Bourbon Question

There has always been George T Stagg and Stagg Jr. Only GTS is available now b
The last release of Stagg was last spring/summer. Hopefully they'll continue putting it out. Typically only 1-2 batches pretty year. I'd love to get my hands on a GTS, but I'm not about to spend secondary on it. Iowa is a controlled state and our allocations typically are minimal, and always seem to end up in the same guys hands for flipping.
Just can’t get into drinking straight liquor. It’s like drinking some sort of household cleaner. Harsh… burns and just bleh. Even the so called good stuff to me is less harsh but still has that taste or vibe. I don’t get it.
Listen, you seem like a nice fella, so with all due respect, stfu noob. Grow up and drink scotch nerd.
My dad asked me about bottles for a gift for his buddies bday tomorrow. Did a little side by side of the few I named.

OF 1920 is the clear winner. I just love it so much.

Much tougher to rank 2-4. They're all good in their own way. Probably would go:
2. Wild Turkey Rare Breed Bourbon
3. 4 Roses single barrel (the regular OBSV)
4. Heaven Hill 7 year BiB.

Dad went with the 4R. Which I think is good as I don't think his buddy is used to drinking barrel proof options.
The first time I bought that, the guy at the register told me it's a great "ice fishing whiskey," and as soon as I tried it, I knew exactly what he meant. Haven't been able to think of it any other way since then. It's not bad for the price at all.

My favorite budget bourbon is either of these, both also for under $20 a bottle.



While I’m not a fan of Evan Williams, I am a huge fan of Mellow Corn. It’s not technically a bourbon because it uses previously used barrels like Scotch rather than new scorched American oak. So Mellow Corn doesn’t have the rich caramel flavor, heavy vanilla, and woody pecan nut notes that Bourbon’s have. Instead it gets more light butterscotch, apple and sweet corn note like a good Single malt Speyside Scotch. And it doesn’t have spice from added on rye. But those lighter than Bourbon flavor notes makes Mellow Corn a great multi use liquor. Its silky smoothness and nice light flavor profile makes it great for shooting. And it mixes well with any soda whether ginger ale, Coke, Sprite, Cheerwine, Mountain Dew, Dr. P, etc…. It stands up to any simple two to four item cocktails but doesn’t have the full rich flavor profile to be in one of the sophisticated ten liquor and bitter cocktails.
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