No, America Wasn’t ‘Founded’ By Immigrants

MAGA has been leaking from your mom's tit since you were a baby. You've been suckling on the MAGA teat your entire life. YOU LOVE IT or you wouldn't live here anymore. Take it all, suck it dry, because it's gonna be a LONG four years for you otherwise...

The stupidity of MAGA.....can't make this shit up
Well, the Spanish who came first didn't immigrate, they were sent by the Spanish crown. Jamestown wasn't started by immigrants, they came like the Spanish, looking for gold, they were signed up and sent by a company. Even the Pilgrims and the succeeding Puritan ships were corporate sponsorships
The narratives are really flowing these days from the right. Can you regale us with stories of how the noble republicans freed the slaves from the evil democrats? They really need a Ministry of Truth to ensure the proper messaging/thinking is in place.

Regarding this particular story, what about all of the people who arrived after the initial settlements? In keeping with the framework of the narrative, unless you are purely descended from the original British colonists (or native Americans) your family immigrated to the US. For example, I'm Irish/Slovak/German/Ukrainian (and some others). My wife is Scandinavian/Viking. Our ancestors arrived mostly in the late 1800s and early 1900s.

I would not be surprised if Trump signs an EO to take down the offensive plaque from the statue of liberty.
A like for the plaque removal idea. Replace it with a plaque tribute to the removal of the scum. His subjects will applaud.
I would say that America became the GREATEST country on earth because of our history of Immigration, but I don't see the problem with this article addressing the truth in how it first came to be.
Because it's stupid on its face.

The first waves of British settlers were seeking a NEW land where they could exercise their religion without harassment, which they were facing at home. (Do you people not remember studying the Pilgrims in school?)

They were in every sense of the word "immigrants" to a new land.

Not to mention the OP's article conveniently neglects to mention that the land "settled" was not empty, virgin territory but rather already occupied. Once again making the newcomers "immigrants."
Because it's stupid on its face.

The first waves of British settlers were seeking a NEW land where they could exercise their religion without harassment, which they were facing at home. (Do you people not remember studying the Pilgrims in school?)

They were in every sense of the word "immigrants" to a new land.

Not to mention the OP's article conveniently neglects to mention that the land "settled" was not empty, virgin territory but rather already occupied. Once again making the newcomers "immigrants."
The underlying message is that there weren't people here when the first Europeans arrived, unless you consider the natives that lived here as people. Most conservatives certainly don't.
That was one of the most stupid things I’ve ever read.

It’s interesting how uneducated people glom onto something that they really want to be true; thinking that it’s really intelligent if it’s more than a couple paragraphs and the person uses a few bigger words. It’s like they’re too stupid to know that they are stupid.
I like to call them adventure seekers!
That’s about as accurate as any other term I see in this thread.
Lots of desperate folk who fled for opportunities they didn’t have in “the Old World”.
English Pilgrims and Puritans, French Huguenots, Catholics, Dutch Protestants and other religious minorities who were having a rough go of it and were lured by the chance for a start where they could escape discrimination and persecution.
Heck Georgia was really a penal colony. Maryland was for Catholics, and the Dutch took over New York. Delaware was preferred by Scandinavians well before they moved out to Minnesota and the Dakota Territory.
Some of those earliest arrivals were just escaping the class system institutionalized in Europe, when you study colonial history.
Why the heck are you fighting over this?
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The underlying message is that there weren't people here when the first Europeans arrived, unless you consider the natives that lived here as people. Most conservatives certainly don't.
When you make broad sweeping statements that are very false you lose credibility. Like your last sentence.

The first Europeans to reach this continent had no idea what they might find but they were hoping to find riches for the taking. Like gold nuggets under every rock. The fact that they encountered humans who looked different than they did was as surprising to them as it was to the indigenous peoples who were here already.
When you make broad sweeping statements that are very false you lose credibility. Like your last sentence.

The first Europeans to reach this continent had no idea what they might find but they were hoping to find riches for the taking. Like gold nuggets under every rock. The fact that they encountered humans who looked different than they did was as surprising to them as it was to the indigenous peoples who were here already.
What isn't false is that other than Native Americans, all other Americans immigrated here from another country. Period end of story. Trying to reclass and saying these individuals, are not immigrants is beyond stupid, because it doesn't match up with current policy. Own up that your policy doesn't match what America was built on and move on.
That was one of the most stupid things I’ve ever read.

