Buy Chris Christie a Donut


HR All-State
Nov 5, 2011
I received the following text today:


“It's time to get serious.

We still need to reach the 70,000 donor mark to qualify for the third debate.

You've helped us out once already, so we know you support our mission.

Will you forward this text to five of your friends?

One day, Trump will be forced to show up to a debate, and Chris has to be there waiting for him.

With your help and the help of your friends, he will be.

Let's do this.

Team Christie

Paid for by Chris Christie for President, Inc.”

I don’t fully trust this man’s motivation, but I donated $1 to keep him on the stage so he can keep dogging Trump.

I don’t disagree with Christie on too many major issues but would never support an asshole who closed a beach so he and his family could have it to themselves, or closed lanes on a toll plaza as a petty act of retribution against a local politician who didn’t endorse him. The fact that he’s the most reasonable candidate at this point illustrates what a clown show the GOP has become.
I don’t disagree with Christie on too many major issues but would never support an asshole who closed a beach so he and his family could have it to themselves, or closed lanes on a toll plaza as a petty act of retribution against a local politician who didn’t endorse him. The fact that he’s the most reasonable candidate at this point illustrates what a clown show the GOP has become.
There are a few gop people I was really willing to give a shot but they ultimately disappointed me. Christie is on that list for sure along with Kasich and Susan Collins. There’s more but those 3 stand out
I received the following text today:


“It's time to get serious.

We still need to reach the 70,000 donor mark to qualify for the third debate.

You've helped us out once already, so we know you support our mission.

Will you forward this text to five of your friends?

One day, Trump will be forced to show up to a debate, and Chris has to be there waiting for him.

With your help and the help of your friends, he will be.

Let's do this.

Team Christie

Paid for by Chris Christie for President, Inc.”

I don’t fully trust this man’s motivation, but I donated $1 to keep him on the stage so he can keep dogging Trump.

LOL. Fake but funny.
I don’t disagree with Christie on too many major issues but would never support an asshole who closed a beach so he and his family could have it to themselves, or closed lanes on a toll plaza as a petty act of retribution against a local politician who didn’t endorse him. The fact that he’s the most reasonable candidate at this point illustrates what a clown show the GOP has become.
Does Biden keep the beach open when he visits?
Donated my buck. He's not wildly far off from my views now that he's ditched the MAGA baggage. If MAGA could get it through their thick skulls, into their tiny brains that even most republicans disagree with them they would win elections. Instead, they whine and cry about those "other" republicans. They call them RINOs and Snowflakes and Soyboys, because all they know how to do is project and be cruel.
“Your anger against the truth is reprehensible.”

That was actually an excellent speech and those booing just showed their asses as the morons they are.
It was really good too bad none of the idiots are reachable with logic. I would have been tempted to go Rick Sanchez on them. Your boos mean nothing to me. I’ve seen what makes u cheer.
I think the guy isnt bad. There are just not enough Republicans like him anymore.

If he was the candidate I would not worry about him being elected. He would honor our traditions and the constituion.
I feel like Christie and Haley are in that group. (Pence was as well)

The rest will do whatever helps them.

Opinion: The finest speech ever given in a presidential debate​

Opinion by Todd Graham
Thu, December 7, 2023 at 10:11 AM CST·8 min read

Editor’s Note: Todd Graham is a professor of debate at Southern Illinois University. His teams have won five national championships; he’s been named the national debate coach of the year three times and been presented with the lifetime achievement award in academia and debate. You can find him at his website, on Facebook and on Twitter. The views expressed in this commentary are his own. View more opinion at CNN.
I’ve watched more than 8,000 debates. Admittedly, my life is not terribly exciting. But after Wednesday night’s fourth Republican presidential debate at the University of Alabama, I was rollin’ like the tide.
If you were lucky enough to watch, you were treated to the finest speech ever given in a presidential debate. Let’s get right to it — here’s how the four candidates scored:

Chris Christie: A+​

Jim Watson/AFP/Getty Images

Since all great speeches should have a title, I’m naming it “Chris Christie’s Retribution Speech.”

To make a memorable argument in a debate, you need at least three things. First, the issue being debated has to be salient. Second, you need to lock down your position with good examples and evidence. Finally, your delivery is crucial. But even that’s not enough. For an argument to stand out in a debate, it must contain all three of those elements — and it must be a position not yet heard by the debating audience.

The “Chris Christie Retribution Speech” met all the criteria.

First: was the topic salient? Indeed it was, and the former governor of New Jersey knew it. Here’s part of his answer when asked what he thought of former President Donald Trump’s comments this week, that if elected again he would be a dictator only on “day one.”

“Completely predictable,” said Christie. “This is an angry, bitter man, who now wants to be back as president because he wants to exact retribution on anyone who has disagreed with him, anyone who has tried to hold him to account for his own conduct…. Do I think he was kidding when he said he was a dictator? All you have to do is look at the history…”

Second: Christie’s reasoning was solid, and his explanation of Trump’s popularity was smart debating. He took a weakness (Trump is polling way higher than Christie) and turned it into an attack on his debate opponents. Christie continued, “You want to know why those poll numbers are where they are? Because folks like these three guys on stage make it seem like his conduct is acceptable.”

Third: You really need to watch his delivery. It’s a 2-minute speech, and it’s glorious. Watch Christie’s nonverbal movement and listen to his cadence. Hear the phrases and where Christie places the emphasis. One line stands out: Trump’s phrase of “I am your retribution,” when quoted by Christie, was chilling.
Christie might have just given the single most important speech in presidential debating history. It was certainly the finest.

Other Christie stand-out moments: Confronting fellow debater Vivek Ramaswamy, who was once again being himself. Christie told him to stop insulting Nikki Haley, said Ramaswamy had a smart-ass mouth, and gave this knock-out blow: “All he knows how to do is insult good people who’ve committed their lives to public service and not say anything that moves the ball down the field for the United States.”

Christie continually chastised Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and others for not answering the question, astutely channelling the audience’s frustration with politicians’ question dodging.

Finally, when talking about the sensitive topic of transgender care, while others like Ramaswamy and DeSantis were vilifying transgender kids and their parents, Christie reminded the audience of the sheer hypocrisy.

“Republicans believe in less government, not more…yet we want to take parental rights away,” he said.
And while Christie said he does not personally favor gender-affirming care, he’d rather have parents decide with their children rather than the “jokers” in congress overriding parent’s decisions.
Obligatory NJ donut reference...

While I get that some appreciate the current "role" that Christie is playing, there is a certain irony to the fact that of the group assembled on the stage, he's probably the only one to have ACTUALLY weaponized the government levers within his control for personal benefit. No, I'm not talking about the George Washington Bridge incident (though that's a pretty good one). I'm talking about his time as US Attorney in NJ, before his stint as governor. In that capacity, he had a large ongoing investigation of orthopedic manufacturers. One day, though they were still in the relatively early stages as these things go, Christie called all of the manufacturers in and told them how much they were going to pay to the government to settle their cases, and more importantly for present purposes, how much they were going to pay to private entities to be their independent "monitors" under a sort of consent decree as part of the settlement. Lo and behold, when he announced for governor not too long thereafter, guess who made significant seed donations to his initial campaign? That's right - the monitors!
I don't think Gavin Newsom would do better than Biden against Trump. Don't be fooled by his youth and "good hair." He is the quintessential "limousine liberal."

Chris Christie would beat Trump by adding moderates to the people who basically want anyone but Trump.

I know it's borderline impossible for this to happen. I'm just pontificating.

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