Fran is irate that he can't save the TV timeouts. WHY?!!!!!!Wish Fran would head to the locker room at the last tv timeout
Yeah, I think team's would give up an open layup if he just once went away from "Lick 1". They'd be totally caught off guard because 99 out of 100 times Fran goes with Lick 1 in those situations.He is very good at sitting our best players, JU last game and Jok today, for what seems like an eternity, while the game is frittered away, so they do not foul out. This insures they will be on the court the last 3 minutes of the game so they can stand and watch MG dribble down to 7 seconds on the shot clock and then wildly bum rush the basket. I call that play: Lick 1.