Boyz these horrific events in Paris have pretty much guaranteed a conservative in the WH

Let's say to give the US total "balls." You give our military unlimited support. Airstrikes, full naval uses, and shove 100,000 troops in there for any and all ground assaults. Do you think that this would solve much? If our war against the Taliban is any guide, probably not. We've been battling these guys for 14 years now and yet they're still out there. So why should it be any easier with ISIS?

You send our troops in and they go underground. And the moment you pull out, they pop out. You go back in, they go back under. You pull back out, they pop back out. All the while, they're hiding in different regions and even different countries. There's a reason why they call it whack-a-mole.

And even if you were somehow able to exterminate ISIS completely, once you pull out, some other terrorists organization will fill the void, and we're back to square one.
Nat you are insinuating something here you sly dog...
Or is it that a conservative candidate has been more right than the sitting potus on recent events?

Funny how whenever a conservative us elected they have to clean up the global shit pile the liberal left stinking.
Remind me which was in charge again during 9/11?
Let's say to give the US total "balls." You give our military unlimited support. Airstrikes, full naval uses, and shove 100,000 troops in there for any and all ground assaults. Do you think that this would solve much? If our war against the Taliban is any guide, probably not. We've been battling these guys for 14 years now and yet they're still out there. So why should it be any easier with ISIS?

You send our troops in and they go underground. And the moment you pull out, they pop out. You go back in, they go back under. You pull back out, they pop back out. All the while, they're hiding in different regions and even different countries. There's a reason why they call it whack-a-mole.

And even if you were somehow able to exterminate ISIS completely, once you pull out, some other terrorists organization will fill the void, and we're back to square one.
Our war against the Taliban was sanitized, that is exactly what I was saying. The US will not be able to get this done. Russia likely will. Putin is nuts.
Our war against the Taliban was sanitized, that is exactly what I was saying. The US will not be able to get this done. Russia likely will. Putin is nuts.
How was it sanitized? We tried killing and blowing them up, didn't we? Or are you suggesting that we go out and try raping their mothers, killing their fathers, and torturing those who we did capture?
How was it sanitized? We tried killing and blowing them up, didn't we? Or are you suggesting that we go out and try raping their mothers, killing their fathers, and torturing those who we did capture?
No you kill their mothers too. To stop a breed you kill the hens; no?
Except I'm not a conservative. I have't voted Republican since Papa Bush 1.

She did say she thought a mandatory gun confiscation like the one in Australia was something she would be interested in looking in to.
I just don't think she has what it will take to deal with these terrorist.
I don't trust her either, but in almost the opposite way. I think she doesn't have any intention of doing the left wing stuff she talks about. I think she is a traditional Rockefeller Republican with a hawkish disposition on foreign policy. If the R party was the same party she grew up with in the 60's and 70's, she would be a R today, like she was raised. As it is, she is what people keep saying they want, a fiscal and foreign policy con with socially liberal positions that she won't push too hard.
The issue of secure borders has now come front and center.

The Donald was right all along.

Why is it that the neocon's only talk about securing the southern border and they neglect to even mention our northern border. I suppose it's due to bigotry, that and the fact Trump couldn't get Mexico to pay for a dense to the north. Actually immigration isn't as serious a problem as the neocon's would want you to believe. President Obama has deported more undocumented immigrants than any other president, and in his almost seven years in office he's kept us 100% safe. This will have no bearing on the election in 2016, if anything it will help whoever the democratic nominee is. The Republicans are too extreme and the nomination contenders are being controlled by an even more extreme base and a media that reinforces right wing propaganda designed to scare and frighten the sheeple base.
Remind me again who was in charge and could have taken out bin.laden?
bin laden died of natural causes in dec of 2001, a mere couple months after 9-11 which he had very little to do with, if anything

yes, both bush and Clinton could have taken him out but he was cia, one of ours, bought and paid for, we don't take out our assets
The point is they clearly weren't afraid of what Bush would do.

But they were. My last time in Kuwait I spoke with some Arabs who said that when Bush was in office, they knew that what he said is what he would do. They respect power and despise weakness, their words not mine. They laughed at Obama for going to Egypt and apologizing and called it "weak".
look, whenever we attack foreign policy from a position of strength like putin does, it's great, from weakness like Obama does, we get mizzou and france
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You know you're off the rails when even Putin can release the company line and you can't.
However what Donald said is 100% correct, the libtards are blind to anything that would have leveled the playing field.
There is the smoking gun Lucky Ned = Arby.