It’s interesting how uneducated people glom onto something that they really want to be true; thinking that it’s really intelligent if it’s more than a couple paragraphs and the person uses a few bigger words. It’s like they’re too stupid to know that they are stupid.
Uh, are you saying Northern just saw something in his in box from the fancy pants Federalist Society and figured he'd own the LiBZ?
Northern has been getting pretty hysterical. It's tough for him to come here and defend the flailing incompetence and criminality of Donald Trump every day.
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I think we can all agree that increasing the number of Dutch women to our legal immigration cap would make America even greater.
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When you make broad sweeping statements that are very false you lose credibility. Like your last sentence.

The first Europeans to reach this continent had no idea what they might find but they were hoping to find riches for the taking. Like gold nuggets under every rock. The fact that they encountered humans who looked different than they did was as surprising to them as it was to the indigenous peoples who were here already.
Very false? It's an opinion which I am entitled to. This narrative that the nation wasn't already inhabited by others and that the white people who came here were entitled to take whatever they wished is coming straight out of conservative circles.
Very false? It's an opinion which I am entitled to. This narrative that the nation wasn't already inhabited by others and that the white people who came here were entitled to take whatever they wished is coming straight out of conservative circles.
You’re entitled to your opinion and I’m entitled to my opinion - about your opinion.
Link to “conservative circles” and maybe you can enlighten me to the degree that my opinion could change???
Well, the Spanish who came first didn't immigrate, they were sent by the Spanish crown. Jamestown wasn't started by immigrants, they came like the Spanish, looking for gold, they were signed up and sent by a company. Even the Pilgrims and the succeeding Puritan ships were corporate sponsorships
So, paying for a group of people to go to a country that isn't theirs?

I thought part of our current immigration problem was that some countries were supporting their citizens' journey to get into the US?
Interesting point. "Actually we weren't founded by immigrants. Those wig guys we want you to worship uncritically were much worse than immigrants."
Well, the Spanish who came first didn't immigrate, they were sent by the Spanish crown. Jamestown wasn't started by immigrants, they came like the Spanish, looking for gold, they were signed up and sent by a company. Even the Pilgrims and the succeeding Puritan ships were corporate sponsorships
If you move from one country to another you are an immigrant. It's not a difficult concept. You've essentially confirmed they were all immigrants.
That was one of the most stupid things I’ve ever read.

It’s interesting how uneducated people glom onto something that they really want to be true; thinking that it’s really intelligent if it’s more than a couple paragraphs and the person uses a few bigger words. It’s like they’re too stupid to know that they are stupid.
Perhaps you should consider investing in a thesaurus, so you don't have to use "stupid" three times in two sentences. Just a thought since you know, you're obviously smarter than the OP, and not just one of the elitist lefties that people would like to smack around for the fun of it.
I would say that America became the GREATEST country on earth because of our history of Immigration, but I don't see the problem with this article addressing the truth in how it first came to be. Instead of one liners saying it is all just MEGA tripe, why doesn't someone just explain why it is not accurate? It would be great if we could have a normal debate about stuff like this instead of each side calling each other names. And yes, I know I have been guitly of that. I would like to do and be better.
It turns a statement about how America was built into an argument about word choice.

Nobody was confused about what the word "immigrant" meant in the context of building America until this person came along and tried to start a fight over definitions.
So, paying for a group of people to go to a country that isn't theirs?

I thought part of our current immigration problem was that some countries were supporting their citizens' journey to get into the US?

Right before the election Facebook and many a MAGA is saying it was the very same WHO
Wouldn't it be nice if there could be an intelligent discussion on immigration? Without one side coming from pure misinformation and the need to vilify anyone who's not like them? Too bad the GOP doesn't have any adults in the room anymore, and their voter base is the most uneducated electorate in the history of the nation. You idiots can't even see that people like Donald Trump are just using immigration as a dog whistle to whip you into a frothy lather. He literally blocked a bipartisan immigration bill years ago to make it a larger problem so you dipshits would vote for him again. MAGAs are fracking morons.
I agree!! If you can’t trace your lineage back to a Patriot ancestor who led, fought or supported the revolution….GET OUT OF HERE!! This country was founded by those entrepreneurs.

