Can someone point me to empirical evidence that the earth is a spinning ball hurdling through space

You're literally too stupid to have an argument with. Don't you have a cross to burn?
To be fair, the fish eye lense effect is real.

I'm pretty sure we're on a round world, but if we aren't, it's at least someone round, domed, and flat on the bottom.

Kind of how they showed Asgard as looking like in Thor.
Someone explain to Belemnole what the fisheye lens effect is, he's posting videos that are making my case for me.
It's obvious you don't know what it is as the objects clearly in the video do not have this phenomenon. So you are just another waste of everybody's time on here.
In 6.5 minutes a certified engineer deals a heavy blow to the globe earth model of our 'planet'.

This video is a real con. He pans back but never shows the camera is at beach level, he stops it before you know for sure. Next he shows the camera on a walk way well above the water level. No way I trust any of his findings because you don't know what levels he's actually at. Fake video just like Disney makes.
Is guaranteed income part of the change they can't handle or part of the crazy? Maybe both?
Don't know if I can articulate it now without being overly dramatic. Plus, I'm ishty at it. Plus, you already know this . . . the world is changing at an unprecedented rate. Crazies haven't been challenged like this ever before, so we see it more often particularly with the availability of like minds through the web and confirmation bias. We are inundated with information and stress. Stress stops the brain from working. It's too much to ask certain brains to adapt and take things at face value; change has to be reinterpreted into their paradigms - if it's not slow enough. See racism.

Oh, and see the lack of spelling errors . . .

The rate of change is going to create more crazies willing to buy bs. Explaining the science incorrectly to someone that doesn't understand the science will assume the explanation correct, particularly if it's a conservative brain that operates on fear or denial. This is in spite of the self evident. I often think this is why Jefferson used the phrase, " we hold these truths to be self-evident" , to take a shot at biblical miracles and take the edge off crazy. What is self evident, penis discharge into a vag or a virgin birth? where's the evidence of something like that ever happening because it's self-evident that it doesn't happen.

Tangentially, If someone argues against self-evident w/ a dose of crazy, leave the argument. It's like Neil DeGrasse says, if you argue over 15 minutes you're both wrong. There's the facts and nothing.

A jobless economy is a natural consequence of the pursuit of tech. It's our natural progression because we are what we are: tool making chimps.

Moore's law is too fast for crazy. Crazies think it all part of a conspiracy. It's too much to digest. Man couldn't come up with all this on his own w/out the illuminati or spiritual guidance . . . no job is stress, stress is less brain, more crazy. More Trump. That's what I mean when I say it's gonna get worse. Jobless economy will make it worse.

The earth is gonna get even flatter.

OTOH, A dipisht like Trump getting elected has made the far left crazy (along w/ an emboldened/validated crazy population). . . see Huey.

sorry, too long. I could easily go onto my concern about AI, but that wasn't my point.
Don't know if I can articulate it now without being overly dramatic. Plus, I'm ishty at it. Plus, you already know this . . . the world is changing at an unprecedented rate. Crazies haven't been challenged like this ever before, so we see it more often particularly with the availability of like minds through the web and confirmation bias. We are inundated with information and stress. Stress stops the brain from working. It's too much to ask certain brains to adapt and take things at face value; change has to be reinterpreted into their paradigms - if it's not slow enough. See racism.

Oh, and see the lack of spelling errors . . .

The rate of change is going to create more crazies willing to buy bs. Explaining the science incorrectly to someone that doesn't understand the science will assume the explanation correct, particularly if it's a conservative brain that operates on fear or denial. This is in spite of the self evident. I often think this is why Jefferson used the phrase, " we hold these truths to be self-evident" , to take a shot at biblical miracles and take the edge off crazy. What is self evident, penis discharge into a vag or a virgin birth? where's the evidence of something like that ever happening because it's self-evident that it doesn't happen.

Tangentially, If someone argues against self-evident w/ a dose of crazy, leave the argument. It's like Neil DeGrasse says, if you argue over 15 minutes you're both wrong. There's the facts and nothing.

A jobless economy is a natural consequence of the pursuit of tech. It's our natural progression because we are what we are: tool making chimps.

Moore's law is too fast for crazy. Crazies think it all part of a conspiracy. It's too much to digest. Man couldn't come up with all this on his own w/out the illuminati or spiritual guidance . . . no job is stress, stress is less brain, more crazy. More Trump. That's what I mean when I say it's gonna get worse. Jobless economy will make it worse.

The earth is gonna get even flatter.

OTOH, A dipisht like Trump getting elected has made the far left crazy (along w/ an emboldened/validated crazy population). . . see Huey.

sorry, too long. I could easily go onto my concern about AI, but that wasn't my point.
I'm going to call this art. Well done.
I am genuinely curious. I too dismissed this topic until a friend of mine started a discussion a few months ago about this. Around the same time a few Youtube videos popped up in the side bar claiming to prove a flat earth or at the very least a geocentric model vs the currently accepted heliocentric model. Some of them are very convincing, but especially the guy above, he is an engineer who also randomly got into this topic and using commonly accepted scientific principle has come to the conclusion that the earth is probably flat and at the very least we have never been into "space". Watch his videos if you like and check his math and logic, or provide a counter argument, because I am really starting to freak out.

You have no idea what geocentric or heliocentric even mean.
So lets recap...I've posted videos and links to an engineer proving that the current model of the 'globe' earth and traveling through space are not feasible and historical references to engineers saying that the earths curvature were not taken into account when running railroad lines and digging canals.

Proving? No.

You haven't even asked a salient question yet.

Railroads and canals don't need to take 'Earth's curvature into account', because they take 'Earth's altitude into account'. And that's because gravity is roughly the same everywhere at the same altitude (sea level) except for very very minor Earth density variations.
I'm still awaiting the explanations on the flight time discrepancies from "flat Earth map".....

Also....where does the sun shine from in Flat Earth World? Is there a big aperture in the sky that blocks the light from one part of Flat Earth to the next?
Proving? No.

You haven't even asked a salient question yet.

Railroads and canals don't need to take 'Earth's curvature into account', because they take 'Earth's altitude into account'. And that's because gravity is roughly the same everywhere at the same altitude (sea level) except for very very minor Earth density variations.
Now, does that include the OP's skull? I might be flying over it sometime.
Someone should tell the guys working on the composite images of the earth at NASA that the prevailing theory right now is that the earth is an oblate spheroid and not a perfect circle. That is unless you listen to Neil Tyson, if that's the case the earth is pear shaped.
OP has proven nothing except one of the following:

1.The existence of God
2. We exist in the Matrix and nothing is really real
3. He is a silly DB

At least I'm presenting evidence that gives credence to my claims and I'm building my case. You guys have only posted insults and videos that bolter MY claims.
I linked a Warchant discussion from a few weeks ago. Same topic. Actual engineers and a pilot (Air Force and commercial) participated. Actual evidence presented.

Did you ever take calculus?
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