Question for you Arby. Is Templeton Rye still your favorite or when their fraudulent claim got exposed did you move on?
Lots of people use the term Berries for Obama I have for years, what is this fascination with Arby's fast food? FWIW I think Templeton tastes like paint thinner, what else would you like to know?
Why is it that the neocon's only talk about securing the southern border and they neglect to even mention our northern border. I suppose it's due to bigotry, that and the fact Trump couldn't get Mexico to pay for a dense to the north. Actually immigration isn't as serious a problem as the neocon's would want you to believe. President Obama has deported more undocumented immigrants than any other president, and in his almost seven years in office he's kept us 100% safe. This will have no bearing on the election in 2016, if anything it will help whoever the democratic nominee is. The Republicans are too extreme and the nomination contenders are being controlled by an even more extreme base and a media that reinforces right wing propaganda designed to scare and frighten the sheeple base.
We don't have a bunch of Canadians murdering, robbing and raping but we do have Mexicans doing it.

You're dense.
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We don't have a bunch of Canadians murdering, robbing and raping but we do have Mexicans doing it.

You're dense.
Dense is securing but one border and leaving the other one open. It doesn't take a neurosurgeon to figure that out. With but one border secure the unwanted factions will simply go to the unsecured border. There are a lot of dumb asses on this site, and its sad they're mostly uninformed right wing MRSA sacks.
We don't have a bunch of Canadians murdering, robbing and raping but we do have Mexicans doing it.

You're dense.
In addition, Sparky - this thread is about terrorism, not Mexicans - making your reply hilariously ignorant.
Why is it that the neocon's only talk about securing the southern border and they neglect to even mention our northern border. I suppose it's due to bigotry, that and the fact Trump couldn't get Mexico to pay for a dense to the north. Actually immigration isn't as serious a problem as the neocon's would want you to believe. President Obama has deported more undocumented immigrants than any other president, and in his almost seven years in office he's kept us 100% safe. This will have no bearing on the election in 2016, if anything it will help whoever the democratic nominee is. The Republicans are too extreme and the nomination contenders are being controlled by an even more extreme base and a media that reinforces right wing propaganda designed to scare and frighten the sheeple base.
Actually it's yet another liberal lie to say Obama has deported more they simply changed the definition of deportation.
Let's bring in more refugees so we allow them to up their odds of causing chaos within our cities.
Actually it's yet another liberal lie to say Obama has deported more they simply changed the definition of deportation.
I didn't say a word about deportations, I was referring to a decline in illegals trying to cross the border. Quit assuming, it makes you look more ignorant than you are.
I didn't say a word about deportations, I was referring to a decline in illegals trying to cross the border. Quit assuming, it makes you look more ignorant than you are.
You absolutely said Obama has deported more undocumented immigrants, which by the way is a lie.

You get caught red handed and still deny it, you are the most dense person on this board.
Quit being a spaz! Just go read your post you mentioned the southern border just as I said.

Once again you proved you are dense!
Lmfao, you mentioned the southern border, to which I asked why the Republicans don't talk about the northern border. You led off with the bigotry, Mexican murderers, rapists and drug dealers - you need to try harder to follow along. Now, either learn to comprehend or just STFU, you're an embarrassment.
Lmfao, you mentioned the southern border, to which I asked why the Republicans don't talk about the northern border. You led off with the bigotry, Mexican murderers, rapists and drug dealers - you need to try harder to follow along. Now, either learn to comprehend or just STFU, you're an embarrassment.
Just read your original post dipshit and you will see I am as usual 100% on target.
Disgusting anyone would try to score political points off over 100 dead people with some asinine immigration argument.
Just read your original post dipshit and you will see I am as usual 100% on target.
The problem with right wingers is they're never 100% right, and the reason for that is their source(s) of information. The right wing media does everything they can to misinform their groupies, and those groupies are too lazy to venture off on their own in search of truths. Your media goes out of its way to tell you to not listen to the "liberal" media because they don't want you to catch them in their lies - which there are plenty of. All I can do is laugh at your brainwashed asses, it's a sad commentary on the negative side of freedom of speech, but sadder yet is your ability to swallow everything that is spewed at you without question. Rightists have no idea how the debt got so high, you blame it all on President Obama when in fact it's the furthest thing from the truth. You must be proud being a right wing pawn.
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