there, who knows what for. She started complaining saying that wasn’t a protest and that it was a full on riot. She started saying that during her time of protesting, they would be sitting outside doing drugs, wearing little clothing and trying to hook up with other protesters. She went on to say that everyone is so angry and that most people don’t know what they are protesting about. They are just there to yell at someone else or start a fight.

I was just like, you go old lady! Just be happy you don’t have to live a lot longer in this new world.
Back in 2004 I had to have a lump on my finger removed (non cancerous tumor). While I was in the waiting room before surgery, the news was on and talking about a local prostest going on. An old lady boomer was there, who knows what for. She started complaining saying that wasn’t a protest and that it was a full on riot. She started saying that during her time of protesting, they would be sitting outside doing drugs, wearing little clothing and trying to hook up with other protesters. She went on to say that everyone is so angry and that most people don’t know what they are protesting about. They are just there to yell at someone else or start a fight.

I was just like, you go old lady! Just be happy you don’t have to live a lot longer in this new world.
Grumpy old lady next to me at physician’s waiting room is talking back to the cable news show, saying she can’t wait for Trump to get in and “fire” Gavin Newsome for causing the California wildfires.

Such a hilariously stupid generation.
So one person is now representative of a huge generation.
Good to know.
My God is that SO not surprising.
The question running through my head this week - who the hell is going to rebuild all these houses in California once Trump deports 3 million Mexicans?

After the small F1 tornado we had in our neighborhood last summer, about 20 houses got new roofs and EVERY SINGLE worker appeared to be a relatively recently arrived Mexican/central American.
I look forward to tge impending mess/inflation about to hit America created by the Cali reconstruction! It will be Trump’s Fault, 100% because…. For the same reasons it was Biden’s fault! “Trumponomics” will be a beautiful thing… just bring your wallet and credit cards ‘cause it won’t be cheap!
Back in 2004 I had to have a lump on my finger removed (non cancerous tumor). While I was in the waiting room before surgery, the news was on and talking about a local prostest going on. An old lady boomer was there, who knows what for. She started complaining saying that wasn’t a protest and that it was a full on riot. She started saying that during her time of protesting, they would be sitting outside doing drugs, wearing little clothing and trying to hook up with other protesters. She went on to say that everyone is so angry and that most people don’t know what they are protesting about. They are just there to yell at someone else or start a fight.

I was just like, you go old lady! Just be happy you don’t have to live a lot longer in this new world.
Bill Nye Reaction GIF
I called in a carry out this weekend. I went up to get my food and some boomer lady waiting had to say out loud "He got his food already and the other person was there before him!"

Like.. what? First off, are people so dumb they don't know what carry out is? Also, why feel like you have to say anything at all?
Why were you in a dumpy joint that attracts that sort of imbecile to begin with?