Wouldn't it be nice if there could be an intelligent discussion on immigration? Without one side coming from pure misinformation and the need to vilify anyone who's not like them? Too bad the GOP doesn't have any adults in the room anymore, and their voter base is the most uneducated electorate in the history of the nation. You idiots can't even see that people like Donald Trump are just using immigration as a dog whistle to whip you into a frothy lather. He literally blocked a bipartisan immigration bill years ago to make it a larger problem so you dipshits would vote for him again. MAGAs are fracking morons.
Some in the GOP tried to pass a sensible bill last year, but Orange Jesus killed it. He didn’t want to make America safer or our laws more reflexive. He wanted an issue.
Some in the GOP tried to pass a sensible bill last year, but Orange Jesus killed it. He didn’t want to make America safer or our laws more reflexive. He wanted an issue.
And it was so transparent. How his supporters just believe everything he says at face value when he's so obviously full of crap just baffles me daily.
America is not a nation of Immigrants. NOW I've heard just about everything from the party of the STUPID.

My ancestors directly came from Wales and Scotland. But they weren't immigrants. Nah! No immigration.

No ships arrived from Europe in the 15th century. Everyone was already here, correct right wing nut dipshits.
Wanting people to knock on the door and be welcomed into your home is not vilifying anything. I am PRO immigration but go through the process. Being an American is a privilege, and I get there's folks all around the world who would LOVE to live here. They need to focus on changing their country and not trying to bypass the process for legal immigration.

I would rather have a cashier than self check-out, but that doesn't mean I get to just walk out of the store with whatever I want. There's a universal basic understanding of right and wrong.

I guess I’d be willing to have a rational discussion about the merits of the article if immigration - as a whole - wasn’t vilified by one side of the political spectrum.

I’ll give as much recognition to the “founded” aspect when the other side cedes there is an enormous debt to be owed to the “built” facet.
But, who has villified legal immigration? I have not seen any evidence of that? Can you show me one example?

Also, no other country that I am aware of allows for people to just come in through their borders, be released, many without vetting while then getting many social services. Can you give me an example of another country that does this?
Because it's stupid on its face.

The first waves of British settlers were seeking a NEW land where they could exercise their religion without harassment, which they were facing at home. (Do you people not remember studying the Pilgrims in school?)

They were in every sense of the word "immigrants" to a new land.

Not to mention the OP's article conveniently neglects to mention that the land "settled" was not empty, virgin territory but rather already occupied. Once again making the newcomers "immigrants."
Actually their is a big difference. The colonist were sent here by the British govenment on a mission. Now, if want to call them an invasion force, fine. But no, they do not equate to someone sneaking into an establishede country, knowing the laws that exist.

There is nothing stupid about wanting to make sure that you vet those people coming into a country for safety reasons. I asked this there another country you are aware of in which people are allowed to just come in, take residence (and in many cases) get social services? We have so many people already here who are suffering and not getting the help they need. But, people are all up in arms for those who sneak into the country without even going through a port of entry.
Very false? It's an opinion which I am entitled to. This narrative that the nation wasn't already inhabited by others and that the white people who came here were entitled to take whatever they wished is coming straight out of conservative circles.
I am a conservative and have no problem calling the British Colonist invaders of a new land. And, they should not have been able to take what they want. But, how does that change things now?
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I am a conservative and have no problem calling the British Colonist invaders of a new land. And, they should not have been able to take what they want. But, how does that change things now?
Correct. Invaders is the correct term. That's exactly what I would have used to describe what happened. They came to a land they knew was inhabited by indigenous people with the full intent of taking the land. That's not what this Federalist article infers. The author basically states that these lands were there for the taking as if no prior claims to it existed.

Invaders. That's what conservatives are calling these people coming to the southern border today, however these people aren't coming in an organized effort to take over the country as was done earlier. Most of them are true immigrants that are simply looking for a better life for them and their families, just as millions of other people from which most of us have descended have for 100's of years. Give us your tired, your poor, your unwashed. That's what this country was built and thrived upon and no bullshit revisionist history is going to change that.

Fix the border. Fix the immigration system. Stop demonizing people who want a better life.
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Actually their is a big difference. The colonist were sent here by the British govenment on a mission. Now, if want to call them an invasion force, fine. But no, they do not equate to someone sneaking into an establishede country, knowing the laws that exist.

There is nothing stupid about wanting to make sure that you vet those people coming into a country for safety reasons. I asked this there another country you are aware of in which people are allowed to just come in, take residence (and in many cases) get social services? We have so many people already here who are suffering and not getting the help they need. But, people are all up in arms for those who sneak into the country without even going through a port of entry.
Your second sentence is incorrect. So I didn't read the rest of what you wrote.

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