This country has a history that is based on war. There are banking/industrial interests that have drummed up one war after another, especially in the past 100 years.
In that regard, yes - Muslims are no different than any other group. They are demonized by the government and media so that the people will go along with one military invasion after another.
War means big $$$ for big business and they laugh their collective asses off all the way to the bank at society's inability to discern between actual threats and pure propaganda. What did Barry, the guy who's been called a closet Muslim, do in the first few days of his presidency? He bombed the hell out of Pakistan: which is what we've come to expect out of a Nobel Peace winner in this country. It's how we roll.
Cuz we all know those Vietnamese rice farmers were going to dig up their AK 47's out of the mud, jump in a bunch of leaky little dinghys and sail across the ocean to take over this country.
Follow the money: this ain't rocket science.